NPS photo.
Investigating Volcanoes
Geology—Reading the Rocks
Geologic Map Gallery—Volcano Parks
Geologic Resources Inventory
Park Geology Albums—Volcano Parks
Geologic Resources Inventory
Geologic Reports—Volcano Parks
Geologic Resources Inventory
Glossary of Geologic Terms
Geologic Resources Inventory
Geoheritage Connections
Geologic Heritage encompasses the significant geologic features, landforms, and landscapes characteristic of our Nation which are preserved for the full range of values that society places on them, including scientific, aesthetic, cultural, ecosystem, educational, recreational, tourism, and other values.
Geologic sites in your community or near your school are important because they provide insights into local and regional Earth history and processes. Undesignated geologic heritage sites near where people work, live, and play provide countless opportunities to touch nature and enjoy the outdoors.
Geology in Your Backyard
Geologic Concepts
Geoscience Education Partners
American Geosciences Institute | https://www.americangeosciences.org/
American Geosciences Institute—Educational Resources | https://www.americangeosciences.org/education/resources
Earth Science Literacy Initiative | www.earthscienceliteracy.org
Earth Science Week | https://www.earthsciweek.org/
National Fossil Day | https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fossilday/index.htm
- U.S. Geological Survey | www.usgs.gov/start_with_science
Site Index and Credits
[Site Under Development]
Volcanoes, Craters & Lava Flows [Home Page]
About Volcanoes [Current Page]
Volcanic Eruption Types (Article Series)
Magmatic Eruptions (Article)
Phreatic Eruptions (Article)
Volcanic Eruption Styles (Article Series)
Hawaiian-style Eruptions (Article)
Strombolian Eruptions (Article)
Vulcanian Eruptions (Article)
Sub-Plinian Eruptions (Article)
Plinian Eruptions (Article)
Ultra-Plinian Eruptions (Article)
Lahars (Article)
Landslides (Article)
Volcanoes & Volcanic Landforms
Volcano Types (Article Series)
Cinder Cones (Article)
Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes) (Article)
Shield Volcanoes (Article)
Calderas (Article)
Explosive Calderas (Article)
Summit Calderas (Article)
Resurgent Calderas (Article)
Older Caldera Complexes (Article)
Nonexplosive Calderas (Article)
“Super Volcanoes” (Article)
Domes (Article)
Maars & Tuff Rings (Article)
Fissure Volcanoes (Article)
Volcanic Fields—Momogenetic (Article)
Volcanic Landscapes
Volcanic Places—Case Studies (Article Series)
Volcanic Resources Summary—Capulin Volcano National Monument (Article)
Volcanic Resources Summary—El Malpais National Monument (Article)
Volcanic Resources Summary—Lassen Volcanic National Park (Article)
Volcanic Necks and Plugs (Article)
Volcanic Inverted Topography (Article)
Craters & Other Volcanic Features
Volcanic Features (Article Series)
Volcanic Craters (Article)
Vents (Article)
Crater Lakes (Article)
Lava Lakes (Article)
Fumaroles (Article)
Lava Flows & Other Volcanic Deposits
(Article Series)
Lava Flow Forms (Article)
Lava Flow Surface Features (Article)
Inflation Structures, Lava-Rise Plateaus & Inflation Pits (Article)
Pillow Basalts (Article)
Tree Mold Fossils (Article)
Kipukas (Article)
Block Flows (Article)
Domes (Article)
Volcanic Places—Case Studies (Article Series)
Volcanoes, Craters & Lava Flows (2022) [Site Under Development]
Text by Allyson C. Mathis (geologist / science writer). Contributors: Tom Casadevall (USGS), Tim Connors (GRD), Ed Robeck (AGI), Vincent Santucci (GRD), Trista Thornberry-Ehrlich (CSU). Project lead / web development: Jim Wood (GRD).
Produced under a Cooperative Agreement for earth science education between the National Park Service's Geologic Resources Division and the American Geosciences Institute.
Citing pages from NPS websites:
Walkup, L.C., T.J. Casadevall, and V.L. Santucci, 2017. Born of Fire: In Search of Volcanoes in U.S. National Parks, Four Striking Examples. Earth Sciences History Vol. 36, No. 2, 2017 pp. 197–244. https://irma.nps.gov/DataStore/Reference/Profile/2247733
Last updated: December 12, 2022