Explore Careers

A park ranger in uniform standing near a large stone archway with their hands outstretched above their head
A park ranger next to the Roosevelt Arch near the park's North Entrance in Gardiner, Montana, on a winter day.

NPS / Jacob W. Frank


Are you curious about careers in Yellowstone National Park?

During an average year, Yellowstone has roughly 750 National Park Service employees, 300 volunteers, 3,000 concessions employees, and 300 contractors working throughout the park. From studying archeological sites, to maintaining boardwalks, to predicting the next Old Faithful eruption, there are many types of positions that help preserve the park's natural and cultural resources for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. Learn more about the variety of careers available in Yellowstone below!

four park rangers talking into microphones around a conference table
Listen to our "What We Do" Podcast

Curious about NPS jobs in Yellowstone? Listen to our "What We Do" podcast for an inside look at working for the world's first national park.

a park ranger helping a visitor in a visitor center
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Administrative & Employee Support

Learn about NPS careers that focus on administrative and employee support. Job titles can include administrative officer; administrative specialist; contract specialist; budget analyst; financial specialist; human resources; grants management specialist; clerk; safety and occupational health specialist; transportation specialist; supply clerk and technician; teller and more.



Cultural Resources

Learn about NPS careers that focus on cultural resources. Job titles can include archeologist; social science technician; exhibits specialist; cultural resource specialist; museum specialist and technician; museum curator; landscape architect; historical architect; librarian; anthropologist; historian; archives technician and more.




Learn about NPS careers that focus on education. Job titles can include park ranger; park guide; social science aid; recreation aid and more.



Emergency Medical Services

Learn about NPS careers that focus on emergency medical services. Job titles can include dispatcher; park ranger (protection); public health consultant; emergency medical technician and more.



Facilities & Utilities

Learn about NPS careers that focus on facilities and utilities. Job titles can include carpenter; civil engineer; custodial worker; equipment and facility operator; engineering technician; engineering equipment operator; facilities operations specialist; heavy mobile equipment mechanic; laborer; maintenance mechanic; mechanical engineer; motor vehicle operator; utility systems operator and more.



Information Technology

Learn about NPS careers that focus on information technology. Job titles can include information technology manager; information technology specialist; telecommunications; computer scientist; engineering technician; electronics technician and more.



Law Enforcement

Learn about NPS careers that focus on law enforcement. Job titles can include park ranger (protection); park ranger (backcountry) and more.



Natural Resources

Learn about NPS careers that focus on natural resources. Job titles can include biological science technician; botanist; ecologist; environmental protection specialist; geologist; hydrologist; natural resource specialist; physical science technician; GIS technician; forestry technician and more.



Visitor Experience

Learn about NPS careers that focus on visitor experience. Job titles can include park ranger (interpretation); park guide; outdoor recreation planner; educational technician; social science aid; recreation aid; recreation fee technician; visitor services specialist and more.



Visual & Written Arts

Learn about NPS careers that focus on visual and written arts. Job titles can include public affairs specialist; public information officer; visual information specialist; digital communications specialist; audiovisual production specialist; writer-editor; technical writer-editor; exhibit specialist; media specialist and more.



Wildland & Structural Fire

Learn about NPS careers that focus on wildland and structural fire. Job titles can include fire ecologist; dispatcher; fire management officer; fire management specialist; wildland fire operations specialist; wildfire operations technician; forestry technician and more.




Learn about NPS careers that focus on wildlife. Job titles can include biological science technician; natural resource specialist; wildlife biologist; fish biologist and more.



Last updated: February 3, 2025

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PO Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168



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