Late summer heat contributed to increased fire behaviors in the area. Expect hazy and smokey condition throughout the park this weekend. Cooler temperature is in the forecast next week - even chance of snow showers at higher elevation. Always check the weather forecast prior to your visit.
There is a Burn Ban in Effectin the park. If you see smoke or flames, please contact a ranger station to share the location. Practice caution while recreating near wildfires, conditions can change rapidly depending on winds and temperature. Please check our Fire Closures page for the most up to date information.
Backcountry Permits are required year round for all overnight trips in the park and they help us locate you in an emergency.
Be sure to check the weather forecast, trail conditions, and closures beforehand. As always, leave a detailed itinerary with a friend or family member, including the date and time you plan to exit the backcountry.
Keep wildlife alive and well by keeping your distance and your scented items stored properly. When given the opportunity to obtain human food, habituation occurs and can result in harm to the animal (natural inhabitant), even euthanization. Be a part of the prevention, not the problem.
The trail conditions listed in the table below represent the last known status, or general conditions. E-mail us if you have trail conditions to report.
Stay up-to-date with road, trail, and camp closures related to wildfire and seasonal winter closures using the helpful links provided. Understand the rules and regulations, including food storage requirements at each camp or cross-country zone, prior to your visit. You can find the backcountry permit process and regulations on the backcountry permit page.
Note: Overnight camping at trailheads in the National Park is prohibited. This includes the Eldorado, Boston Basin, and Cascade Pass trailheads.
New Closures related to Ruby Fire and Pioneer Fire - See the full list on the Fire Closures page.
Cascade River Road is closed at MP 8, near Marble Creek Campground, due to the Pincer Two fire. There is no access to the park beyond the closure.
Boat-in Camps closed due to low lake levels: Dry Creek, Lightning Creek, and Silver Creek. Lightning Creek Stock camp remains open.
Current Trail Conditions
Current trail conditions are reported by rangers and trail crew, and updated as frequently as possible. Please read the "general" condition for each trail when there is no recent update available.
North Cascades National Park Complex is a dynamic, natural environment where events and conditions are unpredictable. There is a possibility that trail and campground closures, environmental conditions (such as snow, high stream crossings, etc.), natural events (such as fires, aggressive animals, etc.), or other NPS management actions may impact your trip.
Ross Dam Trailhead at 2100'
Big Beaver Camp 1600'
Beaver Pass 3654'
Hiker, Stock
7/16 - Trail is cleared from Ross Dam trailhead to Stillwell camp junction (not including Stillwell camp)
General: Stillwell Camp has many down logs in camp blocking the main trail, which makes it confusing to navigate. Toilet is located on far skier's right (east of the camp sites).
Little Beaver (Ross Lake to Whatcom Pass)
Ross Lake 1600', Stillwell Camp 2500',
Whatcom Pass 5200'
Hiker only from Little Beaver to Stillwell
8/22 - Trail is almost cleared of down trees from Little Beaver to the junction with Big Beaver. Cairns and flagging around Redoubt Creek are there to help guide hikers through the area. Little Beaver trail condition deteriorates past Big Beaver junction and gets significantly worse past old Stillwell turnoff. Trail can be very brushy and hard to follow. Extreme blowdowns and trail washouts from the old Stillwell crossing to Twin Rocks and beyond.
General (2023): Perry Creek Camp signpost is currently off the main trail (a slight reroute), plus old, making it hard to see especially for hikers coming from Big Beaver direction. Sections of Little Beaver trail are washed out and can be hard to find (some blue flagging and rock cairns are there to guide the way).
Whatcom Pass is closed due to fire damage from 2022.
General: Perry Creek and Redoubt Creek present difficult crossings in early seasons despite foot logs (may or may not be present).
Trail Name
Elevation and Trail Type
Reported Conditions
Thunder Creek (Colonial Creek Campground to Park Creek Pass)
Trailhead (Colonial Creek Campground) 1200'
Park Creek Pass 6100'
Hiker, stock
8/9 - Trail closed due to Ruby Fire
7/25 - Trail crew has mostly logged out the switchbacks above Skagit Queen. The last two switchbacks still have downed trees but they are easy to navigate. The trail is still in rough shape. Account for slower travel time for the switchbacks above Skagit Queen. Trail is brushy at sections south of Skagit Queen. Park Creek Pass is snow-free.
7/6 - Park Creek Pass is still snow-covered.Switchbacks up to the pass has little patchy snow that will most likely melt out in a week.
6/28 - Trail is cleared to Skagit Queen camp. Expect snow in Thunder Basin and Park Creek Pass.
General: Ford of Thunder Creek north of Thunder Basin Stock can be high or impassable during spring run-off or after heavy rains. Food canisters required for camping at Thunder Basin Camp June 1 - Nov. 15. Stoves only, no fires at Thunder Basin Camp.
Trailhead 1800', Panther Camp ~2000'
Fourth of July Pass 3500'
Hiker only
8/9 - Trail closed due to Ruby Fire
5/23 - Trail is cleared
General: Panther Camp was rebuilt and relocated in 2012 and is 3.7 miles from the trailhead (~0.5 miles southwest of the old camp). New bridge built in 2013 over Panther Creek.
Easy Pass / Fisher Creek
Trailhead 3700', Easy Pass 6400'
Hiker only
7/20- Trail closed due to the Easy Fire.
7/6 - Very few patches of snow remaining on trail
No camping at Easy Pass
Park Creek (Park Creek Pass to Upper Stehekin Valley Trail)
Stehekin River 2300',
Park Creek Pass 6100'
Hiker, stock
8/9 - Trail closed due to Pioneer Fire Complex
7/13 - Around 200' of elevation still snow-covered on S side of Park Creek Pass.
6/28 - No recent report. Expect snow leading up to Park Creek Pass
Trailhead 1605', Camp 5560'
Lookout 6108'
Hiker only
6/30 - Trail to Desolation Camp is snow-free. Desolation Camp is snow-free. There is a seasonal spring half way between Desolation dock and Desolation camp. Otherwise, no water near camp.
Food storage canisters required at Desolation Camp June 1 - Nov. 15.
Devils Dome Loop
Trailhead 2000',
high point (Devil's Dome): 7000'
Horse, hiker
No recent report. Expect snow above 5000'
General: Bridge over Canyon Creek is still damaged; hikers must start at East Bank TH or ford the creek if the water level is low enough.
Bridge Creek Trailhead 4600’,
NPS South Boundary 2000’
Hiker, stock
6/12 – Trail is cleared from Bridge Creek trailhead to Fireweed camp. 5/16 - Temporary suspension bridge is installed at Maple Creek and North Fork. Trail is cleared from High Bridge to Maple Creek.
South of the Park, in the Glacier Peak Wilderness (USFS): No current report. Due to hazard trees, it is not safe to camp at Hemlock Camp. Alternative camps include 2.4 miles south of Suiattle Pass (just before entering Sitting Bull Basin), Cedar Camp 2.8 miles north of Hemlock Camp, and 1.9 miles up the South Fork Agnes Creek Trail. The bridge over Agnes Creek at Hemlock Camp is out of service.
Aggressive bear activity has been reported in all the camps along the PCT, especially Fireweed and South Fork. Remember to store your food and all scented items properly at all times!
General: Bears are common along this drainage. Be vigilant about keeping camps clean and use food storage lockers. Report all bear sightings to rangers at any North Cascades National Park contact station
Trailhead at 1700', trail ends at 2000'
Hiker only
5/16 - Trail is logged out
Dagger Lake / Twisp Pass
Fireweed 3900', Dagger Lake 5508',
Twisp Pass 6100'
Hiker, stock
6/28 - Trail is cleared to Twisp Pass. Trail is mostly clear of snow.
Backcountry permits required for overnight stays at Stiletto Lake; dogs not permitted.
North Fork
2800' to 4200'
Hiker, stock
5/16 - Trail is logged out to Walker Park
General: CrossingGrizzly Creek requires a ford of 3 channels -- all can run high and fast and can be unsafe to ford during early season snowmeltand after large rain events. Trail is often faint and hard to follow in northern-most 2 miles. Grizzly Creek Camp was rebuilt in 2012 south of Grizzly Creek ford. Due to repeated flooding of Grizzly Creek, Grizzly Creek Stock Camp is permanently closed--stock should use Walker Park.
Fireweed 3900', McAlester Pass 6000',
South Pass 6300', Bench Creek 3800’,
Rainbow Bridge 2040’
Hiker, stock
8/22- Trail is closed south of McAlester Pass
6/28 - Trail is cleared from junction with Fireweed to Stehekin, McAlester Pass is snow free 4/26 - Suspension bridge at Rainbow Ford is installed
General: Seasonal bridge at Rainbow Ford is removed every fall. Ford may be high or impassable at other times of year.Southern end of this trail passes through the 2010 Rainbow Bridge Fire zone. There may be new downed trees between Rainbow Ford and Rainbow Bridge camps.
South Fork 3200’, Rainbow Lake 5630',
Bowan Pass 6200'
Hiker, stock
7/28- Trail is closed due to the Pioneer Fire
7/14 - Visitors report only one small inconsequential snow patch remaining on Bowan Pass, with a good running water source at the Pass.
General: Must ford Bridge Creek at South Fork Camp or use foot log.
General: Food storage canisters are recommended for camping at Heaton Camp -- hanging food can be difficult here. No fires allowed at Heaton Camp.
Stiletto Spur / Stiletto Peak
4000' to ~6100'
Hiker, stock
No recent report. Expect snow on Stiletto Peak trail.
General: Route-finding required to reach the location of the old fire lookout on a sub-peak of Stiletto Ridge. Trail receives only light maintenance. Trail fades out in meadows at ~6100'.In Stiletto Cross-Country Zone, which includes Stiletto Lake, CAMPING PERMITS REQUIRED - STOVES ONLY, NO FIRES.
Stiletto Spur: General - Stock parties have a difficult approach to both sides of ford of State Creek. The foot log crossing over State Creek is not recommended for use. Ford can be impassable after large rain/snow events. Stock parties should use Pacific Crest Trail instead.
Trailhead 3000'
Hannegan Pass 5060'
Canadian border 2000'
Hiker, stock
LONG-TERM FIRE CLOSURES: The Chilliwack River trail is closed from the cable car to the Northern terminus due to fire damage from 2022- Fire Closures
7/1/24- Hannegan Pass trail is free of snow to the pass. Dropping down the other side of the pass is still holding snow for the first several switchbacks on a steep slope. There is also snow at the creek crossing just before Boundary Camp. At Boundary Camp 2 out of 3 campsites are free of snow
Bear Creek camp is closed due to fire damage (2021)
General: Cable car over the Chilliwack replaced on 10/2019. Trail is passible to stock to US Cabin. Brush Creek/access to Graybeal Camp is currently inaccessible to stock. Pets and hunting are not allowed in the National Park. Trail north of Bear Creek Camp is abandoned and is a difficult bush-whack cross-country route. Little Chilliwack Camp no longer exists due to the changing course of the Chilliwack River.
LONG-TERM FIRE CLOSURES: The Copper Ridge trail is closed north of Copper Lake camp due to fire damage from 2022- Fire Closures
7/11/24- The trail is snow free to Copper Ridge. On the ridge there are several patches of snow to navigate across. Be prepared for soft snow conditions and postholing waist deep.
All the campsites sites at Boundary and Egg Lake are free of snow. There is still snow at Silesia, one site is melted out.
General: In summer, no water between Boundary Camp and the ridge. Water on the ridge is available at Copper and Egg Lakes. No water at Silesia Camp once snows melt--must get water at Egg Lake (1 mile round-trip). Trail can be brushy at low elevations on the north end of the ridge, near the ford of the Chilliwack River and Indian Creek. No reliable water between one mile east of Copper Lake and the Chilliwack River.
Brush Creek (to Whatcom Pass)
Whatcom Pass: 5055'
Hiker, Stock
LONG-TERM FIRE CLOSURES: The entire Brush Creek trail is closed due to fire damage from 2022- Fire Closures
Hard-sided food storage canisters strongly recommended at Whatcom Camp due to limited tree limbs and high animal activity.
Trailhead 3660', Cascade Pass 5400',
Sahale Glacier Camp 7600'
Hiker only. No Pets, No Hunting
8/2/24: Cascade River Road is closed at MP 8, near Marble Creek Campground, due to the Pincer Two fire. There is no access to the park beyond the closure. All trails in the area are closed - see the fire closure page for full details.
7/9/24: There is one small patch of snow on the traverse to Cascade Pass, snow was soft and slushy, be cautious while traveling through the snow. The boot pack through the snow is forming below the trail, so please remember to travel on the trail to avoid damaging fragile alpine plants.
There is patchy snow on the Sahale Arm trail, with the most challenging section right above Cascade Pass, be aware of creek crossings and water running under the snow. The Sahale Glacier camp bivy sites are all melted out, but there is still snow between the camps. The Sahale toilet is very close to full and is not useable, you must bring blue bags to pack out your waste.
6/13-Basin Creek Bridge has been installed for the season
General: Cascade River Road typically does not open to Cascade Pass Trailhead until July 1st- condition dependent.
NO CAMPING AT CASCADE PASS, Doubtful Lake, and anywhere along the trail. Camping only allowed at designated camps. Trail typically not snow free until mid-July.
Flat Creek camp is currently closed due to hazard trees.
Upper Stehekin Valley Trail/ Stehekin Road (old road from Bridge Creek Camp to Cottonwood Camp)
Bridge Creek Camp (2200') to Cottonwood Camp(2800')
Hiker, Stock
8/2 - Trail is closed due to Pioneer Fire and Flat Creek Fire
5/16 - Trail is logged out
Trail Name
Elevation and Trail Type
Reported Conditions
Boulder Creek
Trailhead 1200', Purple Pass 6900'
Hiker, Stock
7/17- Trail is closed due to the Pioneer Fire
3/30-Trail cleared 1/2 mile past Hooter hiker camp
Lower sections burned in 2010 Rainbow Bridge Fire and the 2014 Lone Mountain Fire; the trail can be dry and dusty. Blowdowns are common on this trail due to past forest fires.
Trailhead 1200', Purple Pass 6900',
War Creek Pass 6500'
Hiker, Stock
7/17- Trail is closed due to the Pioneer Fire
4/2- Purple Creek trail cleared 4.5 miles up from Stehekin Landing
Summer: Only water source is at crossing of Purple Creek 2 miles from Stehekin. Very slow-flowing spring near Juanita Lake--the lake is stagnant and not an attractive water source in late season.Campfires are not allowed at Juanita Lake Camp--bring camp stove for cooking.
7/17- Trail is closed due to the Pioneer Fire
No recent report
Trail Name
Elevation and Trail Type
Reported Conditions
Baker River
Trailhead at 800', trail's end at 900'
Hiker only
No recent report
General: This trail begins on Forest Service land and crosses into the National Park: dogs are not allowed in the national park and backcountry permits are required to stay at Sulphide Creek Camp.
Diablo Lake
Trailhead 1200' - max. 2000'
Hiker only
6/5- Trail is open and accessible via the Diablo Dam Rd. Ross Jeep tunnel is open and the trail is accessible via Ross Dam trailhead and hiking down the portage road. 5/7 - Trail is cleared
Trailhead 3700', Hidden Lake: 5700',
Hidden Lake Lookout: 6,700'
Hiker only Pets not allowed in the National Park
7/20/24- Cascade River Road is closed at MP 8, near Marble Creek Campground, due to the Pincer Two fire. There is no access to the park beyond the closure.
6/30 - 4WD/AWD/high-clearance highly recommended to reach the trailhead. Patchy snow starts around 5200' where creeks are flowing through the switchbacks. Snow bridges are present. Consistent snow starts soon after around 5400'. Hikers should be prepared with ice axe and trekking poles and know how to self-arrest. Many snow bridges near boulders and creeks. Summer trail up to the lookout is covered with a layer of snow over boulders on steep slope – not recommended until the snow is almost fully melted out. One may traverse low down to access the ridge for the lookout, but be keenly aware of snow condition – hazards include postholing into boulder field holes, or slip and slide on steep slope. Avoid walking on heathers in between snow slopes.
Backcountry Camping Permits are required past the saddle and down to Hidden Lake. Reaching Hidden Lake requires traveling over a very challenging and steep boulder field.
Food canisters required in Hidden Lake Cross Country Zone June 1 - Nov. 15.Pets and hunting are not allowed beyond the ridge or down to the lake.
5/20- Patchy snow begins around 4300ft just past the Monogram/Lookout junction then consistent begins at 5000ft. There is a creek crossing in the first clearing at around 5000ft with thinning snow bridges, and will likely become more difficult to navigate as the snow melts out. Camps are still under snow.
4/14- Trail is clear for first 2 miles, then patchy snow starts just before Monogram/Lookout junction at around 3500 feet
Lookout Mountain (USFS): Last flowing water source in summer is ~1/2 mile past the trail split to Monogram Lake. A small pool of water is just below the lookout.
General: Pets and hunting are not allowed in National Park. Food canisters are required for camping at Monogram Lake June 1 - Nov. 15. Backcountry Permits required for camping at Monogram Lake year-round. Look for tent pads and separate cooking areas. Do not camp on the lake shore.
Trailhead at 900'
Sourdough Camp at 5055'
Sourdough Lookout at 5968'
Hiker only
LONG-TERM FIRE CLOSURES-Sourdough Mountain trail and Sourdough camp is closed due to the Sourdough Fire- Fire Closures.
General: The ridgeline trail can be difficult to follow. Cairns mark the trail just east of the lookout. East of Pierce Mountain Camp the trail is somewhat difficult to follow due to brush and downed trees. After snowmelt, no water available on Pierce Mountain Trail except from pools at Pierce Mountain Camp which will dry up as the summer progresses. Carry plenty of water if ascending the trail from the junction with Big Beaver Trail.
Hard-sided food canister required at Sourdough and Pierce Mountain Camps June 1 - Nov. 15. Pets and hunting are not allowed past the National Park boundary (about 2 miles from trailhead).
LONG-TERM FIRE CLOSURES-Stetattle Creek trail is closed due to the Sourdough Fire- Fire Closures.
No recent report. Expect recently downed trees along the trail, high creek crossings and snow at higher elevations.
General: Several challenging trail sections in the first 1/4 mile where the creek has eroded the bank and trail (some scrambling and hand holds). Not recommended for beginners or families with small children.
Trailhead 3000', ridge above lake is 5000',
Thornton Lake 4500'
Hiker only
9/7 - Be advised that Thornton Lake Road is getting really washboarded. Higher clearance vehicle and 4WD/AWD is recommended. Trail down to Thornton Lake and up to Trappers Peak is steep and take some scrambling skills.To reach Thornton Lake Camp, hikers need to scramble down large boulders and cross a log jam at the lake outlet. Trappers Peak trail is not a maintained trail.
No Camping at Trappers Peak nor by any lakes. Camping only allowed at designated sites at Thornton Lake Camp.
General: The trail from the ridge to the lakeshore is steeper than most trails and can be very slippery when wet or icy. Crossing the lake outlet requires crossing a logjam, use caution. Not recommended for families with small children.
Food canisters requiredat Thornton Lakes Camp June 1 - Nov 15.
To access trailhead, park along SR 20 and not in Colonial Creek Campground. 5/9 - Temporary bridge is installed to access the trail
Trail Name
Elevation and Trail Type
Reported Conditions
Bullion Loop Trail
Trailhead 1500'
Hiker, Stock
3/31- Bullion Loop trail cleared to High Bridge
Company Creek
Trailhead 1200', leaves park at 2500'
Hiker, stock
3/31-Company Creek trail cleared to USFS boundary sign
General: Must ford Company Creek at 5 mile. Trail is obscure south of Hilgard Pass and difficult to follow due to damage from 2015 Wolverine Fire.
Devore Creek
NPS boundary 2000'
Hiker only
3/29-Devore Creek trail cleared to USFS boundary sign
General: Trail south of Ten Mile Pass (to Hilgard Pass) is obscure and difficult to follow due to 2015 Wolverine Fire.
Lakeshore Trail
Elevation 1200'
Hiker, stock
6/14- Due to Pioneer Creek Fire, the Lakeshore trail is closed from Stehekin to Flick Creek camp. Flick Creek camp is closed.
3/27-Lakeshore trail cleared from Flick to Stehekin Landing
General: High rattlesnake activity, particularly on sunny days. Ticks common in spring and early summer.This trail was burned over in 2010, so new blowdowns are common.
Trail closed due to Pioneer Fire.
3/28-Rainbow Loop trail cleared
General: Southern end of this trail passes through the 2010 Rainbow Bridge Fire zone. There may be new down trees between Lower Rainbow Loop TH and Rainbow Bridge camp. Trail from Bench Creek to Stehekin can be dry and dusty.
Stehekin River Trail
Hiker only
3/29- Stehekin River Trail cleared
General: In 2015, this trail was used as a fire break for the Wolverine Fire--expect to see many cut trees. Trail often floods during spring snowmelt and high-water events. Trail access is from south end of Stehekin airstrip.