
Monroe Elementary School in Topeka, Kansas, is not the only site where the story of Brown v. Board of Education can be told. There were many segregated schools throughout the country, and countless parents who disliked the segregated system and wanted something better for their children. As a symbol of the struggle for equal educational opportunity, Monroe Elementary School provides an ideal setting from which to interpret Brown v. Board of Education.


Brown v. Board of Education NHP is in the process of establishing partnerships with the communities in Delaware, District of Columbia, South Carolina and Virginia, so that we can all tell the story of Brown v. Board of Education.

  • Hockesson number 107, a small and vastly inferior schoolhouse.
    Belton (Bulah) v. Gebhart

    Two cases of inequality, Belton v. Gebhart, and Bulah v. Gebhart argued by Louis Redding, Delaware's first African American attorney.

  • The superior, modern brick building for John Phillip Sousa Junior High School
    Bolling v. Sharpe

    John Phillip Sousa Junior High School in Washington D.C. refused to admit 11 African Americans despite having several empty classrooms.

  • Monroe Elementary, a seemingly equal facility
    Brown v. Board of Education

    Started by the NAACP, 13 parents in Topeka, KS. enrolled their children in white schools but were refused.

  • Liberty Hill, a one room wood and tar paper shack of a school in Clarendon county South Carolina.
    Briggs v. Elliott

    When their petition for buses was ignored, 20 parents in South Carolina filed suit to challenge segregation itself.

  • Inferior tar paper Robert Russa Moton High School building.
    Davis v. County School Board

    Following a 400-student strike in Farmville, VA, the NAACP agreed to help them file suit against segregation itself.


African American Experience Fund

The mission of the African American Experience Fund of the National Park Foundation is to preserve African American history by supporting education programs in National Parks that celebrate African American history and culture. There are 26 National Parks identified by the African American Experience Fund:

Last updated: May 24, 2023

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Mailing Address:

1515 SE Monroe Street
Topeka, KS 66612-1143


785 354-4273

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