Become a Junior Ranger at Kalaupapa National Historical Park by completing the Arrowhead activity plus any other activity of your choice. Have fun as you explore, learn, and protect from home! Kalaupapa National Historical Park is a unique site that preserves the history of the Native Hawaiians who lived there and past and present patients of Hansen's disease. Native Hawaiians lived at Kalaupapa for 900 years before they were removed from the land to make room for those sent there to live in isolation as Hansen’s disease patients. Kalaupapa is a place that highlights the resilience of the human spirit, as well as some very special plants and animals including thirty that are threatened or endangered.Learn more about the cultural significance and natural history of Kalaupapa as you complete these activities online! Once completed, print the online certificate, say the pledge out loud to your parents, and sign your online certificate. Congratulations! You are now an official Junior Ranger of Kalaupapa National Historical Park. Culture and Mo'olelo Video (All ages) and Questions (Ages 8 and up)Watch this video on the culture and mo‘olelo (story) of Kalaupapa and answer these questions.
Kalaupapa Website Scavenger Hunt (Ages 8 and up)Hunt for the answers for at least five questions in any of the topics below. Have fun!Places
Moʻokūʻauhau- Family Story and Genealogy (Ages 5 and up)Learning about the history of a place and of people is important to connect the past and the present, to understand culture, and to learn lessons we can carry with us into the future. Do you know your moʻokūʻauhau (genealogy)? Complete the moʻokūʻauhau worksheet then interview your family members to learn about your own family history.Do you know about your family history? If you can, call or video interview your family members, grandparents, parents, uncles, and aunts. Think about what questions you have for them and what you want to know about them? Some potential interview questions include:
Draw an ‘Īlioholoikauaua and a humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa! (Ages 4 and up)‘Īlioholoikauaua, the Hawaiian monk seal, is one of two mammals native to Hawai‘i. They can be found sunning on the beaches of Kalaupapa. ‘Īlioholoikauaua are endangered with only about 1,100 left in the wild. Do you know what ‘īlioholoikauaua translates to? Answer: The dog that runs in the rough (seas)Follow the steps to draw your own ‘īlioholoikauaua. Color it in and give it a name! Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa is the state fish of Hawai‘i. The humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa is a species of triggerfish commonly seen in the waters around the state. The humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa is one of the forms the powerful pig god Kamapua‘a can take on, like he did when fleeing from Pele and her lava. Do you know what humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa translates to? Answer: Pig nose or snout. The fish has tough leathery skin and a pig like nose. Follow the steps to draw your own humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa. Color it in and give it a name! Arrowhead Activity- Required (All ages)Find out what the National Park Service arrowhead stands for.Now it’s your turn! Fill in the blank arrowhead with symbols that are unique to Kalaupapa or color the National Park Service arrowhead. In your arrowhead, include things that are important to Kalaupapa and things you want to preserve and protect. Why did you pick those things? You may use your own arrowhead design to put on your ranger outfit. Dress like a Junior Ranger (All ages)Use your imagination to design and craft your own Junior Ranger hat out of material you have around the house. Put on your best Junior Ranger outfit, whatever you think that may be!
Backyard Scavenger Hunt (Ages 5-8)Go outside and hunt for colors. Find something green, then yellow, then red, then blueLook closely at a plant. Describe its leaves. How do these leaves help the plant survive? Find something you have never noticed before. What does the bark of a tree feel like? Can you find any flowers? How many petals does it have? Does it have any bugs on it? How do bugs help plants survive? Backyard Scientist (Ages 8 and up)If you are able to do so safely, sit still outside for 10 minutes with a notebook and pencil and observe what you see and hear. If the weather does not allow you to go outside, sit by a window and look out. Take notes of all animals you hear or see. Notice what kind of plants you see. Write down some observations.After 10 minutes, walk around and see if you can identify any of the plants or animals you have seen. Make sure to use caution, some plants may be thorny to touch. Draw 3 different leaves you find. Look at plants and animals on our website. Did you see any of these in your backyard? Why or Why not? Check out other National Park Service Sites Across the Pacific Islands for More Fun ActivitiesHawai‘i Island
National Park Service Junior Ranger Program Page with activities |
Last updated: February 12, 2024