Basic Information

Ranger leads a tour in the tallgrass. 15 visitors and a uniformed ranger are seen through yellowing grass with blue sky behind them.
Ranger giving a tour in the tallgrass prairie.

NPS Photo

"Pristine Kansas prairie isn't one kind of grass, or kind of flower. It's hundreds. Meadow rose and wavy-leafed thistle. Bluestem and sunflower. Leadplant and milkweed. The variety does more than look pretty. It insures against biological calamity. In hot weather, some species wilt-others flourish. When insects and disease strike, some suffer-others thrive. Here's how the prairie bears adversity: diversity."




Park Highlights


Important Seasons


Last updated: July 30, 2024

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Mailing Address:

2480B KS Hwy 177
Strong City, KS 66869


620 273-8494 x270

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