News Release
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Contact: Morgan Warthin, (307) 344-2015
- Expect detours and delays at Old Faithful until further notice.
- Traffic is being routed around the Old Faithful Overpass Bridge due to safety concerns.
- Currently the National Park Service is evaluating the condition of the bridge.
- Travelers can still access Old Faithful and the Upper Geyser Basin, lodges, stores, the clinic, and gas station.
- If you are not traveling directly to Old Faithful, consider alternate routes due to delays throughout the area.
- Find current road status on the park website and by calling (307) 344-2117. To receive Yellowstone road alerts on your mobile phone, text "82190" to 888-777 (an automatic text reply will confirm receipt and provide instructions).
- Visit Road Construction for details about 2020 road construction projects.
Last updated: July 22, 2020