Commercial Use Authorizations

A sailboat in the water on a clear day, sailing towards a small island.
Commerical use authorizations are required for any groups such as camps, outfitters, tour groups, and any operation providing goods, activities, or service to the general public within the park.



A Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a permit provided by Isle Royale National Park’s Commercial Services Office for appropriate commercial services for park visitors within the boundaries of the park. An appropriate commercial service must meet three conditions: the services (a) will have minimal impact on the park area’s resources and values; (b) are consistent with the purposes for which the park area was established; and (c) are consistent with all applicable park area management plans, policies, and regulations.


Approved CUA Activities

Activity CUAs are issued for two years, beginning January 1 and expiring December 31. The following CUA activities and associated conditions are currently approved as appropriate services at Isle Royale National Park.



Please email the Commercial Services Office for more information.

Additional Standard National and Park Specific Conditions:

All Isle Royale National Park CUAs must abide by the following conditions:



Please email the Commercial Services Office for more information.

Application Periods:

CUAs are issued for two years, beginning January 1 and expiring on December 31 of the proceeding year. The application period for our CUAs alternates annually based on land or water-based activity type.

Applications for CUA services outside of the designated Application Period will not be considered until the next applicable Application Period. In the meantime, if a company wishes to be included in our CUA Holder’s notification emails please email the Commercial Services Office.



Please email the Commercial Services Office for more information.

Applying for a CUA:


As part of a larger effort to streamline and modernize the National Park Service (NPS) commercial use authorization (CUA) program, the NPS has developed an online system designed to process CUA applications and collect required CUA applications and collect required CUA reports.

All CUA Services that are currently accepting applications will be posted on the online portal. If Isle Royale National Park is not avaliable or the service type you are looking for is not listed, applications for that service are not currently being accepted. Please reference the Application Periods section on this page to see when the next Application Period associated with the service type you are interested in will take place. Applications submitted outside of their approved Application Periods will not be accepted. Visit the online portal to view CUA avaliability and applications.

In the meantime, if a company wishes to be included in our CUA Holder’s notification emails please email the Commercial Services Office.

Certain documents must be uploaded along with your application prior to review.



Additional Requirements:


  • A large blue boat with white upper trim shines in the morning sun with Isle Royale in the background
    Make Reservations Aboard RANGER III

    Reservations for 2024 will be taken starting January 2, 2024

  • fog rolling onto the island off of Lake Superior
    Current Conditions

    Important park alerts, updates, and weather information for your upcoming visit.

  • A group of nine people with large backpacks and gear stand in a circle.
    Group Camping

    Groups of 7 or more people need a group camping permit and advance reservations.

  • A backpacker hiking along the rocky Lake Superior shoreline.
    Commercial Services

    View the organizations and businesses that are authorized to provide visitor services in the park.

  • woman excitedly gripping annual pass
    Entrance Fees and Passes

    Will Your Interagency Annual or Senior Pass cover entrance fees? Yes. Find out more details here.

  • People gather around a park ranger on a dock.
    For Your Safety

    As your trip gets near, use this guide to help prepare, learn what to expect, and consider how you will take responsibility for your safety.

Last updated: January 8, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

800 East Lakeshore Drive
Houghton, MI 49931


906 482-0984

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