Commerical use authorizations are required for any groups such as camps, outfitters, tour groups, and any operation providing goods, activities, or service to the general public within the park.
A Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a permit provided by Isle Royale National Park’s Commercial Services Office for appropriate commercial services for park visitors within the boundaries of the park. An appropriate commercial service must meet three conditions: the services (a) will have minimal impact on the park area’s resources and values; (b) are consistent with the purposes for which the park area was established; and (c) are consistent with all applicable park area management plans, policies, and regulations.
Approved CUA Activities
Activity CUAs are issued for two years, beginning January 1 and expiring December 31. The following CUA activities and associated conditions are currently approved as appropriate services at Isle Royale National Park.
This Guided Backpacking CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided backpacking trips involving overnight camping for private individuals, groups, or organizations. This CUA does not authorize any other guided activities such as day hiking or guided kayaking in Isle Royale National Park.
Guided Camping Trips – CUA Conditions: The Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Camping Trips in accordance with the following conditions.
Required Documents: When conducting Guided Camping Trips within Isle Royale National Park, the CUA Holder and/or their representatives must have in their possession the following:
Valid state or provincial driver’s license or ID
First Aid/CPR (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher)
Follow the nightly itinerary specified on those permits,
Not exceed 20 people total camping on Isle Royale at any given time, and must not exceed a cumulative total of 80 people to Isle Royale during any one operating season.
SAFETY and Communications: The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to and during their trip.
LICENSES and Certifications Reporting Requirements: The CUA Holder must provide a list of guides who will be operating in Isle Royale National Park prior to the start of their operating season. This list must include full names and the following required licenses/certifications, along with their expiration dates:
CPR/First Aid Certification (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher)
Actual copies of these certifications are not required to be submitted; however, the CUA Holder and/or their employees must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
This Guided Backpacking CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided day hiking trips. This CUA does not authorize other guided activities such as camping, guided kayaking, or guided fishing in Isle Royale National Park.
Guided Hiking Trips – CUA Conditions: The Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Hiking Trips in accordance with the following conditions:
Required Documents: When conducting Guided Hiking Trips within Isle Royale National Park, the CUA Holder and/or their representatives must have in their possession the following:
Valid state or provincial driver’s license or ID
First Aid/CPR (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher) only applicable if also providing food to clients.
Isle Royale topographic map
Isle Royale Hiking CUA Holders Must:
Not exceed a hiking group size of 10 people.
Not exceed 20 people total on Isle Royale at any given time, and must
Not exceed a cumulative total of 80 people to Isle Royale during any one operating season.
SAFETY and Communications: The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to and during their trip.
LICENSES and Certifications Reporting Requirements: The CUA Holder must provide a list of guides who will be operating in Isle Royale National Park prior to the start of their operating season. This list must include full names and the following required licenses/certifications, along with their expiration dates:
CPR/First Aid Certification (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher) as applicable
Actual copies of these certifications are not required to be submitted; however, the CUA Holder and/or their employees must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
This Educational Workshops CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct educational workshops for private individuals, groups, or organizations. Applicants must include descriptions of each type of educational workshop they wish to conduct at the time of application, for Park review. This description must include the Workshops focus and planned overnight accommodations (i.e. lodge, front country camping, and/or backcountry camping). Stylized photo shoots, other commercial photography, and commercial filming may require a Special Use Permit.
Guided Workshops – CUA Conditions: The Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Backpacking/Hiking Trips in accordance with the following conditions:
Required Documents: When conducting backpacking/hiking trips within Isle Royale National Park, the CUA Holder and/or their representatives must have in their possession the following:
Valid state or provincial driver’s license or ID
First Aid/CPR (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher)
Follow the nightly itinerary specified on those permits,
Not exceed 20 people total camping on Isle Royale at any given time, and must
Not exceed a cumulative total of 80 people to Isle Royale during any one operating season.
Safety and Communications: The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to and during their trip.
Licenses and Certifications Reporting Requirements: The CUA Holder must provide a list of guides who will be operating in Isle Royale National Park prior to the start of their operating season. This list must include full names and the following required licenses/certifications, along with their expiration dates:
CPR/First Aid Certification (or higher)
Food Handler (servesafe – or the equivalent/higher)
Actual copies of these certifications are not required to be submitted; however, the CUA Holder and/or their employees must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
This Guided Kayaking CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided day or overnight backcountry camping kayaking trips. This CUA authorizes other guided activities such as guided non-motorized/shore based fishing and day hiking as these activities have occasionally been included in multiday guided kayaking trips and are appropriate activities for days when conditions do not allow for launching.
Guided Kayaking Tours– CUA Conditions
Guided Kayak Tours - Definition of Services Authorized Under This Permit: Guided kayak tour services consists of providing clients tours to destinations within the boundaries of Isle Royale National Park by kayak while always maintaining continuous presence with the visitors/clients throughout their tour. The Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Kayaking Tours in accordance with the following conditions:
Isle Royale Specific Guided Kayaking Conditions:
Watercraft Season
Watercraft will be allowed to enter park waters during Isle Royale’s boating season, generally from 12:00 a.m. on April 15th until 11:59p.m. on October 31st. The most updated infromation can be found in Isle Royale's boating guide.
The following area is closed to commercial Guided Kayaking Tours: West end of the Island between Todd Harbor to the north and Fisherman’s Home to the south.
When providing Guided Kayak Tours, the CUA Holder (Holder), or registered employees of the business, will maintain a continuous presence with clients.
Operators will guide water-based day use tours within Isle Royale National Park, by means of a seaworthy, non-motorized kayak. Specific minimum requirements for kayak vessels utilized are listed in the Isle Royale Kayak Equipment Checklist.
If multiple groups, from the same or different outfitters, are navigating ISRO waterways at the same time these groups must travel as a separate pod (see below for clarification), maintaining a recommended distance of 100 yards from each other.
Overnight backcountry use is NOT authorized solely under this CUA. Overnight backcountry use requires a separate overnight Boaters Permit.
Holders providing trips that include overnight group camping are limited to a maximum of 80 people per year. This numbers includes guides.
The Holder and associated guides are responsible for reasonably ensuring the safety of their clients at all times.
The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to the trip. This includes, but is not limited, to the equipment listed in Isle Royale Kayak CUA Equipment Checklist.
It is the responsibility of Holder and associated guides to be aware of small craft advisories and to not launch trips while small craft advisories are in effect. It is also the responsibility of the Holder and associated guides to recognize that emergency assistance from the NPS may be delayed or not possible during small craft advisories and gale warnings, for all locations within the park.
All guides must have adequate training. One guide on each trip must have relevant outdoor, maritime channel boating experience and previous experience kayaking on Lake Superior.
All guides must ensure that all clients are able to understand basic instructions, can sit upright in a kayak, and can remove spray skirt from kayak in the event of capsize.
A ratio of one (1) guide for every five (5) kayaks, totaling a group of 6, is required. Each guide must stay within 100 yards of the kayaks while on the water.
Guides will maintain a “pod-like behavior” with their clients while travelling within the Parks waterways, with the guides always maintaining visual and voice contact with all clients.
Individual safety briefings for the pod of five (5) kayaks will be conducted by each guide prior to the trip covering at a minimum:
Emergency procedures
Weather briefing
Equipment operation to include rudder operations
Minimum distance from guides (100 yards)
Guides will obtain a current, up-to-date marine weather forecast and ensure that lake conditions are safe for travel before departure on any portion of a trip/tour.
All guides escorting clients will be equipped with a maintained and functioning marine band radio for use in the event of any emergency
License and Certifications: The Holder and guide(s) registered under this Permit are required to possess the following:
As stated above, each Kayak Guide will be “qualified” in one of three ways prior to guiding clients:
Completion of ISRO Kayak Guide Task book (located on parks website)
Completion of the American Canoe Association – Coastal Kayaking Level 2 Essentials of Kayak Touring Trip Leader
The Holder must ensure that a member of their staff with current CPR and First Aid Certifications accompany each charter.
The Holder must provide Isle Royale’s Commercial Services Manager with a list of employees and their current CPR/First Aid Certifications including expiration dates. Actual copies of these certifications are not required; however, the Holder must maintain their files and provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
If the Holder is providing any food/meal services while within the Park boundaries the Holder and/or a guide on board the vessel must have and maintain a food handler certification. Documentation of this training must also be provided for in the list of employee certifications and actual certifications must be provided upon service request.
Reporting Requirements: In addition to the annual CUA report that is required of all CUA Holders, the Guided Kayak Tours CUA has additional reporting requirements.
If the CUA Holder guides ten (10) or fewer trips per season, they must file a Trip Itinerary at least 24 hours in advance of each trip launch.
If the CUA Holder guides more than ten (10) trips per season, they are NOT required to file a Trip Itinerary but must submit a monthly visitor use report that includes number of trips, number of clients, launch point, and number of day trips vs. overnight trips. The report for each month of operation will be due on the 15th day of the following month. The Commercial Services Manager will provide a form for this reporting.
Additional Requirements: All CUAs for nonmotorized boat tours must meet additional equipment and training requirements. Reference the above conditions and the following documents for further information.
This SCUBA/Snorkel Tours CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided diving trips. This CUA does not authorize other guided activities such as fishing charter services and guided backpacking.
SCUBA Charters – CUA Conditions
Required Documents and Equipment: At all times, the CUA Holder’s (Holder) vessel(s) must have on-board the following items:
All Federal, State and/or Canadian licensing and registration required for commercial diving/charter boat operations.
Oxygen delivery unit (minimum two hours at 15 liters per minute)
A listing of all divers on-board showing certifying organization(s)
NOAA chart #14968 and Isle Royale chart #14976
Required USCG (or Canadian equivalent, if applicable) safety equipment
Marine Band Radio. The operator is required to monitor channel 16 whenever in Isle Royale (ISRO) waters.
Required Certifications and Experience : The following certificates must be provided to the Superintendent via the CUA administrator:
All diving activities must be conducted under the supervision of a certified Dive Master.
Prior to conducting operations under this CUA, the Holder’s Dive Master must have the following experience:
a minimum of 50 logged dives in water 60 degrees Fahrenheit or colder; and
a minimum of two logged dives to each ISRO shipwreck site where the Holder offers or conducts dives.
The Holder must have on-board at least one employee certified in Standard First Aid and CPR, or equivalent. If only one employee is so certified, that employee may not leave the vessel during diving operations.
The Holder must have on-board at least one employee certified in Oxygen Aid for Dive Injury (DAN), or equivalent. If only one employee is so certified that employee may not leave the vessel during diving operations.
Display of Dive Flags
A standard diver flag must be prominently displayed during all dive operations.
Flags must be uniquely illuminated (not confused with navigation lights) when in use between sunset and sunrise.
Divers must remain within a 100’ horizontal radius flag while on the surface, submerging or surfacing.
Party Size Limits: The maximum party size for all trips allowed under this authorization is eight (8) people, which includes captain and crew.
Noise Abatement: The Holder is expected to make every reasonable effort to minimize noise associated with operations, particularly noise from generators and/or compressors. Follow /No-Wake Zones.
Required Diving, Boating, and Group Camping Permits
The Holder or representatives are required to issue park Diving Permits to each diver on-board prior to beginning dive activities. The commercial operator is required to drop off the completed dive permits at a ranger station prior to leaving park waters or return the permits by email upon returning to base of operations. If emailed, permits must be received within 10 days of completion of trip. Holder can request more permits and send completed permits by email.
The Holder must obtain a boating permit for any overnight use within Isle Royale National Park (whether camped at docks, in shelters, or anchoring out). Permits must be obtained before over-nighting.
Technical diving: Technical diving is defined as any diving activity in excess of 140 feet, diving activity (to any depth) requiring decompression, diving activity at any depth using non-standard air, or closed-circuit diving.
The Holder must specifically request and receive a special authorization endorsement to offer and conduct technical diving activities within Isle Royale waters.
Technical diving is prohibited without this endorsement.
Additional operating requirements may apply. Contact CUA Administrator for more information.
Insurance: Isle Royale National Park has established a $2,000,000 USD per occurrence minimum for CUAs of this type.
CUA holders authorized to transport passengers aboard or use a motor vessel may have P&I vessel insurance to cover claims for bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the use of the vessel as an alternative to commercial general liability insurance.
CUA holders who have P&I insurance do not need to purchase commercial general liability insurance if the services authorized by the CUA occur solely onboard the vessel. If the services authorized by the CUA include off-vessel activity, the CUA holder must obtain shore excursion coverage as part of the P&I policy or obtain commercial general liability insurance at the limits set out above to cover those activities.
A combination of P&I, commercial general liability, and umbrella policies may be used to meet the $2,000,000 USD requirement.
Invasive Species Prevention
Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species within the park is a critical concern. The vessel operator will follow all park requirements designed to prevent the introduction and spread of invasives. Vessel owners are legally responsible for invasive species decontamination prior to entering park waters (extending 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park). The vessel is permitted to sail in park waters only if the vessel is certified to be clear of invasive species.
If invasive species are discovered on a vessel, the vessel must leave park waters immediately (or as soon as weather allows) and vessel owners may be fined. Learn how to decontaminate your vessel at
Any ballast water must be exchanged outside park waters before entering the park. Flushing the bilge with disinfecting solutions and cleaning the hull of the ship prior to entering the park waters will reduce the chances of introducing invasives.
Any state of Michigan requirements designed to prevent the spread of invasive species within the Great Lakes is also adopted as part of this requirement.
Unauthorized Services: Passenger water taxi and chartered fishing services are not authorized under this type of CUA.
This Motorized Fishing Charter CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided day or overnight Fishing Charters for private individuals, groups, or organizations. This CUA authorizes additional activities including day hiking, sightseeing, and limited transportation services which must be requested and approved on a case-by-case basis.
Guided Motorized Fishing Charters – CUA ConditionsThe Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Motorized Fishing Charters in accordance with the following conditions:
Isle Royale Specific Boating Conditions:
Isle Royale Boating Guide: Holders and their employees are required to be familiar with and follow the rules and regulations found in the Isle Royale Boating Guide.
Inspection: Any vessel registered under this CUA is subject to boarding and inspection at any time within the lakeshore.
Overnight Camping: Overnight backcountry use is authorized under this CUA. If the CUA holder wishes to conduct a multi-day Fishing Charter, they are required to obtain a separate overnight Boaters Permit for those dates.
Group Size: There is a limit of five (5) group members per guide. Holder is limited to three (3) groups per day. Groups must be separated and not utilize the same dock should the need to come ashore arise.
Docking: Docking on public docks must be limited to 30-minute increments (unless authorized by a overnight Boaters Permit). Docking for longer than 30-minutes is allowed during a small craft advisory and/or inclement weather. The Rock Harbor Marina (Snug Harbor Marina) concessions docks are not permitted for use by CUA Fishing and Sightseeing Charters. Tobin Harbor docks, excluding the Seaplane dock, are permitted for use.
Isle Royale Specific Fishing Conditions:
Lures/Hooks: On inland lakes and streams, use artificial lures and barbless hooks only.
Bait: Transporting fish or fish parts to the park for use as bait in Lake Superior and inland lakes and streams is prohibited. Only fish and fish parts that have been caught in Isle Royale waters may be used as bait. Organic bait of any kind is prohibited in the park’s inland lakes and streams.
Cleaning Fish: Fish that are kept should be cleaned at a cleaning station if possible. Otherwise, cut fish remains into small pieces, entrails should have the air bladders punctured then disposed of in deep water (>50ft depth in Lake Superior or as deep as possible in inland lakes).
Closed Areas: The following areas are closed for motorized charter boats: Tobin Harbor, and Washington Harbor from the Northeast tip of Beaver Island into Windigo. Map is available on our website.
Not Permitted Activities: Targeting of the Coaster Brook Trout is NOT a permitted activity under this CUA. If any violations of the following conditions or variations thereof occur the Holder may be subjected to immediate revocation of their CUA. Final determination of revocation and/or denial of future applications is at the sole discretion of the National Park Service.
Marketing and/or Solicitation for the targeting of Coaster Brook Trout: Holder’s marketing materials including digital and print may not encourage or allude to the targeting of Coaster Brook Trout.
Educational Information: Educational information related to the preservation and conservation of the Coaster Brook Trout may be considered. This informational material must be submitted to Isle Royale National Park for review and approval prior to posting and/or printing.
Inadvertent/unplanned catching of a Coaster Brook Trout: If a Coaster Brook Trout is caught inadvertently, CUA holder is required to release the fish immediately provided the fish is recovered and able to swim away under its own power. Facilitation of recovery can occur by holding the fish gently underwater and moving it back and forth to increase water flow through the gills. Once recovered the fish will fight restraint and swim away under its own power. CUA holder must also notify the park via e-mail us of the date and location caught within seven (7) days of the catch.
Safety and Communications:
The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to the trip per state and USCG requirements.
Licenses and Certifications:In addition to Condition #1 CUA Holder and guide(s) registered under this Permit are also required to possess:
CPR and First Aid: The Holder must ensure that a member of their staff with current CPR and First Aid Certifications accompany each charter.
Food Handler Certification List: If the Holder is providing any food/meal services while within the Park boundaries an employee must be present who is a certified food handler.
CUA Holder, Guides, and Clients engaged in Fishing must possess:
Michigan State Fishing Licenses (as applicable)
CUA Licenses and Certifications Reporting Requirements:
US Coast Guard Captains License:Holder must provide current copies of USCG License(s) for all applicable employees registered under this Permit
Michigan Guide License: Holder must provide current copies of Michigan Guide License(s) for all employees registered under this Permit
CPR/First Aid Certification List: The Holder must provide a list of employees with CPR/First Aid Certifications including expiration dates. Actual copies of these certifications are not required; however, the Holder must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
Food Handler Certification List: If applicable, the Holder must provide a list of employees with the Food Handler Certification Certifications including expiration dates. Actual copies of these certifications are not required; however, the Holder must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
Insurance: Isle Royale National Park has established a $2,000,000 USD per occurrence minimum for CUAs of this type.
CUA holders authorized to transport passengers aboard or use a motor vessel may have P&I vessel insurance to cover claims for bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the use of the vessel as an alternative to commercial general liability insurance.
CUA holders who have P&I insurance do not need to purchase commercial general liability insurance if the services authorized by the CUA occur solely onboard the vessel. If the services authorized by the CUA include off-vessel activity, the CUA holder must obtain shore excursion coverage as part of the P&I policy or obtain commercial general liability insurance at the limits set out above to cover those activities.
A combination of P&I, commercial general liability, and umbrella policies may be used to meet the $2,000,000 USD requirement.
Guided Hiking Conditions: CUA holder is permitted to conduct Chartered Trips to the Park that may include incidental day hiking. Holder must follow all above conditions, as applicable, when conducting such trips. Holder must not obstruct other visitors’ enjoyment or impeding access. Holders conducting trips that are exclusively scheduled day hiking services (as listed in the Holders trip description) and do not include fishing, are required to acquire an additional Guided Hiking CUA. See Guided Hiking for more information including scope and CUA specific conditions.
Sightseeing Trip Conditions: CUA holder is permitted to conduct Chartered Trips to the Park that may include incidental sightseeing. Holder must follow all above conditions, as applicable, when conducting such trips. Holder must not obstruct other visitors’ enjoyment or impeding access. Holders conducting trips that include planned and/or scheduled sightseeing services (as listed in the Holders trip description) are required to acquire an additional Sightseeing Charter CUA. See Sightseeing Charter for more information including scope and CUA specific conditions.
Unauthorized Services: Passenger water taxi services and scuba diving activities are not authorized under this type of CUA.
Invasive Specises Prevention
Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species within the park is a critical concern. The vessel operator will follow all park requirements designed to prevent the introduction and spread of invasives. Vessel owners are legally responsible for invasive species decontamination prior to entering park waters (extending 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park). The vessel is permitted to sail in park waters only if the vessel is certified to be clear of invasive species.
If invasive species are discovered on a vessel, the vessel must leave park waters immediately (or as soon as weather allows) and vessel owners may be fined. Learn how to decontaminate your vessel at
Any ballast water must be exchanged outside park waters before entering the park. Flushing the bilge with disinfecting solutions and cleaning the hull of the ship prior to entering the park waters will reduce the chances of introducing invasives.
Any state of Michigan requirements designed to prevent the spread of invasive species within the Great Lakes is also adopted as part of this requirement.
This Charter Sailboat CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided day or overnight Sailing Tour on Lake Superior and within the Four-mile nautical boundary surrounding Isle Royale National Park. This CUA authorizes other guided activities such as guided non-motorized/shore-based fishing and day hiking as these activities have occasionally been included in multiday guided kayaking trips and are appropriate activities for days when lake conditions do not allow for sailing.
Charter Sailboat Conditions:
Required Documents and Equipment
At all times, the operator's vessel(s) must have on board the following items:
Valid U.S. Coast Guard license, or Canadian equivalent if applicable, covering commercial operations
Vessel registration; vessel shall be easily identified as registered in accordance with state/federal laws
Required USCG (or Canadian equivalent, if applicable) safety equipment
Written established procedures for handling emergencies
NOAA charts #14968 Grand Portage, MN to Shesheeb Point, ONT., and chart #14976 (Isle Royale).
A maintained and functioning marine band radio for use in the event of any emergency. In addition, the operator is required to monitor channel 16 whenever in Isle Royale waters
Required Camping Permits: The operator must obtain a camping permit for any overnight use within Isle Royale National Park (whether camped at docks, in shelters, or anchoring out). Permits must be obtained before over-nighting.
Overnight use Resterictions: During the entire operating season, up to six persons may occupy only one shelter/campsite per night.
Party Size Limits
The maximum party size for overnight use allowed under this authorization is eight people, which includes captain and crew.
Any overnight charter with more than six people, including captain and crew, land-based overnight use is limited only to the main docks at Windigo and Rock Harbor and the campgrounds associated with those docks.
Noise Abatement: Since Isle Royale National Park is a Wilderness park, the operator is expected to make every reasonable effort to minimize noise associated with operations, particularly noise from generators and/or compressors. Regulations associated with Quiet/No-Wake Zones must be followed.
Unauthorized Services: Passenger ferry services, charter fishing and scuba diving activities are not authorized under this type of CUA.
Invasive Species Prevention
Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species within the park is a critical concern. The vessel operator will follow all park requirements designed to prevent the introduction and spread of invasives. Vessel owners are legally responsible for invasive species decontamination prior to entering park waters (extending 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park). The vessel is permitted to sail in park waters only if the vessel is certified to be clear of invasive species.
If invasive species are discovered on a vessel, the vessel must leave park waters immediately (or as soon as weather allows) and vessel owners may be fined. Learn how to decontaminate your vessel at
Any ballast water must be exchanged outside park waters before entering the park. Flushing the bilge with disinfecting solutions and cleaning the hull of the ship prior to entering the park waters will reduce the chances of introducing invasives.
Any state of Michigan requirements designed to prevent the spread of invasive species within the Great Lakes is also adopted as part of this requirement.
Insurance: Isle Royale National Park has established a $2,000,000 USD per occurrence minimum for CUAs of this type.
CUA holders authorized to transport passengers aboard or use a motor vessel may have P&I vessel insurance to cover claims for bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the use of the vessel as an alternative to commercial general liability insurance.
CUA holders who have P&I insurance do not need to purchase commercial general liability insurance if the services authorized by the CUA occur solely onboard the vessel. If the services authorized by the CUA include off-vessel activity, the CUA holder must obtain shore excursion coverage as part of the P&I policy or obtain commercial general liability insurance at the limits set out above to cover those activities.
A combination of P&I, commercial general liability, and umbrella policies may be used to meet the $2,000,000 USD requirement.
Unauthorized Services: Passenger water taxi, charter fishing and scuba diving activities are not authorized under this type of CUA.
This Sightseeing Charters CUA authorizes the Holder to conduct guided overnight Sightseeing Tours utilizing motorize charter vessels for private individuals, groups, or organizations.
Guided Sightseeing Charters – CUA ConditionsThe Holder and employees registered under this Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) will provide Guided Sightseeing Charters in accordance with the following conditions:
Isle Royale Specific Boating Conditions:
Isle Royale Boating Guide: Holders and their employees are required to be familiar with and follow the rules and regulations found in theIsle Royale Boating Guide.
Inspection: Any vessel registered under this CUA is subject to boarding and inspection at any time within the lakeshore.
Overnight Camping: Overnight backcountry use is authorized under this CUA. If the CUA holder wishes to conduct a multi-day Fishing Charter, they are required to obtain a separate overnight Boaters Permit for those dates.
Docking: Docking on public docks must not impede other operators including, Sandy Tours and Voyageur transportation. Docking on public docks must not be longer than 60 minutes (unless authorized by a overnight Boaters Permit). Docking for longer than 60--minutes is allowed during a small craft advisory and/or inclement weather. The Rock Harbor Marina (Snug Harbor Marina) concessions docks are not permitted for use by CUA Fishing and Sightseeing Charters. Tobin Harbor docks, excluding the Seaplane dock, are permitted for use.
Group Size: There is a limit of five (5) group members per guide. Holder is limited to three (3) groups per day. Groups must be separated and not utilize the same dock should the need to come ashore arise.
Tour Times: So not to impede existing tour and transportation operators, sightseeing tours must be scheduled outside of Concessioner provided tours and transportation schedules. For example: Holder may not schedule a trip with tours stopping at the Rock Harbor Lighthouse on the day the Sandy is conducting a tour at that location. Also, off boat sightseeing must be scheduled at times the Voyageur is not scheduled to dock at the same location
Wildlife: Sightseeing Charters are not permitted to disturb or impact wildlife while conducting tours. Please reference the Superintendents Compendium and 36CFR for more information on wildlife.
Safety and Communications:
The Holder is responsible for ensuring that all clients and guides are safely equipped and properly clothed for the activity and current/projected weather conditions prior to the trip per state and USCG requirements.
Licenses and Certifications:CUA Holder and guide(s) registered under this Permit are required to possess:
CPR and First Aid: The Holder must ensure that a member of their staff with current CPR and First Aid Certifications accompany each charter.
Food Handler Certification List: If the Holder is providing any food/meal services while within the Park boundaries an employee must be present who is a certified food handler.
CUA Licenses and Certifications Reporting Requirements:
US Coast Guard Captains License:Holder must provide current copies of USCG License(s) for all applicable employees registered under this Permit
CPR/First Aid Certification List: The Holder must provide a list of employees with CPR/First Aid Certifications including expiration dates. Actual copies of these certifications are not required; however, the Holder must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
Food Handler Certification List: If applicable, the Holder must provide a list of employees with the Food Handler Certification Certifications including expiration dates. Actual copies of these certifications are not required; however, the Holder must provide this documentation if requested by the Service.
Insurance: Isle Royale National Park has established a $2,000,000 USD per occurrence minimum for CUAs of this type.
CUA holders authorized to transport passengers aboard or use a motor vessel may have P&I vessel insurance to cover claims for bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the use of the vessel as an alternative to commercial general liability insurance.
CUA holders who have P&I insurance do not need to purchase commercial general liability insurance if the services authorized by the CUA occur solely onboard the vessel. If the services authorized by the CUA include off-vessel activity, the CUA holder must obtain shore excursion coverage as part of the P&I policy or obtain commercial general liability insurance at the limits set out above to cover those activities.
A combination of P&I, commercial general liability, and umbrella policies may be used to meet the $2,000,000 USD requirement.
Unauthorized Services: Passenger water taxi services, charter fishing, and scuba diving activities are not authorized under this type of CUA.
Invasive Species Prevention
Preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species within the park is a critical concern. The vessel operator will follow all park requirements designed to prevent the introduction and spread of invasives. Vessel owners are legally responsible for invasive species decontamination prior to entering park waters (extending 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park). The vessel is permitted to sail in park waters only if the vessel is certified to be clear of invasive species.
If invasive species are discovered on a vessel, the vessel must leave park waters immediately (or as soon as weather allows) and vessel owners may be fined. Learn how to decontaminate your vessel at
Any ballast water must be exchanged outside park waters before entering the park. Flushing the bilge with disinfecting solutions and cleaning the hull of the ship prior to entering the park waters will reduce the chances of introducing invasives.
Any state of Michigan requirements designed to prevent the spread of invasive species within the Great Lakes is also adopted as part of this requirement.
This Seaplane Transportation Services CUA authorizes the Holder to provide Seaplane Transportation Services that begin and/or end in Grand Marias, MN.
Due to the pending finalization of Isle Royale National Park’s Wilderness Plan, this CUA is only valid for one-year and new provider applications will not be considered at this time.
Additional Standard National and Park Specific Conditions:
All Isle Royale National Park CUAs must abide by the following conditions:
False Information: The holder is prohibited from knowingly giving false information. To do so will be considered a breach of conditions and be grounds for revocation: [RE: 36 CFR 2.32(a) (3)].
Legal Compliance: The holder shall exercise this privilege subject to the supervision of the area Superintendent. The holder shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the area and terms and conditions of the authorization. The holder must acquire all permits or licenses of State or local government, as applicable, necessary to provide the services described above, and must operate in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, including, without limitation, all applicable park area policies, procedures and regulations. All vehicles/vessels/aircraft are required to be registered and the operators are required to have the proper licenses to operate them commercially, as required by law or regulation.
Rates: The holder shall provide commercial services under this authorization to visitors at reasonable rates satisfactory to the area Superintendent.
Operating Conditions:The holder shall provide the authorized commercial services to visitors under operating conditions satisfactory to the area Superintendent.
Liabilities and Claims: This authorization is issued upon the express condition that the United States, its agents and employees shall be free from all liabilities and claims for damages and/or suits for or by reason of any injury, injuries, or death to any person or persons or property of any kind whatsoever, whether to the person or property of the holder, its agents or employees, or third parties, from any cause or causes whatsoever while in or upon said premises or any part thereof during the term of this authorization or occasioned by any occupancy or use of said premises or any activity carried on by the holder in connection herewith, and the holder hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the United States, its agents, and employees from all liabilities, charges, expenses and costs on account of or by reason of any such injuries, deaths, liabilities, claims, suits or losses however occurring or damages growing out of the same.
Insurance: Holder agrees to carry general liability insurance against claims occasioned by the action or omissions of the holder, its agents and employees in carrying out activities and operations under this authorization. The policy shall name the United States of America as additional insured. Holder agrees to have on file with the park copies of the above insurance with the proper endorsements.
CUA Fees: At a minimum, the holder shall reimburse the park for all costs incurred by the park as a result of accepting and processing the application and managing and monitoring the authorized activity. Administrative costs for the application process must be paid when the application is submitted. Monitoring fees and any additional costs incurred by the park to support the commercial activity will be paid annually or on a more frequent basis as determined by mutual agreement between the Holder and the area Superintendent.
Benefit: No member of, or delegate to, Congress, or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this authorization or to any benefit that may arise from this authorization. This restriction shall not be construed to extend to this Contract if made with a corporation or company for its general benefit.
Transfer: This authorization may not be transferred or assigned without the written consent of the area Superintendent.
Termination: This authorization may be terminated upon breach of any of the conditions herein or at the discretion of the area Superintendent.
Preference or Exclusivity: The holder is not entitled to any preference to renewal of this authorization except to the extent otherwise expressly provided by law. This authorization is not exclusive and is not a concession contract.
Construction: The holder shall not construct any structures, fixtures or improvements in the park area. The holder shall not engage in any groundbreaking activities without the express, written approval of the area Superintendent.
Reporting: The holder is to provide the area Superintendent upon request a statement of its gross receipts from its activities under this authorization and any other specific information related to the holder’s operations that the area Superintendent may request, including but not limited to, visitor use statistics, and resource impact assessments. The holder must submit annually the CUA Annual Report (NPS Form 10-660) and upon request the CUA Monthly Report (NPS Form 10-660A).
Accounting: The holder is to maintain an accounting system under which its accounts can be readily identified within its system of accounts classification. This accounting system must be capable of providing the information required by this authorization. The holder grants the United States of America access to its books and records at any time for the purpose of determining compliance with the terms and conditions of this authorization.
Minimum Wage: The holder must comply with all provisions of Executive Order 14026 of April 27, 2021, (Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors) and its implementing regulations, including the applicable contract clause, codified at 29 C.F.R. part 23, all of which are incorporated by reference into this authorization as if fully set forth in this authorization.
Visitor Acknowledgment of Risks (VAR): The holder is not permitted to require clients sign a waiver of liability statement or form, insurance disclaimer, and/or indemnification agreement waiving the client’s right to hold the CUA holder responsible for accidents or injury occurring on NPS property. The holder is permitted to request or require a client to sign a form or statement acknowledging risk and/or indicating that certain prerequisite skills may be needed to participate in the commercial activity. The holder must provide the park with the current copy of all forms and/or statements used for this purpose and obtain written approval by the park to use the form and/or statement. A sample Acknowledgment of Risk form may be obtained by contacting the CUA office at 906-487-7174 or by going to the park CUA webpage at
Intellectual Property of the National Park Service:Except with the written authorization of the Director of the National Park Service, the Holder shall not assert any legal claim that the Holder or any related entity holds a trademark, tradename, servicemark or other ownership interest in the words "National Park Service", the initials "NPS", or official name of any unit or part thereof, including but not limited to any facility, logo, distinctive natural, archaeological, cultural, or historic site, within the National Park System, or any colorable likeness thereof, or the likeness of a National Park Service official uniform, badge, logo, or insignia.
Nondiscrimination: The holder must comply with Applicable Laws relating to nondiscrimination in providing visitor services to the public and with all equal employment opportunity provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended.
To ensure compliance of the conditions of this permit, all pages of this authorization must always be carried and or available for inspection by the holder or its representatives while operating within Isle Royale National Park. Failure to do so is a violation of terms and conditions of this authorization.
Permits/Licenses: The holder must operate in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The holder must obtain and provide copies to NPS staff all permits, licensing, registration, training certificates and completed inspections from any applicable governing body necessary to conduct the business activities specified above.
Park Daily Use Fees: All visitors must pay a $7 per person daily entrance fee or present a valid Federal Recreation Pass or Isle Royale Season Pass. Only on-duty employees of approved CUA holders are exempt from this fee. A copy of the Commercial Use Authorization must be presented to fee collection staff in order to be provided this exemption. CUA operators may not use a personally held season pass to cover the daily fees of their clients.
Operation Dates: Commercial operations are only permitted when park is open to all park visitors. Operating inside park water boundaries, November 1st-April 15th is not permitted.
Business Operations: This authorization does not authorize the holder to advertise, solicit business, collect any fees, or sell any goods or services on lands owned and controlled by the United States. The Authorization is for incidental business operations when there are no fixed commercial facilities within a national park area, the commercial activity originates and terminates outside the park, no money changes hands on park lands and no commercial solicitation occurs on park lands.
Area Use: This authorization is applicable only for the use of the area, term, and conditions designated herein. The area(s) authorized for use under this authorization must be left in substantially the same condition as it was prior to the activities authorized herein. This CUA does not authorize priority use of park areas. The holder is prohibited from blocking access or impeding the flow of traffic along any roads, trails, walkways, greenways, parking lots, waterways or any National Park Service (NPS) facilities.
Solid Waste Management: The holder is responsible for the removal of all trash associated with the holder’s visit to the park and is prohibited from depositing commercial waste into park trash containers.
Insurance: The holder shall purchase at a minimum the types and amounts of insurance coverage as stated herein and agrees to comply with any revised insurance limits the Superintendent may require during the term of this authorization. The Superintendent shall not be responsible for any omissions or inadequacies of insurance coverage and amounts if such prove to be inadequate or otherwise insufficient for any reason whatsoever. The holder shall provide the Superintendent a Certificate of Insurance at the inception of this authorization and shall provide the Superintendent thirty (30) days written notice of any material change in the holder’s insurance program hereunder. Land-based CUA holders shall obtain general liability insurance in at least the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000 USD). Water-based CUA holders shall obtain general liability insurance in at least the amount of two million dollars ($2,000,00 USD). Water-based CUA holders shall obtain P&I or a combination of P&I and general liability insurance/umbrella policies in at least the amount of two million dollars ($2,000,00 USD). See Charter vessel CUAs Conditions for more information.
Liability Insurance Lapse or Cancellation: Upon notification that any of the holder’s general liability insurance has lapsed or cancelled for any reason, the authorization to operate in the park shall be suspended until new insurance is in place and on file with the Chief Rangers office.
Commercial Operator Responsibilities: The Company that packaged, priced, and sold the tour is responsible for obtaining a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA). In the event of a violation or infraction, responsibility and liability will generally be placed on the authorization holder, including citations, warnings, and fines, but the National Park Service retains the right to cite, warn or fine guides and/or drivers associated with a commercial operator regardless of which company is the holder.
Employee/agent responsibility: The holder shall ensure that all company employees and operators entering the park are informed of all the conditions of this authorization. (The holder may be cited for any authorization violations committed by their employee and/or agent per section 26.)
Suspension or Revocation of DOT Authority: If, for any reason, the holder’s Department of Transportation authority is placed in any status other than “Active”, this authorization will be immediately suspended.
Reporting Accidents: Any accident resulting in personal injury, death or property damage shall be reported to the Superintendent, as soon as possible. [36 CFR 2.33, 3.4, 4.4] All vehicle / vessel accidents resulting in injury, personal/government property damage, injury to park wildlife or resources must be reported to park law enforcement immediately at 440-546-5945 or by dialing 911. Commercial operators must remain on scene until the arrival of law enforcement officers.
Emergencies: The holder is responsible for providing their clients with the necessary information to locate or contact their group if they become delayed or separated. Commercial operators may not abandon their clients in the park and are solely responsible for making arrangements for their clients to rejoin their group after being separated. Lost or missing clients must be reported to park dispatch as soon as possible and without unnecessary delay, at 440-546-5945. While self-rescue is encouraged in cases where no additional resources are needed, the National Park Service retains the authority to make the determination to employ additional resources when the situation warrants.
Contact a Park Ranger by utilizing a marine radio on channel 16 or call Park Dispatch at (440) 546-5945. There is little to no cell reception in most areas of this park and satellite communication devices have limited capabilities, so please include this contact information with the emergency plan left with your company. Be aware that help may be several days out.
Employee and Client Safety: All commercial operators are responsible for the safety of their employees and customers while recreating at Isle Royale National Park. All water borne commercial services operating under a CUA will cease operations if the waters of Lake Superior within the boundaries of Isle Royale National Park are under a Small Craft Advisory. All CUA holders are responsible for reasonably ensuring the safety of their clients at all times.
Behavior and Conduct: The holder and its agents are required to exercise courtesy and consideration in their relations with the public and with NPS employees, volunteers, or other park agents. The holder will review and correct the conduct of any of its employees whose actions or activities are considered by the Park Service to be inconsistent with the safety, experience, enjoyment, and protection of visitors and stewards of public land.
Requirement to Clear Customs: Every person entering the United States from Canada must first pass through a U.S. Customs and Immigration inspection. This is true regardless of the nationality of the individual or purpose of the visit. Inspection stations are located at the Windigo and Rock Harbor Ranger Stations.
Research and Sampling: this CUA does not authorize any research or sampling that requires the taking of samples (water temperature, water visibility not included).
Authorization Compliance: The holder and all participants authorized herein must comply with all conditions of this authorization, including all exhibits, amendments, application requirements, and written or verbal directives from the Superintendent or their designee. Failure to obtain an authorization to provide commercial services or have a copy of the document readily available for inspection at any time while in the park, are violations of the authorization terms for which a citation may be issued. This may subject the commercial operator to penalties as prescribed by law or regulation, including but not limited to termination of their CUA.
National Park Service field personnel will be provided with a current list of commercial operators as well as a list of rostered vessels through the CUA administrator. The CUA administrator will receive a notice of any written warnings or citations issued to holders and those will become part of the holder's park record. In addition, the National Park Service may, at any time, terminate this authorization at its discretion or upon breach of any of the conditions based on the seriousness of the violation and the company’s cumulative history.
Fees: The Application fee for a 1 year is $500 and for a 2-year CUA is $600 and is non-refundable. Using the Market Value Method, management fees are assessed as a percentage of gross receipts at the end of each year. Management fees are determined by the following formula: Gross receipts between $25,000 and $250,000 = 3% fee gross receipts or if gross receipts are between $250,000 and $500,000 = 4% fee. If your organization does not have gross receipts in excess of $25,000 then the application fee is all that is required. Starting in year 2024 3% Management fees will apply to $0-$250,000. When the CUA holder reapplies in 2025 the application fee will be deducted from the first year’s management fee amount due.
CUAs are issued for two years, beginning January 1 and expiring on December 31 of the proceeding year. The application period for our CUAs alternates annually based on land or water-based activity type.
Applications for CUA services outside of the designated Application Period will not be considered until the next applicable Application Period. In the meantime, if a company wishes to be included in our CUA Holder’s notification emails please email the Commercial Services Office.
Approved Land Based Tours include: Guided Camping, Guided Hiking, and Educational Workshops. The next Application Period for these activities is November 1, 2024 – December 1, 2024. If approved, a Holders CUA will be valid from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026.
Water Based CUAs include: Guided Kayaking, Sailing Charters, Fishing Charters, and SCUBA. Due to the implementation of the National Park Services’ national automated CUA management system the next Application Period for these activities will be from February 1, 2024 – February 29, 2024. If approved, a Holders CUA will be valid from the date of signature through December 31, 2025.
The next Water-Based CUAs’ next application period will be from November 1, 2025 – December 1, 2025.
As part of a larger effort to streamline and modernize the National Park Service (NPS) commercial use authorization (CUA) program, the NPS has developed an online system designed to process CUA applications and collect required CUA applications and collect required CUA reports.
All CUA Services that are currently accepting applications will be posted on the online portal. If Isle Royale National Park is not avaliable or the service type you are looking for is not listed, applications for that service are not currently being accepted. Please reference the Application Periods section on this page to see when the next Application Period associated with the service type you are interested in will take place. Applications submitted outside of their approved Application Periods will not be accepted. Visit the online portal to view CUA avaliability and applications.
In the meantime, if a company wishes to be included in our CUA Holder’s notification emails please email the Commercial Services Office.
Certain documents must be uploaded along with your application prior to review.
This is required for all CUAs and must be in the amount of $1,000,000 USD for land based tours and $2,000,000 USD for all water-based tours. The United States of America must also be listed as additional insured. See Attachment A in application form and/or service specific conditions above for additional insurance information.
The holding of General Liability Insurance is required for all CUAs. Insurance Policies must meeting the following requirements:
Minimum required general liability coverage amounts:
Land-based tours – one-million dollars ($1,000,000 USD) and
CUA holders must pay the following fees to operate in the park. Depending on the activity, additional fees and permits may be required.
The online system includes a CUA application fee. Isle Royale National Park charges a nonrefundable application fee of $350 for the first application submitted by an applicant and $250 for any subsequent applications from the same applicant.
Management fees are based on gross receipts at the end of each year, calculated using the Market Value Method. The fee structure is as follows: 3% for gross receipts up to $250,000; 4% for gross receipts between $250,000 and $500,000; and 5% for gross receipts exceeding $500,000. Any application fees paid in the first year of operation will be deducted from the total amount owed if Market Value Management Fees apply. If the Management Fee is lower than the Application Fee, the remaining balance will not carry over to the next year.
Additionally, CUA holders are responsible for paying all applicable entrance fees at the time of arrival and ensuring that all participants also pay their entry fees.
Previous year CUA holders are required to submit an Annual Report which is due when all trips have been completed but no later than January 15 of the following year. Gross receipts must be reported accurately. Reports can be submitted on the CUA Management Portal.