Grand Teton National Park issues Special Use Permits (SUPs) for wedding and commitment ceremonies that establish a meaningful association between the park and the ceremony.
Because Grand Teton is an outdoor, rustic, natural environment where the priorities include protecting the park’s resources and allowing all visitors to enjoy the park, only small, simple, rustic, and undecorated ceremonies are permitted. If you want to have a large, exclusive, or decorated celebration, consider locations outside of the park for your event.
Please carefully read the information on this page to determine whether Grand Teton will be suitable for your ceremony and how to apply for a permit.
2025 Application Period and Updates
Beginning Monday, December 16, 2024, at 08:00 a.m. MST (10:00 a.m. EST) applications for a 2025 Special Park Use Permit for a Wedding and Commitment Ceremony in Grand Teton National Park may be submitted. Do not submit them earlier than this date and time. Early application submissions will not be held if submitted prior to the opening date.
The following dates of issue for either permit type:
Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony Permits may be issued for permits starting on Friday, May 16, 2025, through Monday, October 13, 2025 applications for Colter Bay Swim Beach, Mormon Row (North or South), Glacier View Turnout, Snake River Overlook, or Schwabacher Landing may be applied for.
Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony Permits for Mountain View Turnout Turnout may be issued starting Sunday, June 1, 2025. This is to mitigate vegetation concerns due to typically wet soils which make early season plants more vulnerable to mortality,
Small Dispersed Ceremony Permit Starting January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025
Applications must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the ceremony date. If you are applying for a permit for January 2025, you may apply on December 1, 2024.
Applicants must submit a non-refundable $200.00 application fee before the application can be reviewed.
Both Reserved and Small Dispersed Permits are limited to one hour maximum and must be defined with a start and end time. This time includes the arrival for set-up and ending time to including photos or video at the ceremony location.
Prior to Applying
A Special Park Use Permit is required for holding a Wedding and Commitment Ceremony in Grand Teton National Park to ensure the activity will not interfere with or prevent general visitor use or cause resource damage. Prior to applying, review the Regulations and Permit Conditions to ensure the ceremony held is appropriate and meets the conditions of the permit. The following are key need to know items:
All locations are outdoors and rustic in nature and do not offer protection from the weather. The permit prohibits or restricts the use of items such as decorations, alters, tables, chairs, signs, scattering of materials, non-invasive plants, generators, catered food services, etc. Most of the locations do not have restroom facilities at or near the ceremony locations.
Exclusive use of any area is not permitted; therefore, ceremony sites will remain open for public use alongside your permitted activity.
Consider carpooling. Access to parking maybe difficult and parking spaces cannot be reserved or held in advance.
Group size is restricted based on the permit type and location. Group size, includes the wedding party, guests- including infants, children, officiant, planners, photographer(s), etc.
Applications must be submitted by at least one of the individuals getting married. They may not be submitted by a third party (e.g., wedding planner, relative). Wedding/Event planners, officiants or photographers who are found to be ‘re-selling’ wedding permits may be denied application for permits and restricted from operating in Grand Teton National Park.
The permitee signs the permit to state they understand and accept the permit subject to the terms and conditions.
Portrait photos or video may be taken during the permitted event per the permit conditions. Please stay on existing trails, durable surfaces such as hardened gravel/rocks trails to mitigate vegetation damage.
The following are useful resources for applying and planning your ceremony and visiting Grand Teton:
Before submitting your application, visit the Teton County website for information regarding marriage licenses as these regulations may affect your application submission. Marriage Licenses | Teton County, WY (
Refer to the park webpage to plan your visit which includes Operating Hours and Seasons, Park Roads and Construction, General Information, Weather, and much more.
Consider downloading the free NPS App available through the Apple App Store and Google Play. This includes an interactive park map with the “Locate Me” icon so you will know where you are.
Permit Types
There are two types of Wedding and Commitment Ceremony Special Use Permits that can be applied for:
Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony Permits
Small Dispersed Ceremony Permits
Chapels or Lodges in the Park
Arrangements for the use of these must be made directly with the establishments as follows:
A Grand Teton National Park permit is not required to hold a ceremony or reception at the chapels in the park or a park concession facility (i.e., Jackson Lake Lodge). Entrance fees apply for all participants.
Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony Permits
The total number of permits issued by the park are limited to 1 ceremony per day, per location with a maximum of 60 ceremonies per year per location with the exception of Colter Bay Swim Beach, which is limited to a maximum of 30 ceremonies per year.
There are 6 site-specific ceremony locations that may be applied for:
Group size is restricted to no more than 12 people, including the wedding party, wedding guests including children, officiant, and photographer(s).
Small Dispersed Ceremony locations may be applied for parkwide except in prohibited areas (see below). Only one permit will be issued per location per day. A location may not be permitted if the activity will interfere with or prevent general visitor use or cause resource damage.
During the winter months, please understand winter conditions exist. There may be feet of snow that may limit where you can go and areas you can walk will be icy or snow packed. Parking areas may not be freshly plowed based on plowing priorities and winter storms.
Applicant must provide a location description with coordinates and/or a satellite view map of the requested location.
Prohibited locations include:
During the defined permit dates for Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony locations. Of the reserved locations, except for Schwabacher Landing, they may be applied for as a Small Dispersed permit with a limit of 12 people.
Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony locations during Friday, May 16, 2025, through Monday, October 13, 2025
The paved trails within and surrounding the Jenny Lake Visitor Plaza at South Jenny Lake, Jenny Lake Trail, and Jenny Lake Overlook
Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point
String Lake developed area and trail
Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve
Concessioner land assignments (exception for weddings sold/catered by concessioners in assigned facilities in accordance with their contract)
Park partner facilities (e.g., Murie Ranch, Teton Science School)
Within proximity of places where weddings are being managed by a chapel or concessioner (e.g., the Chapel of the Transfiguration)
Park cemeteries
If a location is behind a gate, the permittee may have walking access but not vehicle access
Areas where there is high visitation during the requested period or potential for resource damage
How to Apply
A completed application and the $200.00 application fee must be submitted electronically a minimum of 30 days prior to the requested ceremony date. See Application Period for submission information.
There may be a reprocessing fee based on the time spent to process changes to a completed permit (e.g., change of date within this calendar year, location, time, number of people, etc.).
Step 1: Review Options
Determine the type of ceremony permit you are applying for: a Reserved Site-Specific Wedding Ceremony ora Small Dispersed Ceremony
Step 2: Complete Application
Download and complete a Wedding and Commitment Ceremony Special Use Application. Please note we only accept pdf or .doc applications.
The following information MUST be included, or the application cannot be processed:
Application Information
Enter applicant information. One or both of the primary ceremony participant names may be listed (e.g., Bride and/or Groom). Applications from a third party will not be accepted. You can leave Organization and Fax number blank.
Description of Proposed Activity section
Indicate whether you are applying for a Reserved Site-Specific Ceremony or a Small Dispersed Ceremony.
Date, Location, and Time
Enter your preferred date, location and start time for the permitted activity in the first row.
Identify and prioritize your alternates (e.g., if location is your priority you may have to be flexible on your ceremony date and vice versa). Please do not call to ask what is available.Once a completed application is submitted if the preferred is not available, the alternates will be evaluated, and options presented to the applicant.
Both Reserved and Small Dispersed Permits are limited to one hour maximum and must be defined with a start and end time. This time includes the arrival for set-up and ending time to including photos or video at the ceremony location.
If you are applying for a Small Dispersed Ceremony site, provide a description of the location with coordinates and/or a satellite view map of the requested location.
Participants and Vehicles (best estimate)
Enter the number of people who will be at the ceremony including infants, children, officiant, photographer(s), and planner(s). Enter the maximum number you anticipate. Once your permit is finalized, if you end up having more participants, you will need to contact the park to have your permit reprocessed.
Enter the maximum number of vehicles and the size of vehicle you are planning and requesting to be included in your permit.
List of Equipment
List any additional equipment you are requesting to be considered for your permit. Examples are an estimated number of chairs for those who cannot stand through the full ceremony or any additional equipment beyond what is described in the permit conditions.
Individual in Charge
Enter the name and cell phone number of the individual who will be in charge of the onsite activity and is authorized to make decisions related to the permitted activity.
This person is expected to ensure the activities during the permitted event and all participants including attendees/officiants/photographers/planners are adhering to the permit conditions. Include any support personnel you may have to support your permitted ceremony activity (i.e., event planner, officiant, photographer, videographer).
Activity Questions
Select the Yes or No checkbox for each question as it pertains to you.
Signature Block
Complete the applicant name, title, signature, and date section If a planner or photographer is completing the application on behalf of the applicant, the applicant must sign the application and be included as a cc: in the email submission of the application. The planner information must be included in the “List of Equipment section.”
Step 3: Submit Application
Email the completed application to Please allow 7 to 10 days for a response.
Step 4: Pay Application Fee
Pay the $200 non-refundable application fee electronically by visiting Use the Grand Teton NP Special Use Permit Application Fee Form.
Click Continue to the Form
Fill out all fields in the Permittee Information section. The Business/Event name should be the applicant’s name.
Check the box for Permit Fee and enter $200.00 in the Permit Fee Amount field that pops up and fill in the Amount Due field.
Click the Continue text to enter your payment information and finalize the transaction.
You will receive a confirmation email from retain this for your records. The Visitor Services office will automatically receive an email confirmation/receipt of the payment. You do not need to forward this confirmation.
Step 5: Review Draft and Sign Permit
Once your application and payment have been processed, a preliminary permit will be sent for your review. You will have seven (7) calendar days to review, sign, and return the document to for final processing.
By signing the permit, you are certifying that the applicant information is correct and that you have read, understood, and will abide by all permit conditions.
Once the permit is finalized, any changes such as the date, location, time, and maximum number of people, will require a reprocessing fee based on the amount of time we spend modifying the permit.
Step 6: Final Permit
A copy of the fully executed permit signed by the authorizing official, will be returned to you via email. You will need to have a printed copy of the fully executed permit with you on site during the event.
You are expected to share the permit with the individual in charge and support personnel identified in the application as they are expected to understand the regulations and permit conditions.
Regulations and Permit Conditions
The Superintendent may immediately suspend or revoke this permit without notice if destruction of, loss of, or injury to any park property or resource has occurred, is occurring, or appears imminent. In accordance with the System Unit Resource Protection Act, 54 U.S.C. §§ 100721-100725, any person that destroys, causes the loss of, or injures any park system unit resource will be liable to the United States for response costs and damages resulting from the destruction, loss, or injury.
The Superintendent may revoke this permit at any time after providing 24 hours’ written notice to the Permittee setting forth the reasons for the revocation.
The Permittee designates (Individual in Charge) (cell phone number) as the on-site person responsible for adherence to the permit’s terms and conditions. The on-site person must have full authority to make all decisions about the permitted work or activities; must be reachable at all times; and is responsible for all persons or entities performing the permitted work or activities, including the Permittee’s contractors and subcontractors.
The permit is valid for activities occurring in Grand Teton National Park and does not permit activities on any other lands or waters administered by any other state or federal land management agency, private land, or other units of the National Park Service.
This activity may be monitored by a National Park Service employee or designee to ensure compliance with all conditions of this permit.
Any additional information relating to the privilege applied for by this application will be furnished upon request of the official in charge.
Harassment of wildlife (regardless of size) is strictly prohibited. Permittee/associates will wait until animals have naturally moved off trails or roads. The Superintendent’s Compendium states, “The following activities are prohibited: willfully approaching, remaining, viewing, or engaging in any activity within 100 yards of bears or wolves, or within 25 yards of any other wildlife including nesting birds; or within any distance that disturbs, displaces or otherwise interferes with the free unimpeded movement of wildlife, or creates or contributes to a potentially hazardous condition or situation; failure to remove one’s self to prescribed distances during inadvertent, accidental, casual or surprise encounters with wildlife; failure to comply as directed by NPS staff (employees, volunteers, or agents) engaged in administering wildlife management operations or managing wildlife viewing opportunities.”
The permittee and designee/representatives shall avoid any inference, written, spoken, or printed, of any connection, either official or unofficial, with the National Park Service and/or its activities.
All natural and cultural resources are protected by law; utmost care will be exercised to see that no natural, historic, or cultural features are injured.
The area must be cleaned up and restored to its prior condition. Ensure all trash and ceremony items are picked up and packed out at the end of the ceremony. Respect the Park’s resources and tread lightly. Leave No Trace principles and practices shall be closely adhered to for all events/ceremonies that take place in non-developed and backcountry areas. For more information, please visit Leave No Trace Seven Principles and Wilderness Ethics.
The following activities are prohibited:
Erecting or placing of alters, arbors, arches, blankets, platforms, podiums, rugs, tables, and tents.
Chairs with the exception of a few portable chairs (provided by the permittee) under special circumstances, such as for guests who would have difficulty standing during the window of this permit.
Attaching or placing decorations (e.g., balloons, banners, flower stands, lights, objects, signs, streamers) to any natural or historic object or any National Park Service sign, bench, post, building, or facility. Only handheld items that can be carried at all times are permissible.
Use of generators.
Rearrangement of park facilities (e.g., moving benches, tables).
Mowing and/or removal of vegetation.
Scattering, spreading or throwing of any materials (e.g., birdseed, rice, flower petals, confetti).
Releasing or throwing birds, butterflies, balloons, rice, bubbles, etc.
Receptions or catered food services. Small food and drink items, like a champagne toast, are permitted but must follow strict bear safety/food storage protocol.
Using park visitor center, restrooms, and other buildings for ceremony preparations (e.g., dressing, picture-taking, rehearsals, waiting areas) or in the event of inclement weather.
Bouquets are permitted but they may not contain any plant species on the Wyoming State Designated Noxious Weeds list nor the Teton Country Declared Species List (e.g., Baby’s Breath).
Participants, guests, officiant, and photographers must follow all traffic, trail, and site regulations. They must stay on established trails and on durable surfaces to minimize impacts to the natural vegetation.
Vehicles will abide by state and federal laws/regulations. Parking is allowed in designated parking areas only and drivers must pull safely out of traffic lanes without damaging resources. Unauthorized parking may be subject to violation notices. Parking at sites is not exclusively reserved for the ceremony.
This permit does not grant exclusive use of any area, including the approved ceremony site. The permitted location shall remain open to park visitors. Other park visitors shall not be requested to move themselves, their vehicles, or alter their selected activities by the permittee. Furthermore, all pathways and trails in the ceremony area must remain clear for visitors to freely walk the path unimpeded. Permittee must not block trails.
Audio devices (radios, musical instruments, etc.) shall not be used in such a manner: (i) that exceeds a noise level of 60 decibels or (ii) that makes noise which is unreasonable, considering the nature and purpose of the permit, location, time of day, impact on park users, and other factors that would govern the conduct of a reasonably prudent person under circumstances. Sound amplification is not permitted. Vocal communication shall not exceed normal conversational volume. 36 CFR 2.12 Audio Disturbances.
Entrance fees apply to all wedding participants and guests who pass through an entrance gate. A 7-day entrance pass may be purchased in advance through
Photography and film/videography are authorized under the following conditions, and the permittee is required to ensure their photographer/videographer are aware of the permit conditions:
Photographers/Videographers, along with officiants and event planners, are included in the total participant count.
Equipment must be carried at all times, except for small tripods used to hold cameras.
Artificial lighting that is not handheld may not be used. Authorized lighting equipment includes but is not limited to on-camera flash/TTL flash, handheld light modifiers, handheld flash brackets, handheld flash heads, handheld reflectors, and handheld diffusers.
All business transactions, including disbursement of business cards, are conducted outside of Grand Teton National Park and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway.
No, not through a Grand Teton National Park Special Use Permit. Grand Teton Lodge Company has facilities that can accomodate larger weddings and receptions; you may contact the park concessioner at 307-543-2811 to inquire. Additionally, the two chapels, the Chapel of the Transfiguration and the Chapel of the Sacred Heart, may be able to accommodate larger groups.
Entrance fees are charged for all wedding participants and guests as they pass through a park entrance station. If in a private non-commerical vehicle, the $35 entrance fee or annual passes are an option. If hiring a commercial vehicle, including taxis, the non-commercial organized group fee of $20 per person for each visitor 16 years or older.
The 7-day entrance passes may be purchased in advanced through See Fees and Passes for more information.
The Chapel of the Transfiguration sits on private property within the park. If guests are entering only to attend the wedding ceremony at the chapel, they will not be charged an entrance fee. However, if you are holding your reception inside the park or outside the chapel complex, your guests will be charged an entrance fee.
Permits are written for two hours. This time includes travelling to the ceremony location, performing the ceremony, and taking wedding photos.
No. We are continually receiving applications and do not have the ability for the public to view a live calendar to check availability.
We ask that you provide six locations and date priorities list at the time of application. If none of your six choices are available at the date/time you want, we will contact you to try to find a different time or place.
Depending on the volume of applications received at any given time, the time will vary. Generally, you can expect to receive communications regarding your application request within 7 to 10 calendar days.
If the area of the park for which you received a permit is closed to the public due to a fire or other emergency, we may be able accommodate you elsewhere or reschedule, though this is not guaranteed. Heavy smoke, rain, snow, wind, and other natural and unpredictable weather patterns are part of the potential hazards of holding a ceremony in a national park and are not grounds for changing your permit. Note: refunds will not be issued for permits that cannot be rescheduled, are cancelled, or that you do not use.
Changes requested such as the date (within this calendar year), location, time, maximum number of people, etc. may be done, but it will require a $100 reprocessing fee. You may email the request with referencing permit number, details of the request, and pay the reprocessing fee through
Requests to change the date to future years will require a new application and application fee to be submitted when applications for that period are accepted. Requests to update the contact information for a planner or photographer are not subject to the reprocessing fee and can be sent at any time.
If you need to cancel, please email so the location and date can be made available to another applicant.
Generally no. Pets are allowed inside Grand Teton National Park, but they must be restrained at all times and are not permitted on hiking trails, inside visitor centers, swimming beaches, or other facilities, except for service animals. A good rule of thumb is that a pet may go anywhere a car may go: roads and road shoulders, campgrounds and picnic areas, parking lots, etc. Pets must be on a leash (six feet or less), under physical restraint, and within 30 feet of the roadway. Pets are not permitted on any park trails or in the park backcountry. Pets are not considered pack animals.
The Wedding Tree is on the Bridger-Teton National Forest and not part of Grand Teton National Park. For more information visit the Bridger-Teton National Forest website.
Contact Us
For more information call 307-739-3616 or e-mail us.
Grand Teton has a lot to offer whatever your interests. Explore the Plan Your Visit pages to help with your trip planning.
Last updated: February 13, 2025
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P.O. Box 170
Talk to a Ranger? To speak to a Grand Teton National Park ranger call 307–739–3399 for visitor information Monday-Friday during business hours.