Backcountry Conditions

This page offers current backcountry conditions and is updated frequently. It is always good practice to check this page regularly leading up to your trip’s start date.

The map offers a quick snapshot of current trail status. Below the map is more detailed information regarding the condition of the trail, further descriptions of trail closures, warnings, and known hazards. Please make sure to review both the backcountry conditions map and the Area Conditions Detail Section of this page

Conditions reports offer specific details about a given trail on a given date. However, Yellowstone's backcountry is vast and some trail status reports may not be updated for several weeks or even months for lesser used trails. For this reason, Backcountry Conditions reports only offer a snapshot of trail conditions and should be used in conjunction with other tools such as weather reports, prior backpacking experience in Yellowstone, and assessment of your own backpacking skill level.

A legend for the backcountry situation report map above.
*This map doesn't reflect current campsite availability. Backcountry permits are required to camp in all backcountry campsites.

  General Information

Due to predicted warm-water temperatures and unprecendented low river lows that are lethal to trout several of the park's streams are closed or have  time related restrictions. Please review the restrictions listed in the most recent press release.(7/24)


Backcountry Office Hours


Area Condition Details

Trails are listed by region as shown on the map below. Scroll down or select a region name to view backcountry conditions for the area: 
Northwest               Northeast               Central               Southwest               Southeast

Map of backcountry condition report areas


  • No off trail travel within the Gallatin Bear Management Area
  • A minimum group size of four people is recommended for hiking and camping withing the Gallatin Bear Management Area.



  • Due to the 2022 flood event, many of the rivers in the northern section of the park have changed  course. As a result, the locations where trails intersect the rivers may not always be the safest places to cross. Take time to scout upstream and downstream to find the best crossing points.





  • Bechler has received heavy rain the last week and rivers are swollen. Current reports are that streams are running around 36 inches deep or more. The Bechler Meadows are saturated and have ankle to knee deep water. Other trails also have areas of standing water. (9/18/24)
  • Cave Falls Road is open and in good condition with washboarded areas.
  • Grassy Lake Road conditions still rough. Recommended vehicles have high clearance. Link to road conditions at Grand Teton National Park: GRTE Park Roads. (6/22/24)



  • Boating season is open.


Submit Trail Conditions

Have you hiked the trails lately and want to submit trail conditions? Please email the Central Backcountry Office with the trails and date you hiked the trails and as much details as you can provide.


More Information

Last updated: September 18, 2024

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168



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