This page offers current backcountry conditions and is updated frequently. It is always good practice to check this page regularly leading up to your trip’s start date.
The map offers a quick snapshot of current trail status. Below the map is more detailed information regarding the condition of the trail, further descriptions of trail closures, warnings, and known hazards. Please make sure to review both the backcountry conditions map and the Area Conditions Detail Section of this page
Conditions reports offer specific details about a given trail on a given date. However, Yellowstone's backcountry is vast and some trail status reports may not be updated for several weeks or even months for lesser used trails. For this reason, Backcountry Conditions reports only offer a snapshot of trail conditions and should be used in conjunction with other tools such as weather reports, prior backpacking experience in Yellowstone, and assessment of your own backpacking skill level.
General Information
Due to predicted warm-water temperatures and unprecendented low river lows that are lethal to trout several of the park's streams are closed or have time related restrictions. Please review the restrictions listed in the most recent press release.(7/24)
Trails are snow free. Check out the snowpack map (right side of linked page) to see estimated snow depths.
All park streams and rivers are likely crossable. Some are still high and fast; use caution. Due to the flood in 2022 many of the streams within the Northern Section of the park have changed their course. Scout up and down stream for the best place to cross, which is not neccesarily where the trail meets the stream.
Fishing season is open. Learn about regulations and guidelines in Fishing in the Park.
The Firehole River has partial fishing restrictions in place. The river and its associated tributaries will be closed to fishing daily from 2 p.m. to sunrise the following day. For a map and further details on the closure please view the news release. (8/28/24)
The boating season is open. See Backcountry Conditions Map and Area Condition Details below for site-specific information.
All watercraft require Yellowstone AIS inspection and registration. Inspections are available at Bridge Bay, Grant Village, and Lewis Lake. New: A 30-day dry time is required for all sailboats and complex motorized boats (inboard, inboard/outboard, or inboard jet drives). See Boating in Yellowstone for more information.
The majority of trails are open to stock. See below in the Area Conditions Detail section for futher details or closures on trail conditions. Due to recent wind storms it is recommended that stock parties carry saddle saws. Permits are required for both Day and Overnight permits. Link for submitting Day ride permits. Information on reserving overnight permits. Get prepared for the season by reviewing Yellowstone's horse riding pages.
Trails that are not suitable for Stock Use: Osprey Falls, Bunsen, Lava Creek, Wraith Falls, Sheepeater Trail, Tower Falls, Chittenden Road, Lost Lake, Artist Point/Point Sublime, Storm Point, West Thumb Overlook, Monument Geyser Basin, Harlequin Lake, Beaver Ponds, Upper Terraces, Trout Lake, Seven Mile Hole, North/South Rim Canyon, Avalanche Peak, Clear Lake, Elephant Back, Riverside, Shoshone Geyser Basin, Artist Paint Pots, and any geyser basin or thermal area.
The parkwide fire danger level for Yellowstone National Park is now VERY HIGH and Stage 1 fire restrictions are now in effect.
Fire restrictions include: Backcountry and trails
Prohibited: Charcoal and all campfires in the backcountry, including those in established fire rings.
Permitted: Smoking only in areas adjacent to the provided fire ring in designated campsites or within a 3-foot-diameter area barren of all flammable material. Smokers should ensure that all cigarette butts are extinguished properly.
Permitted: Portable gas stoves and lanterns in areas that are barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within 3 feet.
Now is the time for visitors to be vigilant about fire safety. Negligently starting a wildland fire may result in fines and/or imprisonment.
Wildfire activity is increasing in Yellowstone as crews have responded to and controlled four lightning-caused fires in the last week. Fireworks are not allowed in the park.
West Yellowstone Backcountry Office: Open. Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Snake River Backcountry Office (South Entrance): Open. Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Old Faithful Backcountry Office: Closed for the 2024 season.
Canyon Backcountry Office: Closed for the 2024 season.
Backcountry Offices are closed for lunch.
*The Albright Visitor Center does not open until 9:00am. To access the Mammoth Backcountry office between the hours of 8:00 am and 9:00 am visitors should go around the back of the Visitor Center where the wheelchair ramp is located.
Area Condition Details
Trails are listed by region as shown on the map below. Scroll down or select a region name to view backcountry conditions for the area: NorthwestNortheastCentralSouthwestSoutheast
Report of possible injured bear off of the Bacon Rind trail. Be Bear Aware. (9/10/24)
Gardner River crossing is at normal/lower summer level. (7/11/24)
Fawn Pass Trail is open and has been initially cleared. (6/26/24)
Stock: Caution for land slide about 3 miles west of Fawn Pass with deep crevices and unstable ground which makes stock travel diffucult.
Indian Creek Campground is closed for the season. Visitors will need to park outside the barricade. Make sure to not block barricade. Do not camp in the campground.(9/10/24)
Creek crossings are at normal/lower summer levels. (7/11/24)
Access to the Seven Mile Bridge Trailhead is closed due to repair work on the Seven Mile Bridge. (9/10/24)
See conditions map above for details on Richard's Pond and Gneiss Creek Bear Management Areas
Trail is open.
Stock: Trail not suitable for stock.
Trail is open. (6/10/24)
Trail is open.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
Due to the 2022 flood event, many of the rivers in the northern section of the park have changed course. As a result, the locations where trails intersect the rivers may not always be the safest places to cross. Take time to scout upstream and downstream to find the best crossing points.
Rescue Creek Trailhead along the washed out North Entrance Road is inaccessible due to the bridge having washed out in the 2022 Floods. See conditions map above.
Rescue Creek Trail accessed from the Blacktail Trailhead is open.
Lava Creek Trail (from Lava Creek Picnic Area or Blacktail Trailhead) is open. The trail can be hiked to the Gardner river, but you will need to return the same way. The bridge over the Gardner River is out. (5/30/24)
Stock: Lava Creek trail not suitable for stock.
Trail is open.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
The Yellowstone River Trail is closed west of campsite 1Y1 due to a trail washout. See map above.
Hikers report Little Cottonwood Creek is dry at site 1R3; will need to scout to Yellowstone River for water. (9/4/24)
Report of a habituated marmots along the West side of the Hellroaring Creek trail (Campsites 2H1, 2H3, 2H5, 2H7,2H9). As always, make sure to hang food as soon as arriving into camp to protect food and gear from marmots and other rodents.(8/28/24)
Site 2H5 is closed for season. Site must be relocated.
Sections of the Lost Lake Trail near Roosevelt Lodge are CLOSED. See Conditions Map above.
Stock: Not suitable for stock
The Garnett Hill trailhead is subject to closures due to road construction. The Garnett Hill Trail can be accessed from Tower Junction, and then continue to the wagon road and trail.
The Garnett Hill Loop is open to hikers, but a section is closed to stock. See Backcountry Conditions Map above.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
Buffalo Fork trail open. Trail conditions unknown. Slough Creek is crossable for parties on foot. (7/3/24)
Slough Creek Trail is open and in good condition. (6/10/24)
Slough Creek is fordable with caution for those connecting to the Buffalo Fork Trail. (7/3/24)
Stock Use: Stock parties accessing campsites 2S7 or 2S8 should follow the flagged route south of campsite 2S4 to cross Slough Creek. The crossing near Elk Tongue Cabin is deep and soft and not recommended for stock. (7/3/24)
Pebble Creek Trail is open and has been initially cleared. (7/1/24)
Bliss Pass cleared of downed trees (7/1/24)
Pebble Creek Fords are running about 1.5 feet in depth, crossable.(6/20/24)
STOCK USE: Pebble Creek Trail is open to stock.(8/22/24)
Trout Lake Trail is open.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
Yellowstone River Picnic Area trail is open. (5/30/24)
Specimen Ridge-Agate Creek trails have been cleared from Specimen Ridge trailhead to campsite 2Y1. (6/6/24)
Lamar River trail is open and has been initially cleared. (7/1/24)
Miller Creek trail is open. Site 3M4 closed long term due to flood damage.
Site 3M7 has only a trickle of water-may have to scout for water. (8/15/24)
Fords of Soda Butte Creek at stock trailhead- 2 feet, Cache Creek- 1 1/2 feet deep, Lamar River, and Miller Creek are running around 2-2 1/2 feet deep. Crossbable on foot and stock. Scout for the best locations to cross the creek. (7/8/24)
Stock: Lamar Trail is open to stock. On Miller Creek there is no travel by stock between campsite 3M3 and 3M6.
Cache Creek trail has been cleared of downfall.(8/1/24)
Stock: Open
Pelican Valley is open. Travel in Pelican Valley is limited to the hours of 9am to 7pm per the Pelican Valley Bear Management Area regulations.
The Firehole River has partial fishing restrictions in place. The river and its associated tributaries will be closed to fishing daily from 2 p.m. to sunrise the following day. For a map and further details on the closure please view the news release. (8/28/24)
Dunraven and Chittenden Trails have reopened. (8/17/24)
STOCK: Chittenden Road is not suitable for stock.
Trail between 4E1 and Mount Washburn is open.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
Due to Norris Campground being closed for the 2024 season, there is a barricade which will prevent visitors from parking at the trailhead. Visitors will need to park in the large pullout on the main road to the south of the barricade and walk through the campground to the trailhead.
Trail is open. Trails across open meadows are quite wet. (6/8/24)
Cascade Lake Trail between Cascade and Grebe is drying out and not too boggy. (7/7/24)
Gibbon River fords near Ice Lake and Wolf Lake are all crossable.
Trails are open.
Stock: Not suitable for stock.
Clear Lake Trail is open. (7/22/24)
Trails cleared and in good condition and fords crossable. (7/7/24)
Wapiti Lake cleared of downfall. (8/15/24)
Trail is open.
From July 15 to September 15 travel allowed only on designated trails in the Hayden Valley BMA. Off trail travel is prohibited. (See map above)
Mary Mountain Trail is open.
Trails in Bechler area are drying out, with some "perennial" muddy sections. Fords are crossable -- use caution. Mosquitoes are manageable. (8/1/24)
Cave Falls Road is open and in good condition with washboarded areas.
Grassy Lake Road conditions still rough. Recommended vehicles have high clearance. Link to road conditions at Grand Teton National Park: GRTE Park Roads. (6/22/24)
Please be aware that the area around Dunanda Falls trail will be closed for necessary trail work. To ensure the safety of visitors and crews in steep terrain, access to Dunanda Falls and its viewpoints, including from the overlook, will be unavailable during these closures. Soaking at Dunanda Falls and off-trail access to these areas are prohibited during this time. The trail itself will remain open for travel. See Closure Map
August 29th at 7:00 am through September 2 at 5:30 pm (Mountain Time)
September 12 at 7:00 am through September 16th at 5:30pm (Mountain Time)
August 15 at 7:00 am through August 19 at 5:30 pm (Mountain Time)
The Firehole River has partial fishing restrictions in place. The river and its associated tributaries will be closed to fishing daily from 2 p.m. to sunrise the following day. For a map and further details on the closure please view the news release. (8/28/24)
Trails around Fairy Falls, Sentinel Meadows, and the Freight Road are open.
Biscuit Basin Trailhead is closed due to hydrothermal explosion. Visitors can use the Daisy Trailhead to access the CDT, andcampsites OD2 and OD3. (7/23/24)
Some downed trees across the trail. (7/25/24)
Snow free, trail cleared of downfall. (6/26/24)
Trail to Lone Star is open.
All watercraft require Yellowstone AIS inspection and registration. Inspection stations are at Bridge Bay, Grant, and Lewis Lake. New: A thirty-day dry time is required for all sailboats, boats with inboard motors, and boats with inboard/outboard motors. See Boating in Yellowstone for more information.
Motorized boats are prohibited on Shoshone Lake and Lewis River.
Lewis River Channel levels are running low. Boats will need to walk sections of the river both upstream and downstream.(8/1/24)
Hikers report seeing a grizzly near site 8S2 on 8/24. Be bear aware. (8/25/24)
Stock: No stock allowed in the Shoshone Geyser Basin.
Lower Bechler Canyon Ford (near campsite 9B6) is ~ 30" deep. (7/13/24)
Trails have been cleared of downfall. (7/23/24)
Bear Frequenting Area warning in effect for campsites 9B4, 9B5, and the trail inbetween. It is berry season and bears are feeding on the many berries in the area. (8/24/24)
Trails across Bechler Meadows are dry except for some "perennial" muddy sections. (7/13/24)
Campsite 9B1 is CLOSED due to bear activity. (9/6/24)
Trail are still wet with muddy sections, but drying out. Trail is still marshy in places with some standing water around site 9A0. Fords are under 2 ft. and slow. (8/1/24)
Please be aware that the area around Dunanda Falls trail will be closed for necessary trail work. To ensure the safety of visitors and crews in steep terrain, access to Dunanda Falls and its viewpoints, including from the overlook, will be unavailable during these closures. Soaking at Dunanda Falls and off-trail access to these areas are prohibited during this time. The trail itself will remain open for travel. See map.
August 15 at 7:00 am through August 19 at 5:30 pm (Mountain Time)
August 29th at 7:00 am through September 2 at 5:30 pm (Mountain Time)
September 12 at 7:00 am through September 16th at 5:30pm (Mountain Time)
Caution crossing Falls River. (7/1/24)
Bear frequenting warning for the Mountain Ash Creek trail.(8/1/24)
Union Falls area accessible from Grassy Lake and Cascade Creek Trailheads.
Stock use: Partial closure.Trail between Mountain Ash Creek Trail and Bechler Meadows is closed to stock due to a bog created by beaver activity. Trail is wet and flooded.
Northern part of the trail has been cleared of downfall up to the campsites. (7/23/24)
Campsites 8P1 and 8P2 are open. (7/1/24)
Water supply at the campsites may be low.(8/1/24)
Wet conditions. (7/1/24)
Boating season is open.
Storm Point Trail is open. Bear Frequenting warning. (7/2/24)
Elephant Back is cleared and snow free. (6/17/24)
Natural Bridge Trail is open.
Stock: Storm Point, Elephant Back trail not suitable for stock.
Stock: trail not suitable for stock use.
Boating season is open. Clear Creek Bear Management Area restrictions are in effect.
All watercraft require Yellowstone AIS inspection and registration. Inspection stations are at Bridge Bay and Grant Village, Lewis Lake. New: A thirty-day dry time is required for all sailboats, boats with inboard motors, inboard/outboard motors, or jet drives. See Boating in Yellowstone for more information.
Docks and hazard bouys are in place.(6/12/24)
Water level at the lower Yellowstone River ford south of campsite 6B1 is 2 feet. (8/30/24)
There are several closures in effect to protect nesting birds. There are closures in place near Frank Island, Stevenson Island, Molly Islands, Peale Island. No travel permitted on, or near the closures. See map above for specific location of closures.
All Thorofare/Yellowstone River fords are crossable with caution on foot. (8/18/24)
Possibly as bees nest near site 6C1. (8/18/24)
Stock: Open to stock.
Snake River fords at 8C2,8C6,8C4 are crossable for stock, 2 to 3 ft.; foot travelers should use caution. (7/2/24)
Snake River ford at South entrance is crossable for foot and stock.(7/2/24)
Approximately .2 miles NE of the junction Two Ocean Plateau trail and South Boundary trail there is a massive beaver dam that has taken over the area causing a part of the trail to get deeply flooded making crossing, especially with stock, difficult. Accessing the creek just west of the trail and using it to traverse past the flooded section may be the best option. The creek is about 2-4 feet deep, depending on where you cross, but has a solid rocky bottom for support.
Heart Lake area trails are open and have been initially cleared. (7/1/24)
Heart and Snake River Fords are passable. (7/4/24)
Submit Trail Conditions
Have you hiked the trails lately and want to submit trail conditions? Please email the Central Backcountry Office with the trails and date you hiked the trails and as much details as you can provide.