Park Planning and ComplianceThe National Park Service (NPS) is required by federal law to engage in transparent planning efforts and to solicit public, agency, and tribal input in decision making. The NPS engages in planning to ensure our decisions are as effective and efficient as possible in carrying out the NPS mission to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the NPS for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Wilderness Act, and other laws and regulations and NPS policies require that certain procedural steps be taken, and that park staff analyze all plans and project proposals to determine the degree of impacts on the environment. The involvement and input of the interested and affected public is an essential component in this process. Ongoing Planning ProjectsManzanita Lake Area Plan ProjectThe result of this planning effort will be a design concept plan (DCP) for the Manzanita Lake Area. The plan includes concepts for natural and cultural resource protection, facility development, visitor use, and other management needs. Wilderness and Backcountry Stewardship PlanThis plan will provide guidance on the management of wilderness and backcountry within Lassen Volcanic National Park, including but not limited to, cultural resources, research, and recreational opportunities such as trail use and development, camping, and stock use. Completed Planning ProjectsAccessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (2021) Operational PlansPlease email for copies of any plans without links. Fire Management Plan |
Last updated: August 24, 2022