Outdoor Activities

Point Reyes National Seashore comprises over 259 square kilometers (100 square miles), including 13,500 hectares (33,300 acres) of coastal wilderness area. Estuaries, windswept beaches, coastal scrub grasslands, salt and freshwater marshes, and coniferous forests create a haven of 128 kilometers (80 miles) of unspoiled and undeveloped coastline.

Abundant recreational opportunities include 240 kilometers (150 miles) of hiking trails, backcountry campgrounds, and numerous beaches. Hiking, biking, kayaking, horse riding, beachcombing, wildlife viewing, and fishing are just a few of the self-guided activities awaiting your visit. Please check at a visitor center when you arrive at Point Reyes for the most recent information on trail advisories and closures or other important information you may need for your visit. In the immediate vicinity of the Bear Valley Visitor Center are a few short nature trails and other interpretive exhibits.

Please, Leave No Trace. Take only pictures, leave only footprints. Learn how to enjoy your park while leaving it in as good of a condition, if not better, as you found it.

Outdoor volunteer activities include habitat restoration, monitoring harbor seals, helping out at Kule Loklo or the Morgan Horse Ranch, repairing trails, and educating visitors about elephant seals, snowy plovers and tule elk, amongst other opportunities.



NPSWilderness has produced two videos about America's Wilderness and Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics which hikers, campers, cyclists, horse riders, and other visitors to Point Reyes may find of interest.


Last updated: August 13, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1 Bear Valley Road
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956


This number will initially be answered by an automated attendant, from which one can opt to access a name directory, listen to recorded information about the park (e.g., directions to the park; visitor center hours of operation; fire danger information; wildlife updates; ranger-led programs; seasonal events; etc.), or speak with a ranger. Please note that if you are calling between 4:30 pm and 10 am, park staff may not be available to answer your call.

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