![Best Farm Best Farm, Monocacy National Battlefield](/orgs/1027/images/bf_secondary_sunrise.jpg?maxwidth=1300&autorotate=false)
Cultural resources include architecture (historic and prehistoric structures and sites), archeological resources (sites, artifact collections, and associated documentation), cultural anthropology resources (sites, collections, values, and traditions), cultural landscapes (historic sites, designed landscapes, vernacular landscapes, and ethnographic landscapes), historic reasearch, and museum collections (artifacts, specimens, archives, and objects). NCR Resource Stewardship and Science (RESS) Cultural Resources staff can assist regional park units in identifying, evaluating, preserving, protecting, and managing their varied cultural resources in the following areas:
- Archeology
- Civil Rights
- Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Landscapes
- Cultural Resource Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Cultural Resource Planning and Compliance
- Historic Architecture
- History
- Museum Program / Museum Resource Center
- NCR National Historic Landmarks Program
- Network to Freedom Program
- NCR Office of Native American Affairs
- Preservation Partnership Programs
If you need assistance from RESS, you may submit an online Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request (NPS only). You may also find project information on the National Capital Region Facility Management Division website Project Management page (NPS only).
Last updated: March 6, 2024