The National Capital Region (NCR) National Historic Landmarks (NHL) program administers the NHL Program in Washington, DC and 14 counties and three independent cities surrounding the nation’s capital. The program recognizes sites worthy of preservation as valuable illustrations of America’s heritage. NHLs are located within and outside of national parks and belong to both public and private owners. The National Capital Region's NHL Program guides the nomination process for new or updated landmarks, reviews federal projects that may impact NHLs, monitors the condition of landmarks, and provides assistance to current stewards of NHL properties.
The region’s NHLs include approximately 115 properties that range from well-known sites such as George Washington’s Mount Vernon and the White House, to the site of a major 19th century labor strike (Baltimore & Ohio Martinsburg Shops) and Washington, DC’s central hub of black education and activism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (St. Luke's Episcopal Church). Read more articles about some of NCR’s NHLs.
The NCR NHL Program also provides assistance to NPS parks in the region on National Register of Historic Places nominations and eligibility questions. See the RESS History Program page for more information.
For more information on how we may assist you with National Register questions, please contact the NCR NHL, NR, and Historic Surplus Property Coordinator, Kathryn Smith. If you need assistance from Resource Stewardship and Science (RESS), you may submit a Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request online (NPS Only).
- National Register of Historic Places
- National Historic Landmarks Program
- National Historic Landmark Theme Studies
- NCR National Historic Landmarks program contact page
Job Opportunities
Job Closed. The announcement for the Historian Position with the National Historic Landmarks Program that was recently advertised closed on June 26, 2023 after the limit of 100 applications was reached.
Last updated: June 27, 2023