The National Capital Region's Cultural Resource Planning and Compliance Program works with parks in the region to adhere to relevant historic preservation and environmental planning laws, with particular focus on Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
Section 106 of the NHPA requires agencies to consider how various projects that they carry out, approve, or fund will impact historic properties such as archeological sites, historic structures, and cultural landscapes. The Regional Section 106 Coordinator collaborates with regional and park staff to review how projects might affect cultural resources as well as developing possible avoidance measures or mitigation for any potential impacts.
Considering the impact of projects on cultural resources is critical to the preservation mission of the National Park Service.
For more information, please contact Jason Theuer, Section 106 Coordinator. If you need assistance from Resource Stewardship and Science (RESS), you may submit a Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request online (NPS Only).
Last updated: March 27, 2023