Things To Know Before You Come

Visitor center buildings covered in white snow
Begin at the visitor center located in the left half of the building.

NPS Photo

Be aware of current conditions as you make plans for visiting Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. The preserve hiking trails are gravel, dirt, and mowed paths; a rustic and natural environment. It's a good idea to wear clothing and footwear you don't mind getting dirty.

Come to the Visitor Center to begin your visit with a 10-minute orientation film and exhibits. Friendly rangers are available to provide brochures and trail map orientation to make your stay an enjoyable one. Please call ahead (620-273-8494 hit 270) for Tour availability.

Historic buildings are open during normal posted hours per winter and summer season. Visit the Operating Hours and Seasons page.

Wildlife Safety


Windmill Pasture and West Traps Pasture are home to the preserve's bison herd. Some hiking trails bisect these pastures. Please do not attempt to pet or come in close contact with the bison. Wild bison often appear docile but will attack when they feel threatened. Please keep a safe distance when hiking.


All wildlife at the park is protected. The preserve has a few venomous snakes, such as the massasauga and copperhead. Please watch where you are walking and do not put your hands where you cannot see. Be cautious around rock walls, fences, and in tall grass.


The nature trails and backcountry hiking trails (old ranch roads) are for foot traffic only. Pets are allowed on the nature trails. All trails are open 24 hours, seven days a week.


Gravel roads and mowed trails may be difficult for the typical stroller wheels. Strollers are welcome but may quicken fatigue. Use good judgement before hiking into the bison pasture with children in strollers.


Manual and motorized wheelchairs are approved for people with mobility limitations. However, no trails are currently ADA accessible.

Parking Lots in Winter Months from October through May

Little to no maintenance will be performed on access roads, including parking lots at the Bottomland Trail, Lower Fox Creek Schoolhouse, and the Two Section Fishing area. No maintenance will be performed on trails during winter months.

To the best extent possible, maintenance will be performed year-round on the entrance road and visitor center parking lots. Weather and conditions may hinder safe access to historic buildings area.

Prohibited Activities

  • Biking is prohibited on the preserve. Bike racks are provided for convenience at the visitor center and Bottomland Trail.

  • 4-Wheeling and Motorcycles are prohibited on the preserve trails.

  • Horse-back Riding is not allowed on trails.

  • Vehicles on the Trails are restricted to authorized personne only. Except for wheelchairs, all motorized transport is considered a vehicle.

  • Camping or Overnight Parking are not authorized at the preserve at this time. Camping is available at Chase State Fishing Lake 3 miles west of Cottonwood Falls, Swope Park in Cottonwood Falls, and in the nearby communities of Emporia and Council Grove. For a complete listing of all available goods and services in Chase County, visit the Chase County Chamber of Commerce website.

  • Open Flames and Grills are dangerous in the grassland. For safety of the resource and visitors, no open flames anywhere at the preserve, including the parking areas.

A person's hand holding a flint American Indian arrowhead.
A person holding a flint arrowhead.

NPS Photo

Leave No Trace Ethics

Everything at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve is protected and must remain on site. The picking and taking of flowers, grasses, artifacts, fossils, and/or arrowheads is illegal.

Souvenirs are available in the gift shop. Please leave behind what you find so others may enjoy the natural and cultural discoveries too. Learn more about Leave No Trace Principles.

Last updated: July 30, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2480B KS Hwy 177
Strong City, KS 66869


620 273-8494 x270

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