“Timed entry” means a reservation to enter the park during a designated time period. A predetermined number of reservations are available for each time slot. The time slots are in two-hour increments, for example: 7 am-9 am, 9 am-11 am, 11 am-1 pm, and 1 pm-3 pm.
Each reservation is for arrival within the two-hour window listed on the reservation.
Vehicles may enter the Paradise and Sunrise Corridors before 7 am and after 3 pm without a timed entry reservation. However, the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle (valid for seven days) is required for all vehicles entering the park, regardless of the time of day. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- Mount Rainier’s visitation has grown from about 1.1 million in 2013 to about 1.6 million people in 2022, so the park is more crowded. Summer visitors visiting at peak times often wait between one and three hours to move through the entrance stations, and parking is frequently difficult at Paradise, Sunrise, and other locations. Visitors avoiding crowded trails trample fragile meadow plants, causing meadow “scars” that take decades to heal. Local residents with property near the park entrances were frequently blocked from their driveways by long lines of idling cars.
- In an effort to mitigate this situation, the park is testing timed entry reservations as a potential management strategy to address these issues. A set number of reservations are available for each timed entry slot. The system is designed to disperse visitors more evenly throughout the day and across the park. Our expectation is that a reservation system will reduce crowding by shifting some visitation to traditionally lesser-used days or times.
- The timed entry reservation system pilot is projected to reduce wait times at entrance stations, reduce road and trail congestion, reduce impacts to fragile subalpine meadows, and improve parking options at popular destinations such as Paradise and Sunrise. This will lead to a better visitor experience – more time in the park, less time in cars waiting in line or searching for parking.
Yes, most visitors will need a timed entry reservation to visit Mount Rainier National Park during the summer of 2024.
Reservations are needed to enter the Paradise Corridor (entering through the Nisqually Entrance or through the Stevens Canyon Entrance) and to enter the Sunrise Corridor (entering through the White River Entrance).
- Paradise Corridor Timed Entry Reservations are required May 24, 2024, through September 2, 2024, from 7 am until 3 pm.
- Sunrise Corridor Timed Entry Reservations are required July 4, 2024, through September 2, 2024, from 7 am until 3 pm.
There are some exceptions:
- If you enter Paradise or Sunrise Corridor by vehicle/motorcycle before May 24, 2024, or after September 2, 2024, you do not need a reservation.
- Between May 24 and September 2, if you enter the Paradise or Sunrise Corridor by vehicle/motorcycle before 7 am or after 3 pm, you do not need a reservation.
- Paradise Corridor Service Exceptions
- If you have lodging reservations at the Paradise Inn or National Park Inn or camping reservations for Cougar Rock Campground, an additional timed entry reservation is not required to enter Paradise Corridor. However, entry into Paradise Corridor is permitted only after 1 pm the first day of your service reservation, and then anytime throughout your stay. Note: Lodging/camping reservations within Paradise Corridor do not give access to Sunrise Corridor.
- Sunrise Corridor Service Exceptions
- If you obtain a camping reservation for White River Campground, an additional timed entry reservation is not required to enter Sunrise Corridor. However, White River Campground operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Access to White River Campground is available before 7 am and after 3 pm without a timed entry reservation. Access to the campground between 7 am to 3 pm will require a timed entry reservation. Timed entry reservations do not guarantee a campsite but once a site is secured, you may use your camping reservation to exit and re-enter Sunrise Corridor anytime throughout your stay. Note: camping reservations within Sunrise Corridor do not give access to Paradise Corridor. Additionally, there are no lodges/hotels available within Sunrise Corridor.
- If you are on foot or riding a bike.
- Other permit holders may enter the park without reservations as outlined in their wilderness permit, special use permit, research permit or commercial use authorization.
Timed entry reservations do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage. NOTE: The park entrance fee will not be available online through Recreation.gov during the timed entry reservation period May 19-September 2, 2024, but must be purchased in person at park entrances.
Visitors with the interagency or "America the Beautiful" Federal Recreational Lands Pass (Annual, Senior, Military, Access, 4th Grade, Volunteer Passes) must still get a timed entry reservation to enter the Paradise or Sunrise Corridors between 7 am - 3 pm. If you have a park pass, you do not have to pay the park entrance fee.
- From May 24 through September 2, 2024, visitors entering the park in a vehicle will need two things:
- Timed Entry Ticket. Cost = $2
- Park Entrance Fee OR valid Park Pass (includes Annual, Senior, Access, Military, 4th Grade, or Volunteer passes). Cost varies.
- Since 2019, the park has been engaged in a visitor use management planning effort focused on the Nisqually-Paradise Corridor. A draft plan and environmental assessment was provided for public review and comment in 2023. The draft plan included reservation systems as a potential strategy to address visitor experience, congestion, and resource concerns. We are still evaluating public comments on that plan. The 2024 pilot is intended to test the use of a timed entry reservation system prior to making a long term decision for the Nisqually to Paradise Corridor Management Plan. You can learn more about the plan on the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment website.
- We have decided to pilot, or test, a timed entry reservation system to help inform future visitor use management decisions.
Reservations can only be made online at Recreation.gov or by calling the Recreation.gov reservation line at 877-444-6777 between 7 am and 9 pm Pacific Time. When calling, we recommend the following steps to reach an agent directly though the options may vary over time:
- Dial: 1-877-444-6777
- Wait for the initial recorded message and menu options (about 1:30 minutes)
- Prompt: "To make a new reservation"
- Prompt: "For tours or timed entry tickets"
- Prompt: "Are you calling to buy a ticket?"
- Prompt: "Please tell me what you're calling about so I can get you to the right agent"
- Say: "Mount Rainier National Park"
- Prompt: "Got it. Connecting you now. You may experience long wait times. Your estimated wait time is between XX and XX minutes."
- There may be an option for a call back if wait times are long.
- Once connected, an agent will help guide you in planning your Timed Entry visit to Mount Rainier National Park.
- The timed entry reservation system is a pilot and reservations will not be required after September 2, 2024 until further notice.
- The results of the 2024 pilot will be evaluated to help the park understand if the reservation system helped the park achieved management objectives. No decisions will be made for timed entry reservations in future years until such an evaluation is complete.
- Visit Recreation.gov
- Login or create an account.
- Note: We recommend creating an account well in advance of purchasing your ticket.
- Select the dates you wish to visit
- Note: You are limited to just one ticket per vehicle, per corridor, per day.
- Select the:
- Corridor
- Date
- Entry Window
- Select: Request Tickets
- Complete payment.
- After payment, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with an attached Timed Entry Reservation.
- You must print or save a screenshot of your ticket reservation in advance for easier access upon arrival at entrances
For more guidance, visit the Recreation.gov Help Center.
Yes, a timed entry reservation does not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle. Mount Rainier and national passes (such as America the Beautiful interagency passes) also cover park entry fees. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
Visitors can modify their own timed entry reservations for a different date, time, or location before the original reservation starts, but availability is limited. Reservations are non-transferable to other people. Additionally, there’s a 15-minute wait period after your initial purchase before visitors can cancel.
Note that Mount Rainier National Park staff do not manage Recreation.gov and cannot access, change, modify, nor transfer timed entry reservations; for modifications or cancellations, visitors must do one of the following:
- Call Recreation.gov at 888-444-6777.
- Visit Recreation.gov online and use the following how-to steps.
How-To Steps
1. Select your name in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage, then select the My Reservations button from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the Modify or Cancel button.

3. Select the Modify Dates/Times/Quantities tab.
4. To change the date, select the Date drop-down. Choose the date you wish to change to, if available.

5. To change the Time, select the new timeframe under the Entry Window section you wish to change to, if available.
6. Select the Modify Reservation button.
7. Select the Apply Changes button.
8. You will be taken to the order confirmation page, and you will receive an email showing the modification that took place along with the new order details.
- No. There are separate reservations, one for the Paradise Corridor (entering through the Nisqually Entrance or through the Stevens Canyon entrance) and one for the Sunrise Corridor (entering through the White River Entrance). These two corridors are the only areas of the park which require a timed entry reservation.
- No reservation is required to enter the Carbon River, Mowich Lake, SR123 or SR410 corridors within the park outside of the Paradise and Sunrise Corridors.
Paradise Corridor
The “Paradise Corridor” timed entry reservation, includes vehicle access to the Nisqually-Paradise corridor on the west from the Nisqually Entrance off State Route 706, through Longmire, and to Paradise, as well as Stevens Canyon Road going east to the Stevens Canyon Entrance off State Route 123. Timed entry reservations are required beginning May 24 through September 2, 2024
- Paradise Corridor timed entry reservations can be used at both the Nisqually Entrance and the Stevens Canyon Entrance
- This reservation includes access to Paradise, Cougar Rock, Reflection Lakes, and the following locations and trailheads:
- Westside Road, including Gobblers Knob Fire Lookout
- Kautz Creek
- Longmire, including the Longmire Museum, Wilderness Information Center, and National Park Inn
- Cougar Rock Campground
- Christine Falls
- Ricksecker Point
- Narada Falls
- Paradise, including the Jackson Visitor Center and Paradise Inn
- Box Canyon
- Reflection Lakes
- Trailheads: Twin Firs, Indian Henry’s Hunting Ground, Eagle Peak, Trail of the Shadows, Rampart Ridge, Carter Falls, Comet Falls, Skyline Trail, Indian Bar, Bench & Snow Lake, Pinnacle Peak, Nickel Creek, Lakes Trail, Wonderland Trail from Lake Louise to Box Canyon.
- Timed entry reservations for the Paradise Corridor DO NOT provide access to Sunrise Corridor locations.
The Paradise Corridor spans the southern side of Mount Rainier National Park from the Nisqually Entrance to Stevens Canyon Entrance. The corridor includes the Nisqually-Paradise Road and Stevens Canyon Road.
NPS Graphic
The “Sunrise Corridor” timed entry reservation, includes all vehicle access to the White River-Sunrise corridor, beginning at the White River entrance off State Route 410 to the road end at Sunrise from July 4 through September 2, 2024. NOTE: Sunrise Road is not expected to open for the season until July 4. White River Entrance to the White River Campground opened for the season May 24. Check road status for updates when planning your visit.

The Sunrise Corridor is in the northeast corner of Mount Rainier National Park off of SR410. The timed entry reservation corridor starts at the White River Entrance and connects to Sunrise.
NPS Graphic
- No. There are separate timed entry reservation requirements for each corridor. Making a timed entry reservation for the Paradise Corridor does not provide entry into the Sunrise Corridor, and making a timed entry reservation for the Sunrise Corridor does not provide entry into the Paradise Corridor.
- The Paradise Corridor timed entry reservation can be used at both the Nisqually and Stevens Canyon park entrance stations.
- The Sunrise Corridor timed entry reservation can be used only at the White River park entrance station.
- Yes, however it can be challenging to visit both Paradise and Sunrise in the same day if you also plan to do any day hikes. If you choose to do this, we strongly suggest you have an early reservation for one location, and a mid-late afternoon location for the other.
- It is about a two-hour drive between Paradise and Sunrise.
- You may also consider accessing one of the corridors after the reservation period for the day ends at 3 pm.
- All roads, including Stevens Canyon Road, Sunrise Road, White River Road, Paradise Road, along with Washington State Routes are officially open in the park.
- There are no other road closures nor major park construction projects planned during Summer 2024, however unanticipated road closures due to rockfall, weather, or other events are always a possibility.
- Find out more about the status of park roads by visiting the Road Status webpage.
- Reservations are made through Recreation.gov and will cost $2 each.
- We anticipate advance reservations to sell out, especially on weekends. In advance of the release time slot, be sure you have a Recreation.gov account already, and be logged in at the time of release to speed up the checkout process.
- Additional reservations will be made available each evening for the next day to provide an opportunity for people who did not make an advance reservation.
- Reservations can only be made online at Recreation.gov, or by calling the Recreation.gov reservation line at 877-444-6777 from 7 am - 9 pm Pacific Time (PT). Do not call Mount Rainier National Park to make reservations.
- Making the reservation online is faster than through the phone. There are no additional permits available by calling the reservation line.
Yes, a timed entry reservation does not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle. Mount Rainier and national passes (such as America the Beautiful interagency passes) also cover park entry fees. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
Reservations can only be made online at Recreation.gov or by calling the Recreation.gov reservation line at 877-444-6777 between 7 am and 9 pm Pacific Time. When calling, we recommend the following steps to reach an agent directly though the options may vary over time:
- Dial: 1-877-444-6777
- Wait for the initial recorded message and menu options (about 1:30 minutes)
- Prompt: "To make a new reservation"
- Prompt: "For tours or timed entry tickets"
- Prompt: "Are you calling to buy a ticket?"
- Prompt: "Please tell me what you're calling about so I can get you to the right agent"
- Say: "Mount Rainier National Park"
- Prompt: "Got it. Connecting you now. You may experience long wait times. Your estimated wait time is between XX and XX minutes."
- There may be an option for a call back if wait times are long.
- Once connected, an agent will help guide you in planning your Timed Entry visit to Mount Rainier National Park.
- NR stands for Not Yet Released. This means initial reservations between 7 am and 3 pm have sold out for that day.
- There is an additional opportunity to reserve tickets at 7 pm Pacific Time (PT) the evening before the day you would like to visit. For example, if you're thinking of visiting Paradise or Sunrise Corridor on July 20, check back at Recreation.gov on July 19 at 7 pm PT.
- Each reservation allows one vehicle, per day, per corridor to enter either the Paradise or Sunrise Corridor during a particular time slot.
- Reservations are good for a two-hour entry window between 7 am and 3 pm, so a person with a reservation for 9 am could enter between 9 am and 11 am.
- Visitors who exit the park and return the next day between 7 am and 3 pm will need to reserve another timed entry slot.
- Yes, if you wish to enter the Paradise or Sunrise Corridors between the hours of 7 am and 3 pm.
- Visitors arriving at the park before 7 am or after 3 pm do not need to make a timed entry reservation, however entrance fees apply to every vehicle entering the park, regardless of the arrival time. The standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, is valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- No, reservations can be made only on-line through Recreation.gov using a credit or debit card or through the Recreation.gov mobile app, or by calling the Recreation.gov reservation line at 877-444-6777. Do not call Mount Rainier National Park to make reservations.
- Mount Rainier entry fees (separate from a timed entry reservation) can be purchased from vendors outside the park with cash; only cashless transactions may be made at entrance stations: Cashless Fee Collection FAQs.
- Visitors may reserve one timed entry reservation for a two-hour time block between the hours of 7 am and 3 pm for entering the Paradise Corridor and one timed entry reservation for entering the Sunrise Corridor each day.
- Entry to the park before 7 am or after 3 pm does not require a timed entry reservation.
No, the timed entry reservations are only for personal vehicles, including motorcycles. Pedestrians and bicyclists do not need a timed entry reservation but must still pay the park entrance fee ($15) or have a park pass. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- Yes, every private vehicle, including motorcycles, entering the Paradise and Sunrise corridors from 7 am to 3 pm must have their own timed entry reservation. One reservation will not get in multiple vehicles.
- Each vehicle needs only one reservation. The individual who holds the reservation must be in the vehicle (photo ID required) but does not have to be the driver.
- Timed entry reservations do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
No, there are no public transportation services to Mount Rainier National Park.
A variety of private businesses offer commercial tours of the park for visitors who prefer a guided experience.
- Visitors need both:
- Park Pass (or pay an entrance fee)
- Timed Entry Reservation
- Visitors with the interagency or "America the Beautiful" Federal Recreational Lands Pass (Annual, Senior, Military, Access, 4th Grade, Volunteer Passes) must still get a timed entry reservation to enter the Paradise or Sunrise Corridors between 7 am - 3 pm. If you have a park pass, you do not have to pay the park entrance fee.
- Note: Park passes are available in person. Timed entry reservations are not.
- No, as a commercial operator your trip is exempt from timed entry reservations during the 2024 pilot.
- Park passes or entrance fees to the park are still required. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- Recreation.gov has multiple defenses in place to detect, prevent, and mitigate bots that attempt to take advantage of the system or make reservations. While there is no credible evidence that bots are actively securing reservations, the Regreation.gov security team takes continuous measures to block bots across the platform. These defense tactics include preventing a single user or location from completing multiple transactions or prohibiting users from making more than a set number of reservation requests in a defined time period. Recreation.gov takes every action to maintain the integrity of the system for all visitors and staff by constantly introducing new defenses to prevent the latest bot tactics and integrating industry-leading bot defense technologies.
Visitors can modify their own timed entry reservations for a different date, time, or location before the original reservation starts, but availability is limited. Reservations are non-transferable to other people. Additionally, there’s a 15-minute wait period after your initial purchase before visitors can cancel.
Note that Mount Rainier National Park staff do not manage Recreation.gov and cannot access, change, modify, nor transfer timed entry reservations; for modifications or cancellations, visitors must do one of the following:
- Call Recreation.gov at 888-444-6777.
- Visit Recreation.gov online and use the following how-to steps.
How-To Steps
1. Select your name in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage, then select the My Reservations button from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the Modify or Cancel button.

3. Select the Modify Dates/Times/Quantities tab.
4. To change the date, select the Date drop-down. Choose the date you wish to change to, if available.

5. To change the Time, select the new timeframe under the Entry Window section you wish to change to, if available.
6. Select the Modify Reservation button.
7. Select the Apply Changes button.
8. You will be taken to the order confirmation page, and you will receive an email showing the modification that took place along with the new order details.
Cancelling a Reservation
Please be aware that timed entry reservations are non-refundable. However, if you anticipate that you may not be able to attend, we kindly ask that you cancel your reservation to allow others to use it. To cancel your reservation, please follow the steps below on Recreation.gov. Note: you may have to wait 15 minutes after making the initial reservation to cancel the reservation.
How-To Steps
1. Select your name in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage, then select the My Reservations button from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the Modify or Cancel button.

3. Select the Cancel Reservation tab.
4. You will see a box telling you the refund amount you will be receiving. Read over the Change and Cancellation Policies provided to understand why you are or are not receiving a refund.
5. Select the Cancel Reservation button.

- The $2 reservation fee is non-refundable under all circumstances.
- Please note that refunds are not offered under any circumstances. If you anticipate not using your reservation, we kindly ask you to cancel it so that it can be made available to other visitors. To cancel your reservation, please follow the steps outlined on Recreation.gov
- Tickets cannot be sold, auctioned, or transferred to anyone. The name on the reservation must match the name of the provided photo-ID.
- Please note that refunds are not offered under any circumstances. If you anticipate not using your reservation, we kindly ask you to cancel it so that it can be made available to other visitors. To cancel your reservation, please follow the steps outlined on Recreation.gov.
- Note: you may have to wait 15 minutes after purchasing the initial reservation to cancel the reservation.
Advance reservations can be made up to 90 days in advance. If the date, time, or corridor you've selected for a timed entry reservation has been sold out, you still have options!
1) Check back at Recreation.gov at 7 pm Pacific Time (PT) the evening before you’d like to visit for another chance at securing a reservation. For example: if you'd like to visit July 20, 2024, check Recreation.gov on July 19, 2024 at 7 pm PT. Be sure to have an account and be logged in prior to 7 pm PT to increase your chances.
2) Visit either Paradise or Sunrise Corridor before 7 am or after 3 pm PT. We recommend visitors without a timed entry reservation arrive early to allow extra time just in case there are lines of vehicles outside of the park. Wait times are unpredictable, and vary by day of the week, weather, and any special circumstances such as entrance fee free days. Any vehicle without a timed entry reservation between 7 AM - 3 PM will be turned around and asked to return after 3:00 PM.
3) Visit an area of the park not restricted by timed entry. Areas include Mowich Lake, Carbon River, and Ohanapecosh.
4) Visits to Paradise or Sunrise Corridor after September 2, 2024 will not require a timed entry reservation.
5) Visitors do not need a timed entry reservation with a valid service reservation including a camping permit, lodging reservations, or special use or commercial permits.
- Print or save a screenshot of your timed entry reservation showing the QR code and bring to the entrance. There is no cell service at the entrance stations, so you will not be able to pull it up online. (Consider taking a screen shot of your reservation and save the screen shot in your photo library for easy retrieval when your phone is out of range of cell service.)
- The Paradise Corridor reservation can only be scanned at either the Nisqually Entrance east of the town of Ashford (southwest corner of park, off of State Route 706), or the Stevens Canyon Entrance north of the town of Packwood (southeast corner of park, off of State Route 123).
- The Sunrise Corridor reservation can only be scanned at the White River Entrance (northeast corner of park, off of State Route 410) past the towns of Greenwater and Enumclaw.
- The reservation must be validated by being scanned at an entrance station within the reservation time slot. If the reservation is not validated, it is canceled and cannot be used for entry at a later time, even if the late arrival is on the same day.
- If you have one permit but arrive at the other location, for example you reserved a Paradise Corridor but try to use it at the White River Entrance as a Sunrise Corridor permit, you will not be allowed entry. However, all vehicles will be allowed entry after the reservation window expires for the day at 3 pm.
- Timed entry reservations do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- No. Timed entry reservation holders cannot enter before their arrival time slot window. If you arrive in advance of your reservation, you will not be able to enter early.
- However, anyone can enter prior to 7 am without a reservation.
- No. Timed entry reservation holders cannot enter after their arrival time slot window. If you arrive in advance of your reservation, you will not be able to enter early.
- However, anyone can enter after 3 pm without a reservation.
- The timed entry reservation system is meant to spread out visitation throughout the day and reduce the likelihood of 3-4 hour lines at the Nisqually Entrance or metering at Sunrise that we have typically experienced in summer; unfortunately, it will not fully eliminate lines or waiting time.
- Lines may still be expected, and may be longer at the very beginning of each reservation period. We also expect lines to form before 7am and after 3pm for those who wish to enter just before or after the reservation period.
- We are experiencing shorter lines at the Stevens Canyon Entrance, so you can also consider entering the Paradise Corridor from the east side to avoid longer wait times at the Nisqually Entrance.
- Lines and wait times can also be exacerbated by visitorsarriving without reservations or without properly saved documentation of their reservation, so please plan accordingly.
- One goal of this pilot timed entry reservation system is to reduce wait times at entrance stations.
- You have a two-hour time window to enter the park with your reservation; the park recommends entering towards the beginning of your time block if possible.
- If you are waiting in line while your reservation expires, please stay in line; your reservation will be honored.
- No. While you can enter the park before 7 am, you must also ensure that your timed entry reservation is validated at an entrance during the two-hour period indicated on your reservation. If your timed entry reservation is not validated, it cannot be used to reenter the park later.
- Yes, every private vehicle entering the park from 7 am to 3 pm must have their own timed entry reservation. One reservation will not get in multiple vehicles.
- Each vehicle needs only one reservation. The individual who holds the reservation must be in the vehicle (photo ID required) but does not have to be the driver.
- However, the timed entry window expires at 3 pm, meaning anyone without a reservation of any kind is allowed entry at that time.
- Yes, you may exit and reenter the same corridor. You may not use it to enter the other reservation corridor. (For example, you can enter the Paradise Corridor during your timed entry reservation slot, then exit the park and reenter the Paradise Corridor later the same day using the same reservation. However, you may not use your Paradise Corridor reservation to access the Sunrise Corridor, and vice versa.)
- The timed entry window expires at 3 pm, meaning anyone without a reservation of any kind is allowed entry at that time. Timed entry reservations do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fees & Passes webpage.
- Entrance areas do not have cell service nor wifi. When you arrive, be sure to show your reservation by doing one of the following in advance:
- Print your reservation (specifically the QR code, date, and time).
- Save a screenshot of your reservation on your phone (specifically the QR code, date, and time)
- You do not need a timed entry reservation for the Paradise Corridor if you already have an in-park lodging reservation at the Paradise Inn or National Park Inn. You may enter the park by showing a digital or printed copy of your reservation to the ranger at the Nisqually or Stevens Canyon entrance stations. You may enter the park without a timed entry reservation anytime after 1 pm on the first day of your reservation and then anytime throughout your stay.
- Lodging reservations for Paradise Inn and National Park Inn do not provide access to the Sunrise Corridor. There are no lodging options within the park along the Sunrise Corridor. If you wish to access Sunrise Corridor between 7 am and 3 pm, secure your reservation in advance.
- No, you do not need a timed entry reservation for Paradise Corridor if you have made camping reservations for Cougar Rock Campground in advance. You may enter the Paradise Corridor from the Nisqually Entrance or the Stevens Canyon entrance anytime after 1 pm on the first day of your reservation and anytime throughout your stay. Be prepared to provide a copy of your campground reservation at the entrance station to gain access to the park. Rangers at the entrance station will be unable to look up your camping reservation for you.
- If you do not have advanced camping reservations for Cougar Rock Campground and you are planning to secure a first-come, first-served site, you will need a timed entry reservation for Paradise Corridor to access the campground between 7 am to 3 pm. Timed entry reservations are not required to access first-come, first-served sites at Cougar Rock Campground (or Paradise Corridor) before 7 am nor after 3pm.
- Cougar Rock Campground reservations do not provide access to the Sunrise Corridor.
Yes, you are able to exit and reenter the Paradise Corridor with a valid Cougar Rock Campground permit, either as an advanced reservation or as a first-come, first-served permit, anytime throughout your stay.
A Cougar Rock Campground permit secures a campsite, but your campground permit at Cougar Rock will not provide access to the Sunrise Corridor. If you wish to visit sites within the Sunrise Corridor, please make a timed entry reservation or time your visit for either before 7 am or after 3 pm, when timed entry reservations are not required.
- Ohanapecosh Campground is located outside of both the Paradise Corridor and the Sunrise Corridor. An Ohanapecosh Campground reservation secures a campsite, but your campground reservation at Ohanapecosh will not provide access to either the Paradise Corridor or the Sunrise Corridor. If you wish to visit sites within the Paradise or Sunrise Corridors, please make a timed entry reservation or time your visit for either before 7 am or after 3 pm, when timed entry reservations to enter the Paradise and Sunrise Corridors are not required.
- The standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle (valid for seven days) is required for all vehicles entering the park, regardless of the time of day. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fee & Passes webpage.
Yes, you are able to exit and reenter the Sunrise Corridor with a valid White River Campground permit throughout your stay.
A White River Campground permit secures a campsite, but your campground permit at White River will not provide access to the Paradise Corridor. If you wish to visit sites within the Paradise Corridor, please make a timed entry reservation or time your visit for either before 7 am or after 3 pm, when timed entry reservations are not required.
- The campground reservation covers all guests for individual sites and group sites. For individual campground sites, up to six individuals and two cars are covered. For group campground sites, individuals up to the group site limit (varies for each site) and five cars are covered. The campground reservation holder will need to provide you their reservation and a photocopy of their photo ID with the name that matches the reservation.
- Campground reservations do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fee & Passes webpage.
- Visitors can exit and enter Paradise or Sunrise Corridor on the same day as their timed entry reservation and anytime throughout their stay as long as their reservation is validated. Re-entry between 7 am and 3 pm will be denied if not the timed entry reservation is not initially validated.
- A timed entry reservation is required for Paradise Corridor to access the Cougar Rock Campground, from 7 am – 3 pm, May 24 - September 2. A timed entry reservation is not required before 7 am or after 3 pm.
- A timed entry reservation is required for the Sunrise Corridor to access the White River Campground, from 7 am – 3 pm, July 4 through September 2. A timed entry reservation is not required before 7 am or after 3 pm.
- A camping/lodging/permit reservation at one corridor does not permit entry into another corridor. You must have an additional reservation if you wish to visit another corridor.
- Availability of first-come, first served campsites with a timed entry reservation is not guaranteed.
- Visitors can also enter Corridors before 7 am or after 3 pm without a timed entry reservation.
- You may enter the park with a valid wilderness camping permit, climbing permit, or special use permit for the dates, times, and location your permit is valid. Please bring a copy of your valid permit or reservation, either printed out or saved to your mobile device along with a photo ID when entering the park.
- Permits do not replace the standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit the Fee & Passes webpage.
No, a timed entry reservation permit is not needed if you have a current wilderness permit. Previously reserved wilderness permits can be picked up at the Wilderness Information Center and resupply caches dropped on the day before starting your trip or the day of your trip. Please show your wilderness permit along with a photo ID at the entrance gate.
- We will continue to provide walk up (first-come, first-served) wilderness and climbing permits. The best approach is to enter the park before 7 am and wait for the Wilderness Information Center (WIC) to open at 7:30 am. Visitors may also enter after the timed-entry period ends at 3 pm and proceed to the WIC. A limited number of timed-entry exceptions will be allowed each day for visitors hoping to obtain walk-up permits.
- More information is on the Wilderness Permit webpage.
- Ohanapecosh (SE), Carbon River & Mowich Lake (NW), State Route 123, and State Route 410 are areas within Mount Rainier National Park boundaries that will remain outside the timed entry zones, meaning they are accessible without a reservation all day. Also, before 7 am and after 3 pm timed entry reservations are not needed in either the Paradise or Sunrise Corridors (however, a park entrance fee is still required.) The standard park entrance fee, which is $30 per vehicle, is valid for seven days. For more information on entrance fees, visit Fees & Passes webpage.
- Locations outside of timed entry reservation corridors may be a good option for spontaneous visits. However, parking at locations like trailheads is limited, although spaces typically open up throughout the day. Please have an alternate destination in mind if your first option is crowded and parking is unavailable. The northern latitudes of the Pacific Northwest benefit from long daylight hours in the summer months; consider visiting later in the day. Popular locations like Paradise and Sunrise can be visited without a timed entry reservation after 3 pm.
No, a timed entry reservation is not required if entering the Paradise or Sunrise corridors before 7 am or after 3 pm.
Entrance fees or passes are still required for all vehicles entering the park.
If you enter before 7 am, you can remain in the park during the timed entry reservation window. If you leave the park during this time, you would not be able to re-enter the Paradise or Sunrise corridors before 3 pm without a timed entry reservation.
If you are planning to arrive after 3 pm to enter the Paradise or Sunrise corridors without a timed entry reservation, please do not arrive early at the Nisqually, Stevens Canyon, or White River Entrance. Do not try to arrive early. Included below are suggested times to help manage the timing of your trip to the park. Please do not block access to driveways or roads on your trip to the park.
via State Route 410, leave Enumclaw no earlier than 2:15 pm, or Naches no earlier than 1:45 pm
Via State Route 123, leave Packwood no earlier than 2:20 pm
Via State Route 410, leave Enumclaw no earlier than 1:55 pm
Via US 12, leave Packwood no earlier than 2:45 pm
Timed Entry Reservations
Timed entrance reservations are required from May 24-Sept 2, 2024, to enter the Paradise and Sunrise Corridors between 7:00 am-3:00 pm.
Places to Go
Planning your visit? From subalpine meadows to old-growth forest, the park has areas to explore in every season.