News Release

Mammoth Cave Plans Sobriety and Safety Checkpoints

The side of a white vehicle with the brown, green and white National Park Service Arrowhead Logo and the words "U.S. Park Ranger" written in green.
Mammoth Cave's law enforcement rangers provide safety and security for the park's visitors, employees, and its resources.

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News Release Date: May 27, 2021

Contact: Molly Schroer, 270-758-2192

Mammoth Cave National Park law enforcement officers will conduct periodic sobriety and safety checkpoints on park roadways for the remainder of 2021 to identify drivers who may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol (DUI). The special law enforcement operations are being conducted to reduce the incidence of DUIs and to increase public awareness of the dangers associated with drinking and driving. 

Rangers will be contacting drivers passing through the checkpoint for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment and will strive to delay motorists only momentarily.

Last updated: May 27, 2021

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