December 2022 "Parked" at Home

The concept of “home” means something different to each of us. Let’s help people explore ways to stay connected with parks through virtual experiences and at-home and in-community activities when they can’t be at a national park every day of the year.It’s getting easier to experience a park from anywhere. Let’s help people explore ways to stay connected with parks through virtual experiences and at-home and in-community activities when they can’t be at a national park every day of the year.

Here are a few suggestions that can be used for websites, social media, or programs:
  • Make Connections: Share virtual experiences that you already offer and tease some of your digital projects and virtual experiences in the works.
  • Virtual Experiences to Tour: Create and highlight virtual ways that people can connect with the theme using historical places, museum collections, oral histories, photos, film, and more.
  • Gather 'Round: Host a virtual programs, such as living history events, storytime, talks, panel discussions, and more.
  • Create Masterpieces: Host virtual events to create together, such as plein air painting, Instameets, writing workshops, or poetry slams for visitors to participate in various forms of art.
  • Create a Compilation: Ask staff, partners, and online visitors to contribute stories, photos, and artwork.
  • Share Your Story: Highlight the work that employees, volunteers, and interns in creating virtual experiences and digital outreach.
  • Beyond Park Boundaries: Let people know about the virtual or digital opportunities to stay connected to NPS programs outside of park boundaries, such as grants, outreach, preservation, and recreational opportunities.
  • Partnering Success: Give a shoutout to the work that your partners do providing virtual experiences or activities that can be done at home.
  • Volunteering: Encourage people to volunteer and provide examples of how they can get involved in stewardship volunteering with projects in their own community or backyard, including citizen science.
  • The Next Generation: Let people know of youth opportunities to get involved in the stewardship of public lands and work we do with communities around this theme, especially from their own home or neighborhood.
  • Reaching Classrooms: Feature educational materials and opportunities that educators and students can use from their own classroom or home, such as lesson plans, learning games, and distance programs.
Get your partners involved in December's monthly theme!
  • Parked at Home coming soon! (tag: virtual experiences)
  • Find Your Virtual Park (tag: virtual experiences)
  • Games and Challenges (tag: games, challenges)
When sharing this month's messaging on social media, use the hashtag: #ParkedAtHome and #FindYourPark/#EncuentraTuParque.

Featured Webpages

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail This is the Lewis and Clark NHT home page. Encourage your audiences to come here for an excellent source of information on the Lewis and Clark Trail.

Looking for something ready-made to share?

Nature Makes You… #LewisandClarkTrail

Joy to the Trail: A Look Inside what Holidays were Like on the Lewis and Clark Expedition #LewisandClarkTrail

The Lewis and Clark Trail is for everyone. You can experience the Trail from your home, your car, at a visitor center or even from a boat or kayak. #LewisandClarkTrailPlan your trip:

The Lewis and Clark Trail is closer than you think. Many sites are near major cities. Find one:

The Lewis and Clark Trail provides an incredible experience forEveryone. Find your trail:

Want to travel the #LewisandClarkTrail? Let the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Experience website assist you in planning.

Learn about Lewis and Clark without leaving home. Become a Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Junior Ranger by simply completing the online Junior Ranger program. #LewisandClarkTrailLearn more:

Social Media hashtags: #FindingPeace, #GivingBackToParks, #FindYourPark, #FindYourTrail, #LewisandClarkTrail

Lewis and Clark Events That Happened This Month

(ready made posts to share)

On December 12, 1803, William Clark wrote in his journal:“…nearly opposite the Missouries I came to in the mouth of a little River called Wood River, about 2 oClock…”More on Camp River Dubois:

From December 1803 until the spring of 1804, Lewis and Clark used the Cahokia Courthouse as a headquarters. From there they collected information, met with territorial leaders, gathered supplies and corresponded with President Thomas Jefferson. During that time the Corps of Discovery camped at nearby Camp River Dubois. #LewisandClarkTrail More on the Cahokia Courthouse:

What was Christmas like at Fort Mandan? Find out:

On December 28, 1805, five men of the Corps started hiking toward the Pacific coast from Fort Clatsop to set up a salt-making camp. #LewisandClarkTrailMore:

More December Themes and Activities

December 1-31: Holidays

December 3: (UN) International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 5: (UN) World Soil Day

December 7: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

  • World War II (stories, news, trip ideas, lesson plans, and events ( tags: wwii, war in the pacific)

December 11: (UN) International Mountain Day

  • Mountains articles, news, and events ( tag: mountains)

December 17: Wright Brothers Day

  • Aviation articles and photos/videos ( tags: aviation, airplanes)
  • Technology & Invention articles, news, and events ( tags: technology, invention)

December 21: First Day of Winter

Last updated: February 1, 2022

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Omaha, NE 68102


402 661-1804

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