News Release

Proposals for Historic Fort Mason

View of front entry to white hostel building
Fort Mason Hostel

Will Elder

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News Release Date: November 21, 2019

Contact: Sue Eibeck

National Park Service News Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 21, 2019
Contact: GGNRA Public Affairs, e-mail us, 415-561-4730

Golden Gate National Recreation Area Seeks Overnight Hostel Accommodation Proposals for Historic Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA --Golden Gate National Recreation Area has issued a prospectus for a concession contract business opportunity. The Concessioner will operate overnight hostel accommodation, food and beverage, and other visitor services at upper Fort Mason. Fort Mason is known for its military history and beautiful views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The National Park Service (NPS) issued the prospectus on Thursday, November 21, 2019 under the terms described in the prospectus, with proposals due no later than 12:00 pm PST on March 5, 2020. Any proposal, including that of the existing Concessioner, must be received by the NPS Regional Office, Attn: Commercial Services Manager, 333 Bush Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94104, by the deadline in order to be evaluated and considered for award of the concession contract.
The NPS will hold a one-day site visit at Fort Mason within Golden Gate National Recreation Area on December 10, 2019.
The prospectus is available on the NPS Commercial Services website at There is no cost to download the documents from this website. If you choose to retrieve a copy of the prospectuses from the park service website, please notify Sue Eibeck via email at e-mail us to receive notifications of any future modifications or other correspondence.
Any questions regarding the business opportunity at Golden Gate National Recreation Area must be sent in writing via email by December 18, 2019 to Sue Eibeck, e-mail us.
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, situated in and around San Francisco, is the most visited park in the National Park Service, hosting over 15.5 million visitors last year. A diverse park with abundant recreational opportunities, as well as natural, cultural, and scenic resources, it encompasses more than 80,000 acres across three counties. The park also administers two other NPS areas, Fort Point National Historic Site, a Civil War era fortress built on the northernmost point of land in San Francisco, and Muir Woods National Monument, which comprises an impressive stand of old growth coastal redwoods in Marin County.

Last updated: December 1, 2020

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Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


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