Pretty Rocks Construction

About This Blog

This blog shares information on bridge construction progress at the Pretty Rocks Landslide in Denali National Park and Preserve. The blog began in May 2023 and regular updates are shared throughout each summer construction season. Click on any update below for photos and more details.

September 10, 2024 Update

September 10, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

It’s official: steel erection is underway!


August 22, 2024 Update

August 22, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

The contractor has spent the last week ticking off the remaining work on the abutments in preparation for shifting focus to erection of the bridge.


August 12, 2024 Update

August 12, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

Bridge steel has traveled a long way to reach the Denali area for inspection and sorting.


August 5, 2024 Update

August 05, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

This past week, the contractor made significant progress with ground anchor installation at the west abutment, drilling and grouting 18 of the 22 anchors over the course of five days.


July 30, 2024 Update

July 30, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

With work on ground anchor installation at the east abutment now underway, this week’s update focuses on the bigger picture of the Pretty Rocks area and the ongoing movement of the landslide that set the entire project in motion (pun intended).


July 23, 2024 Update

July 23, 2024 Posted by: Emily Miller

With post-tensioning and grouting now complete on the west abutment (photo below), focus returns to the east abutment, where the contractor is starting installation of the vertical ground anchors that will be drilled through the top of the abutment blocks deep into the rock below.


July 16, 2024 Update

July 16, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

The contractor will begin the post-tensioning process on the foundation blocks at the west abutment and has continued micropile installation at the east abutment.


July 11, 2024 Update

July 11, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

This week, the contractor continues work on the west abutment and have placed the first three abutment blocks on the leveling pad they prepared last week.


July 3, 2024 Update

July 03, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

Due to the work taking place over 40 miles away from the active fire, work has been able to continue as scheduled. The contractor is in the final stages of excavating for the west abutment and has also resumed installation of thermosiphons at the east abutment.


June 24, 2024 Update

June 24, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

The west cut excavation is nearly complete, with the last blasting event of the project having taken place last week. Completion of blasting allows for the opening of the extended closure area around the project site.
While completing the excavation west of the slide, the contractor unearthed a large mass of ice and is now working to remove what they can and otherwise install an Air Convection Embankment.


June 20, 2024 Update

June 20, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

East abutment blocks have been installed and that bridge abutment is near completion. 


June 10, 2024 Update

June 10, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

This week, the contractor will continue work drilling, blasting, and installing rock bolts on the west cut. Rock dowel installation beneath the west abutment is near completion. The contractor plans to start setting the abutment blocks on the east side. They will also continue with the rock bolt installation and blast preparation for their last blast on the west cut.


June 3, 2024 Update

June 03, 2024 Posted by: K. Mikulla

Drilling, blasting, and rock bolt installation work continues. Rock dowel and battered micropile installations have begun.


May 28, 2024 Update

May 28, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Check out a photo of the trial assembly of the bridge taking place in Oregon! Other recent news includes a site visit from Federal Highways engineers and an update on blasting progress on the west side.


May 20, 2024 Update

May 20, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

On-site and off-site work continues as planned, with off-site work currently including steel fabrication and casting concrete abutment blocks.


May 13, 2024 Update

May 13, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

This week, the contractor is continuing to drill and install rock bolts and soil nails on the west and east abutments, respectively.


May 6, 2024 Update

May 06, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Last week, the contractor continued drilling, blasting, rock bolt installation, and soil nail installation.


April 29, 2024 Update

April 29, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The 2024 construction season is underway. The contractor has been setting up camp, mobilizing equipment and materials, and beginning this season's work.


February 15, 2024 Update

February 15, 2024 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Two pieces of news in this mid-winter update: 1) The final contract option has been awarded for bridge construction. 2) New illustrations show how the bridge will be constructed on the east side of the landslide and then launched across to the west side.


October 19, 2023 Update

October 19, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The 2023 construction season has come to a successful end! Regular updates will return to this blog next spring when construction work resumes.


October 10, 2023 Update

October 10, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Blasting is completed for the season and the expanded blasting closure has been reopened. A micropile test program is being completed this week and will conclude the construction activities for the 2023 season.


September 29, 2023 Update

September 29, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The crane was moved across the landslide to the west side last week, where an off-road staging area and temporary crane storage garage are being created. The final blasting event of the season is scheduled to happen today.


September 25, 2023 Update

September 25, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Work this week involves preparation for the next round of blasting, installing attenuator fencing, and delivering concrete abutment blocks from Anchorage to the park.


September 20, 2023 Update

September 20, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The contractor has continued blasting work on the west side of the slide. Watch a video of the blasting operations in this post. The expanded closure for blasting work at Pretty Rocks will remain in place until the contractor field season shuts down for winter.


September 18, 2023 Update

September 18, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The contractor spent last week preparing for a second round of blasting on the west side. In Anchorage, concrete is being poured for the 13 foundation elements for the western abutment.


September 13, 2023 Update

September 13, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

In the past week, the contractor has installed a protective structure over NPS monitoring instruments on the west side of the slide, completed bench excavations, and drilled blast holes for the first blast of the west abutment rock wall.


September 6, 2023 Update

September 06, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Blasting work will begin this week on the west side of the slide. For public safety, an expanded closure will be in place 1500 feet around the blasting work area at Pretty Rocks beginning on Thursday, September 7, and is expected to remain in place into late September.


August 28, 2023 Update

August 28, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

The rough access route across the slide is in use. Ongoing work involves excavating the east abutment upper slope and hauling material to the staging areas.


August 21, 2023 Update

August 21, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Granite has successfully reached the road on the west side of the slide with an excavator! They have also begun preparing the third staging area at Mile 45.1. Work on the east bridge abutment area does not require blasting at this time.


August 14, 2023 Update

August 14, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Granite began earthwork on the east side of the slide last week. They are continuing nighttime work to haul material from the Tek Pit to the staging areas and daytime work to cut, shape, and stabilize the north rock wall at the east abutment.


August 7, 2023 Update

August 07, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Last week, the contractor worked on setting up two staging areas, began installing geotechnical monitoring instruments in the slide area, and gathered a baseline topographic survey. This week, material will be hauled from the Tek Pit to the Mile 44 staging area and survey work at the slide will continue.


July 31, 2023 Update

July 31, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Last week, the contractor removed the gravel pile from the Ghiglione Bridge pullout and began developing the staging area at Bear Cave (Mile 44.8).


July 19, 2023 Update

July 19, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

On-site activity is ramping up and the contractor is preparing to haul gravel and other materials to the Bear Cave area.


July 7, 2023 Update

July 07, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Preparation work continued throughout June and contractors are now ready to proceed with beginning excavation and earthworks this summer.


May 24, 2023 Update

May 24, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

This week, a new timeline for the project was announced with a new completion date of July 2026.


Welcome to the Pretty Rocks Construction Blog

May 02, 2023 Posted by: Katie Karnes

Welcome to the Pretty Rocks Construction Blog, where we'll be sharing weekly progress updates on bridge construction at the Pretty Rocks Landslide.


Last updated: May 1, 2023

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