After installing the attenuator fencing on the east abutment rock wall last week, the crane was moved across the landslide to the west side. The contractor has now begun creating an off-road staging area and temporary garage on the west side (at Mile 45.6), which will be used to store the crane for the winter.
The contractors have also drilled the blast holes for the final two blasting events of the season. The final blast is scheduled to happen today. Some of the material from this blast will be used to finish construction of the staging area at MP 45.6 and some will remain in reserve to re-establish the access road in the spring. Although buses are no longer running, the road remains closed to pedestrians and cyclists west of East Fork Bridge and the expanded closure for blasting safety is still in place.
In Anchorage, 12 of the 26 concrete abutment foundation blocks have been poured and cured and are being delivered to the park. Pouring the remaining blocks will be completed by next week.

Photo courtesy of FHWA