Formed by tectonic forces or volcanism, mountains provide habitat for wildlife, a source for clean water, and contain striking geological formations, fossil sites and archaeological records. They offer a dramatic setting for science, education, recreation, and our communities. Colliding continental plates form folded mountains, while other forces can crack plates and shift rock up or down to form fault-block mountains. Erupting volcanoes build new mountains, as does underground magma pushing land upward to form dome mountains. From Camel’s Hump, Vermont and Mount Mitchell, North Carolina in the folded Appalachian Range, to Enchanted Rock, a dome mountain in the Texas Hill Country, National Natural Landmarks illustrate our nation’s diverse and majestic mountains. Some of these include: Irvine Ranch, CA Mount Shasta, CA Mt. Diablo State Park, CA Garden of The Gods, CO Roxborough State Park, CO Spanish Peaks, CO Diamond Head, HI Ko‘olau Range Pali, HI Bigelow Mountain, ME Mount Katahdin, ME Sugar Loaf Mounatin, MD Mt. Greylock Old Growth Spruce, MA Porcupine Mountain, MI Mount Mitchell State Park, NC Valley of Fire, NV Franconia Notch, NH Nancy Brook Virgin Spruce Forest and Scenic Area, NH Border Hills Structural Zone, NM Newberry Crater, OR Round Top Butte, OR Baño de Oro Natural Area, PR Enchanted Rock, TX Little Rockies, UT Steptoe and Kamiak Buttes, WA Umtanum Ridge Water Gap, WA |
Last updated: January 28, 2022