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Study Area

Elk Population

Population Dynamics

Elk Habits

Effects on Habitats

Elk Management






Research Report GRTE-N-1
The Elk of Grand Teton and Southern Yellowstone National Parks
National Park Service Arrowhead


I. Common and scientific names of plants

II. Average percent canopy cover and frequency of plants and bare ground area on a ridgetop elk concentration area and adjoining herbland slope

III. Average percent canopy coverage and percent frequency of plant taxa on slope areas of the bunchgrass-shrub type

IV. Average percent canopy coverage and percent frequency of plant taxa on four 34-plot sample units within a 7,000 foot elevation forest park and a 9,000 foot subalpine meadow

V. Plants averaging 5 percent or more of the recorded use or used at 25 percent or more of the elk feeding sites on the bunchgrass-shrub type

VI. Plants averaging 5 percent or more of the recorded use or used at 25 percent or more of the elk feeding sites on the valley meadow type

VII. Plants averaging 5 percent or more of the recorded use or used at 25 percent or more of the elk feeding sites on the deciduous and coniferous forest types

VIII. Plants averaging 5 percent or more of the recorded use or used at 25 percent or more of the elk feeding sites on the sagebrush type

IX. Plants averaging 5 percent or more of the recorded use or used at 25 percent or more of the elk feeding sites on the herbland, subalpine meadow, and forest park types

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