Mammoth Cave National Park has three frontcountry campgrounds that offer common camping amenities and close proximity to the park’s visitor center area and cave tours. Goods & Services, such as laundry machines, shower facilities, and camping supplies are also available in the park.
FIREWOOD QUARANTINE: Firewood from a number of states is quarantined due to an insect infestation by one or more insect pests (e.g. the Emerald Ash Borer) that is devastating certain tree species. To prevent infestation of trees in the park, transport of firewood into the park is prohibited. You may pick up any dead or downed wood inside the park or purchase wood from the Caver's Camp Store located near the park Visitor Center. Store hours vary with season; check bulletin board at kiosk for current hours. Please help protect our forests from these destructive pests and do not bring firewood into the Park. Contact Recreation.govBy Phone: (877) 444-6777 |