Mammoth Cave National Park offers an opportunity for you and your students to explore the natural and human history of the world’s longest known cave system and the forest landscape above it. Whether hiking through the deciduous forest, exploring along the river, or traversing the labyrinth of underground passages, students can learn about the unique ecosystems, biodiversity, and history that is Mammoth Cave. Use the resources below to plan a successful educational experience that allows you to bring your class to Mammoth Cave or to bring Mammoth Cave to your classroom.
![]() Every Kid OutdoorsThe Every Kid Outdoors initiative is aimed at providing an opportunity for each fourth grade student across the country to experience federal lands and water in person. Students logon onto the Every Kid Outdoors website to complete an on-line activity and earn a voucher that can be exchanged for a plastic pass at park entrance stations. The Every Kid Outdoors Pass gives students free access to public lands during their fourth-grade school year and up through August 31. Supporting Future LearningSupport and funding for education and youth programs in Mammoth Cave National Park is provided by the Friends of Mammoth Cave National Park and the Mammoth Cave National Park Assoication. Additional InformationHave more questions? Contact the Mammoth Cave Environmental Education Department by e-mail or call the park at (270) 758-2180. |
Last updated: July 5, 2023