Natural Resource Monitoring at Saint-Gaudens NHP

A Great Blue Heron takes off from Saint-Gaudens Blow-me-down Pond.
A Great Blue Heron takes off from Saint-Gaudens Blow-me-down Pond.

Joe Bartlett



Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park contains the home, studios, and gardens of Augustus Saint Gaudens (1848-1907), America's foremost sculptor of the Gilded Age. Since 1964 the park has preserved, protected and interpreted cultural and natural resources and artwork historically associated with the sculptor. Saint-Gaudens created over 150 works of art, from exquisitely carved cameos to heroic-size public monuments. Works such as the Standing Lincoln monument and the Shaw Memorial, continue to inspire people today and his design for the 1907 Twenty-Dollar Gold Piece, is considered America's most beautiful coin.

The park was once covered by glaciers and glacial meltwaters, but today is home to upland forests, spring seeps, brooks, and two ponds. It is located in Cornish, Sullivan County, New Hampshire and ranges from about 300 to 600 feet above sea level. The park abuts the Connecticut River, a federally designated American Heritage River, and comprises 195 acres owned in-fee, with an additional 175 acres included in the authorized boundary.

The park occurs within the eastern deciduous forest biome, a region dominated by hemlock and hemlock-beech transition and mesic forest types. Well-drained sandy, alluvial soils occur primarily in floodplain and wetland areas of the park, whereas shallow stony soils are more common in the forested areas.

Geologically, the park is underlain with the Gile Mountain formation, a schistose, calcium-rich bedrock that raises the pH of adjacent soils. Park lands are predominately forested, but also include open fields. There are two hiking trails on the property, the Ravine Trail (0.25 miles) and the Blow-Me-Down Trail (1.5 miles). The Ravine Trail skirts the edge of the Blow-Me-Up Brook, while the Blow-Me-Down Trail offers glimpses of the Blow-Me-Down Brook and the Mill and Pond. From these trails a variety of wildlife can be seen; a single hike can bring sightings of Eastern Newts, Beavers, White-tailed Deer, Common Garter Snakes, Mink, and numerous bird species. In all there are over 200 species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish found at Saint-Gaudens NHS.

There are over 400 vascular plant species at Saint-Gaudens and seventeen of them are known invasive plants. Each invasive is monitored for spread and is controlled based on its invasiveness, ease of removal, and threat or damage caused by the species.

Long Term Monitoring Programs in the Park


Source: Data Store Saved Search 1187. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 2272. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 1189 (results presented are a subset). To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 1458. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 1159. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Park Basline Inventories

The Inventory and Monitoring Program provides guidance, funding, and technical assistance for parks to complete a set of 12 baseline, or "basic", natural resource inventories. These basic inventories are common to all parks with significant natural resources, and are intended to provide park managers with the minimum information needed to effectively manage the natural resources of their park.


Park Species Lists

Species lists are available from NPSpecies, the National Park Service's tool for documenting park biodiversity. Keep in mind that these species lists are a work-in-progress. Changes and updates are made as more species are shepherded through a rigorous vetting process. The absence of a species from a list produced with the tool below doesn't necessarily mean the species is absent from a park.

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Visit NPSpecies for more comprehensive information and advanced search capability. Have a suggestion or comment on this list? Let us know.


Non NPS Citizen Science Opportunities in the Park

Bird observations from eBird

Saint-Gaudens NHS has been set up in eBird as a birding "hotspot". To view infomration on recent and historic bird sightings in the park, click here.

Species observations from iNaturalist

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    Last updated: January 30, 2025