Grand Canyon National Park Bulletins and Trail Brochures may be downloaded from this page.
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Trail InformationIntroduction to Backcountry Hiking - (680 kb PDF File, Jan. 2016) Day Hike - Rim Trail (PDF File) Day Hike - Bright Angel Trail (PDF File) Day Hike - South Kaibab Trail (PDF File) Day Hike - Hermit Trail (PDF File) More detailed trail descriptions can be found on the Day Hiking and Trails and Use Areas web pages. Discovering Life at Grand Canyon Grand Canyon's extreme elevation changes and dramatic topography produce a range of climates, creating homes for a surprisingly rich diversity of living things. These organisms' interactions with and adaptations to this rugged environment define Grand Canyon's ecology. South Rim Trail Brochures
Grand Canyon Geology (279kb PDF File - October 2015) Nowhere on this planet are the scope of geologic time and the power of geologic processes as superbly and beautifully exposed as in these canyon walls. Plants Living on the Edge Bright Angel Trail Plant Identification Guide Civilian Conservation Corps Walking Tour Desert View Trail BrochuresDesert View - with map (4.4 MB PDF Feb 2015)
Tusayan Ruin (821kb PDF File) Welcome to Tusayan Pueblo Ruin at Desert View. (South Rim) People have lived on the Colorado Plateau for thousands of years. The Paleo-Indians, nomadic hunter/gatherers who lived here 5,000-10,000 years ago, left the earliest evidence. With the introduction of agriculture about 2000 years ago, villages (pueblos) like this one developed. Inner Canyon Trail BrochuresPhantom Ranch Walking Tour North Rim Trail BrochuresBright Angel Point (1.45MB PDF)
Walhalla Glades Pueblo (1.73MB PDF) Nine hundred years ago, people were living on the North Rim at Walhalla Glades. The site was a summer home for families for over 100 years. Walhalla Plateau is "peninsula" surrounded on three sides by the Grand Canyon. The elevation in this area is a bit lower than most of the North Rim of Grand Canyon, and updrafts of warm air from the inner canyon allow the winter snows to melt early, making Walhalla a favorable place for ancestral people to farm. |
Last updated: April 2, 2024