News Release

All Visitor Services Resume for Holiday Week Starting on Wednesday, November 21.

View of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Bay from Marin Headlands Overlook.
View from Marin Headlands Overlook.

NPS/Kirke Wrench

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News Release Date: November 20, 2018

Contact: GGNRA Public Affairs, 415-561-4730

As of Wednesday, November 21, Golden Gate National Recreation Area (including Alcatraz Island, Fort Point National Historic Site, and Muir Woods National Monument) will resume visitor services. Since Friday, November 16, the San Francisco Bay Area has experienced unhealthy air quality as a result of California fires. We anticipate continued visitor services for Friday, November 23, and through the holiday weekend, provided air quality conditions remain healthy. Said park Communications Director Charlie Strickfaden, "We thank the public for their patience and understanding while we implemented safety precautions for visitors and staff over the last week."

Park Traveler Alert for Inclement Weather

Visitors to the area are encouraged to monitor weather forecasts and use caution during travel to park sites. Heavy rain is forecast in the San Francisco Bay Area this week. Extreme weather events following many months of dry weather can cause slick roads and potential mudslides.

Thanksgiving Holiday Park Schedule

As a reminder, some of our park sites will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.

Sites Closed on Thursday, November 22:

  • Alcatraz Island

  • Fort Point National Historic Site (closed Thursday and Friday)

  • Golden Gate Bridge Welcome CenterĀ 

  • Lands End Lookout

  • Marin Headlands Visitor Center

  • Presidio San Francisco Visitor Center

Last updated: November 20, 2018

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Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


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