Bridging the Past - Golden Gate NRA Museum Program Blog

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The Bridging the Past - Golden Gate NRA Museum Program Blog provides opportunities to spotlight individual collections, describe events and programs that involve museum materials, and discuss projects and positions within the Museum Program.

Defender of the Archives

September 03, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

A tale of Archival Absurdity discussing museum and archival collection protection.


Exploring the history of the Buffalo Soldiers in the “Model Camp” at the Presidio of San Francisco

July 31, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

Learning about how the Archives work while searching for the Buffalo Soldiers in the Presidio of San Francisco



May 28, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

Preservation of metals found in the Golden Gate National recreation Area


Archival Absurdity

March 22, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

A short write up about archival collection protection.


What's In the Alcatraz Picture?

February 21, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

Using details from historic photography to tell a complete story.


How Iowa Became the Champions of the Pacific Coast

January 31, 2024 Posted by: Matthew Brittin

How the regimental 51st Iowa became the Champion of the Pacific Coast in 1898


The Artist and the Study of History: The Art and a Short History of William H. Schroeder and his Grandson

December 21, 2023 Posted by: Nicole Meldahl

A short history of the Artist William H. Schroeder, some of his sketch's and how the Archives came to be able to share them.


A History of the 1st and 2nd Filipino Regiment

November 01, 2023 Posted by: Nicole Meldahl

A short little-known history of the 1st and 2nd Filipino regiments in California following the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941


Planting with a Purpose: Eucalyptus and The U.S. Army

July 30, 2021 Posted by: Ashley Marshall, Archives Intern

How does a non-native plant finds its place in the Army and become managed in the NPS as both a natural and historic resource?


Nisei Linguists in World War II

May 14, 2021 Posted by: Allison Burris, Archives Intern

Collections from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area's Museum Program highlight Japanese American Language School soldiers in World War II.


Extra! Extra! – Local Military Newspapers Scanned and Searchable

January 15, 2021 Posted by: Amanda Williford

The military newspapers are a unique collection to the park and provide a great deal of insight to the military perspective of local and national events as well as supply names to some of the men and women who served or worked at this site. Thanks to the generous support of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy the GGNRA Museum Program is working to digitize these papers and make them more easily available.


Point Bonita Light Station Goes Automatic

September 17, 2012 Posted by: Nicole Hayduk

Light stations have helped guide seafarers and ships through both calm and stormy seas for over 2,000 years. The first known lighthouse was built in Alexandria on the island of Pharos in approximately 280 BCE, and since that time, light stations have steadily developed into what is in use today.


New ways to search GGNRA’s Army Records

October 16, 2018 Posted by: Amanda Williford

Get a jump start on learning what types of Army Records the GGNRA holds.


WWI Victory Medal

June 27, 2016 Posted by: Amanda Williford

A World War I medal awarded to Captain Lorin H. Tryon.


Victorian Hand Grenade Fire Extinguishers

February 03, 2015 Posted by: Kate Clevenger

Archeology can recover a wide variety of materials in excavations. In the project at Sutro Heights park archeologists and volunteers removed a variety of glass fragments. A distinct set of these glass remnants revealed a major concern (and remedy) of Victorian households.


Protection with a Purpose - Stable and Clean

June 15, 2014 Posted by: Nicole Hayduk, Archives Technician

The first installment in discussing what it takes to keep a museum collection protected and preserved for generations to come.


The Rankin-Nagel Family: A Portrait of Fort Point

May 12, 2014 Posted by: Nicole Meldahl, Archives Technician

A deeper look into one of the lighthouse keepers at Fort Point, James Rankin, and his family's papers and photographs.


Presidio of San Francisco Transition and Development Records Processing Project is Underway

November 14, 2013 Posted by: Anna Uremovich

This fairly recent collection (created from 1990-1997) is currently the largest collection at the Park Archives and Records Center, totaling over 500 linear feet. Processing this body of material will be a matter of years before everything is in its final place.


Mysterious Statues at Land's End - Part 2

July 08, 2013 Posted by: Kate Clevenger

In our last Archaeology Behind the Scenes blog post, we talked about the mysterious, vanishing statues at Adolph Sutro’s home and gardens at Land’s End:  Where did the statues come from?  Why did they disappear?  Where are they now?  In this post, we’ll explore another exciting archaeological discovery that brought more information to light about these intriguing statues…


Mysterious Statues at Land's End - Part 1

April 14, 2011 Posted by: Kate Clevenger

A look at how GGNRA archaeologists are reconstructing the history of Sutro Heights Park from the pieces left in the ground.


Spanish-American War Bugle, GOGA 21984

March 04, 2011 Posted by: Justin Cleveland

A closer look at one of the items in the Museum Collection and persistent element of military history.


The Star Presidian During the Cold War

January 24, 2011 Posted by: Justin Cleveland

An Army perspective of social and cultural events. This entry was researched from the Presidio Public Affairs Office Records Collection GOGA 35330 which contains a set of the Star Presidian newspapers.


Last updated: January 31, 2024

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