More than 800 scientific and scholarly studies have taken place in the park since the early 1900’s. In 2013, there were 14 new active Research and Collecting Permits for studies in Denali and dozens more continuing projects. Some researchers are conducting more than one study. These scientific studies are conducted by Denali staff, park cooperators (e.g., U.S. Geological Survey or Alaska State Department of Fish and Game), and investigators from universities, institutions, and other agencies. Appropriate research for Denali is that which gathers information while making minimal impacts to park resources and visitor experience.
Science Summaries
Researchers and resource specialists study everything imaginable in Denali from why glaciers surge, to the population dynamics of wolves and their prey, to the physiological effects to humans of climbing Mt. McKinley. Research on subarctic ecosystems and studies of culture, history, and place have been an integral part of understanding and protecting Denali’s natural and cultural resources since the park’s inception.
Explore the wide array of research programs in Denali. Science summaries highlight interesting science and scholarship stories.
Investigator Annual Reports
Each year researchers at all national parks submit an Investigator Annual Report (IAR) summarizing their findings to the National Park Service’s Research Permit and Reporting System (RPRS) website. You can search IAR’s by park, investigator name, year, or general subject heading. Researchers may apply online for a research and collecting permit.
Featured Research By Topic
Below, browse a selection of published research articles. You can also search through a more extensive list of published research.