National Park Service


Site Credits



The REHAB YES/NOs are based on Interpreting the Standards Bulleting, which explain rehabilitation project decisions made by the National Park Service in its administration of the federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program.

NPS staff who prepared the printed Interpreting the Standards Bulletins include Susan Dynes, Chuck Fisher, Anne Grimmer, Bonnie Halda, Bill MacRostie, Camille Martone, Kate Catalano Milley, Sharon Park, Kay Weeks, and Martha L. Werenfels, AIA. New topics were written for the web site by Kay Weeks and Antonio Aguilar. Anne Grimmer served as reviewer and editor. Photos are from NPS files.

Kay Weeks, site creator; Mark Oviatt, oviattmedia, designer.

This material is not copyrighted and can be reproduced without penalty; however, we would appreciate your crediting the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services.




::go to REHAB YES'S::

::go to REHAB NO'S::

::go to the standards::