The information below may help you better plan your visit. If a particular service or issue is not mentioned, please contact the nearest visitor center for assistance. Physical / Mobility NeedsAll visitor centers and their associated restrooms are accessible. The canal towpath is a graded gravel path throughout the park. It can get muddy after rain events, making the trail uneven in places. At Great Falls Tavern, the towpath leads to the Great Falls Overlook from the Great Falls Tavern Visitor Center. The bridges to the overlook are accessible ramps of wood and cement. This trail is 1/2 mile round trip from the Visitor Center. All other hiking trails are not accessible. Drive-In campsites located at Antietam Creek and McCoys Ferry have one accessible site including picnic table and accessible fire ring. Deaf / Hearing LossVideos at Great Falls Tavern, Williamsport and Cumberland Visitor Centers are closed-captioned. Blind / Low VisionExhibits and video at the Great Falls Tavern Visitor Center main exhibit room are audio described. Service AnimalsService animals are permitted everywhere visitors go at the C&O Canal. See service animal definitions. All animal waste must be picked up and removed from the park. Interagency Access PassU.S. Citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities qualify for the Interagency Access Pass, which provides free or discounted access to over 2,000 Federal recreation sites. It is currently available at the Great Falls Entrance Station. Learn more about fees at C&O Canal. |
Last updated: February 8, 2024