Junior Ranger on the Web

Vector art with tan ranger stetson-style hat in center with green circle around it. White letters in the green band read: Junior Ranger: Explore, Learn, Protect
The Junior Ranger program is a great way to explore the park for the young and young at heart!

Welcome to the Appomattox Court House National Historical Park Junior Ranger web page.Our Junior Ranger Program is for very special people like you. We need you to help us take care of our national parks and encourage other people to take care of them, too. The parks belong to all of us, and we want you to be able to bring your families here someday.

As you complete the required pages complete the answer sheet. This sheet can be printed out or filled in on the fillable answer sheet.The completed answer sheet can be mailed to Appomattox Court House NHP Visitor Center; P.O. Box 218; Appomattox, VA 24522 or emailed as an attachment to apco_socialmedia@nps.gov. Once received and evaluated, the park will send you a set of trading cards, a parole pass and a Junior Ranger Badge if you provide a mailing address.

Everyone must complete the first three pages. The rest of the requirements are based on age.

All participants must complete the following pages:

  1. Required Page 1 - National Park Service

  2. Required Page 2 - McLean House

  3. Required Page 3 - Matching Civil War People


Remaining Pages

  • Ages 6-9 must complete 4 of the remaining pages for a total of 7 pages.

  • Ages 10-13 must complete 5 of the remaing pages for a total of 8. They MAY NOT count any of the pages with astericks(*) next to them as part of their 5 pages.

Use the links below to access each page you want to complete:

Page 4 “With Malice Toward None”
Page 5 “With Malice Toward None”- Part 2
Page 6 Word Jumble
Page 7 Civilians at Appomattox
Page 8 Battle Flags
Page 9 Matching Civil War Flags
Page 10 Word Search
Page 11 Soldier Letter/Diary
Page 12 Parole Passes
Page 13 The Sweeneys and the Banjo*
Page 14 The United States Colored Troops (USCT).
Page 15 Park Map
Page 16 Scavenger Hunt

After completing the required pages read the Junior Range Pledge on the last page of the answer sheet and sign your name on on the line under it.

Last updated: June 1, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
P.O. Box 218

Appomattox, VA 24522


434 694-8904

Contact Us