Research PermittingYukon-Charley National Preserve welcomes research projects designed to enhance the understanding of resources or systems for the purposes of preserve management and the advancement of broad scientific understanding. A Scientific Research and Collection Permit is required to conduct research on all National Park Service (NPS) lands.Researchers are encouraged to contact the preserve research coordinator early to discuss proposed work and streamline the permitting process. DeadlinesResearch permit application deadlines are as follows:
To Apply1. Submit your proposal to the online NPS Research and Permit and Reporting System at This site requires you to enter basic information regarding your project. Upload a study plan to accompany the online application.Note that large documents may be difficult to load, so it is best to remove unnecessarily large images, or simply break up the study plan into two or three smaller files. Researchers without access to the internet can contact the preserve research coordinator for an application form. 2. Complete a short questionnaire describing proposed field operations and email it to the preserve research coordinator. Application Review ProcessThe review process is designed to ensure that preserve resources and values, as well as other preserve users, are not unduly affected by the proposed research. In addition, we strive for consistency, equity, and fairness in our evaluation. Proposals for "internal" research (conducted by NPS employees) undergo the same review process. An interdisciplinary team will evaluate applications to determine potential impacts in several areas, including: natural resources (NEPA), cultural resources (NHPA Section 106, ARPA, NAGPRA), subsistence resources and/or activities (ANILCA Section 810), Wilderness (Section 4(c) of the 1964 Wilderness Act, with Minimum Requirement/Minimum Tool determination) and the Endangered Species Act (Section 7), among others.![]() Additional InformationDrone UseLaunching, landing, or operating of drones (i.e., unmanned aircraft) from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service is prohibited except as approved in writing by the superintendent.WildernessMuch of Yukon-Charley National Preserve is eligible wilderness (see map). Under the Wilderness Act, special management considerations apply to all designated and eligible wilderness lands and affect approval of transportation methods, field work timing and frequency, group size and the use of mechanized or motorized tools.Tips on Planning Research in Wilderness
Helicopter UseHelicopter use in wilderness requires supplementary compliance analysis to determine if the use is necessary and warranted.Helicopter use is strongly discouraged in Yukon-Charley National Preserve during subsistence and/or sport hunting seasons from August 10 – September 30. Native Allotments & Private InholdingsNumerous Native allotments and inholdings exist throughout National Park Service lands. Be aware that allotments are private land. A National Park Service (NPS) permit does not authorize access to or use of these lands. Researchers are responsible for: 1) knowing land ownership status of all lands within their study area, and 2) obtaining permission to access or use inholdings outside of NPS jurisdiction from respective owners. Furthermore, researchers are responsible for obtaining permission to access or use privately-owned Native Allotments through a 'revocable use permit' - a consultation process mediated through the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The BLM website provides a useful tool for gathering provisional land status information.Specimen CollectionAll specimens collected within the preserve are the property of the NPS. Regardless of where the collections are stored, they must be properly accessioned and cataloged into the NPS cataloging system. Collection of specimens not specifically authorized on the permit or for private purposes is not allowed. Contact the preserve curator for additional information.Other PermitsThe collection of certain specimens may require additional federal or state permits. For example, to collect migratory birds, a Migratory Bird Permit must be obtained from the appropriate state natural resource agency or from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the responsibility of the researcher to apply for and obtain all necessary non-NPS permits.For More InformationPermit CoordinatorNational Park Service Fairbanks Administrative Center 4175 Geist Road, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3420 907-457-5752 E-mail us.
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Special Use Permits
Last updated: March 12, 2021