Last updated: November 12, 2024
Thing to Do
Discover Meridian Hill Park

Visit Washington, DC’s Meridian Hill Park on any given Sunday afternoon and you might see people walking dogs, doing yoga, dancing, enjoying a pick up soccer game, drumming at a drum circle, or just lying in the grass relaxing with friends and family.
Meridian Hill Park is a part of Rock Creek Park, a 1,754-acre city park in the nation's capital. It offers visitors the opportunity to escape the bustle of the city and find a peaceful refuge, recreation, fresh air, majestic trees, wild animals, and thousands of years of human history.
What is Meridian Hill Park?
Designed and built between 1912 and 1936, Meridian Hill Park has beautiful art and architecture to enjoy. The hill overlooking downtown Washington, DC has had a diverse history prior to the development of the current park. Read more about this fascinating park on the history page.
Art for the People
Meridian Hill Park became the showplace for several sculptures and monuments that were gifted to the City of Washington and its people. They areThe Dante Memorial - One of the earliest works installed in the park, this statue is visible in some of the early construction photographs.
The James Buchanan Memorial - This memorial, dedicated in 1930, honors the 15th president of the United States.
The Joan of Arc Statue - the only female equestrian statue in Washington, Joan of Arc was a gift from the women of France to the women of America.
The Noyes Armillary Sphere- Vandalized in the 1960s, the sphere was removed for repairs but disappeared. The original pedestal the 6-foot sphere sat on is still present.
Serenity- Sculpted by Jose Clara, this sculpture was erected to honor William Henry Scheutze.
Visit Washington, DC’s Meridian Hill Park on any given Sunday afternoon and you might see people walking dogs, doing yoga, dancing, enjoying a pick up soccer game, drumming at a drum circle, or just lying in the grass relaxing with family.
- It is park policy for all pets to be kept on leashes at all times. This is for the safety of your pet, our visitors, and the park itself.
- Pets may not be left unattended tied to an object.
- Visitors with pets must pick up all pet waste and dispose of it in a trash receptacle.
- Rules apply to all of the Rock Creek Park sites including Battery Kemble Park, Montrose Park, Glover Archbold Park, Dumbarton Oaks Park, and Meridian Hill Park.
Park entrance and programs are free!
16th & W Streets NW, Washington, D.C.
The park is open all year round during daylight hours. The park is closed after dark.
Service Animals
Service animals are allowed in national parks. For a definition of a service animal, please see the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) definition.
The northern portion of is wheelchair accessible. Due to its historic architecture, the south end of Meridian hill park is not wheelchair accessible.
Assistive listening devices, or large print brochures may be available by request or with advance notice. For information about individual park programs, please visit park websites. Accessibility information is located under the Plan Your Visit tab.
In 1819, John Porter erected a mansion here on Meridian Hill so called because it was on the exact longitude...
Rock Creek
Rock Creek Park, established in 1890, preserves a Piedmont stream valley in a heavily urbanized area and provides a sanctuary for a variety
Lincoln Memorial
Stand on the steps that have been a stage for inspiration, hope and many significant moments in American history.