Last updated: June 10, 2022
Lesson Plan
The French and Indian War 1754-1763: Biography Cards - Unit 7

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- Common Core Standards:
- 4.RI.1, 4.RI.3, 4.RI.7, 5.RI.1, 5.RI.3, 5.RI.7, 6.RI.1, 6.RI.3, 6.RI.7, 4.SL.1, 4.SL.2, 5.SL.1, 5.SL.2, 6.SL.1, 6.SL.2, 4.W.2, 4.W.4, 5.W.2, 5.W.4, 6.W.2, 6.W.4
- Additional Standards:
- National History Standards: K-4 Topic 2: 3A, 3B, 3D, 3E; K-4 Topic 3: 4B, 6A; US Era 2: 1A, 1B; US Era 3: 1A; World Era 6: 4A
- Thinking Skills:
- Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words.
Essential Question
Guiding Questions: Who participated in the French and Indian War? What was interesting about their lives? How did the war affect them?
Students will be able to:
List the name of a person associated with the French and Indian War
List two interesting facts about the person
List how the person was associated with the French and Indian War
“Biography Cards” Unit 7 of the Teacher’s Education Kit “The French and Indian War: 1754-1763” has 27 different biography cards for the students to read.
This unit includes four lesson plans:
"Getting to Know You" has students read about the person on their assigned biography card and give an oral summary
"Where in the World" has students locate important places associated with the person on their biography card
"Who am I?" is a game where students use facts about the people featured in the biography cards.
"Bio BINGO" is a game where students us a BINGO type card to learn about people and events in the French and Indian War
Critical Content: Biography is an engaging and powerful way to teach history. The participants in the French and Indian War were just like people today, with different personalities and feelings. Biographies can make history come alive. Students will read about the soldier who wanted revenge, the general whose grave was in the middle of a road, and the commander who united enemies. Some were bold, some were captured, and some were enslaved. The students can read about the lives of American Indian, French and British participants.
See the “Related Lessons and Educational Materials” section for links to the other units in the teacher’s guide.
For all the units you will need to make at least one copy of a biography card for each student.
For the lesson "Getting to Know You" you will need one biography card per student.
For the lesson "Where in the World" you will need to download the map of Indian Nations and French and Indian War Forts 1754-1760 from the materials section, a world map and one biography card per student.
For the lesson "Who am I" you will need one biography card per student.
For the lesson "Bio BINGO" you will need a copy of the BINGO sheet and one biography card per student.
There are four lessons that use the biography cards: "Getting to Know You," "Where in the World," "Who Am I," and "BioBINGO."
Download Lesson Plans and instructions
This is one of three sets of biography cards used in this lesson
Download Biography Cards: American Indian
This is one of three sets of biography cards used in this lesson
Download Biography Cards: French
This is one of three sets of biography cards used in this lesson
Download Biography Cards: British
This provides background information on the French and Indian War for teachers and includes maps, and further instructions.
Download Teacher Background Inforamtion
This is a color map of the Indian Nations and French and Indian War Forts 1754-1760.
Download Map of Indian Nations and French and Indian War Forts 1754-1760
Lesson Hook/Preview
People throughout history have experienced troubles and joys, just as people today do. The French, British and American Indians in the French and Indian War were no different. Write about what emotions or challenges of a historical person you are familiar with faced.
Part 1: GETTING TO KNOW YOU: This activity will help students practice selecting important information from a written document then making an oral presentation to a group.
Part 2: WHERE IN THE WORLD?: This activity will reinforce information about the people portrayed on the biography cards. It will also help students connect people and events to geographic areas.
Part 3: WHO AM I?:This is a fun activity to try after students are familiar with some people involved in the French and Indian War.
Part 4: BIO-BINGO: This activity will help students learn more about the people who were involved in the French and Indian War.
Biography: Using some format to tell a person's life story.
Assessment Materials
At the end of the unit, use the biography cards to create a quiz or game show. Split the class into two teams and have each team answer questions about each of the cards for points. Questions should include the individuals’ roles in the French and Indian War when appropriate.
Supports for Struggling Learners
The teacher can read the biography cards to the students.
Enrichment Activities
Have the students research and write biography cards on other participants such as: General James Wolfe, William Trent, Sir William Johnson and Claude-Pierre Pecaudy de Contrecoeur.
Additional Resources
Fort Necessity National Battlefield web site
A Charming Field for an Encounter the park's handbook
Becoming George Washington a curriculum about George Washington in the French and Indian War
Related Lessons or Education Materials
“The French and Indian War 1754-1763” Teacher’s Education Kit is broken into eight units and a Teacher Background section. Units 1 - 6 chronologically follow the war from start to finish, including how the war set the stage for the American Revolution.
Links to the other units:
Unit 1: Who Were the People Involved?
Unit 2: What Were They Fighting For?
Unit 3: How Did the Conflict Begin? (This includes two lessons on George Washington)
Unit 4: How Did the War Progress?
Unit 5: How Did the Conflict End? What Were the Consequences?
Unit 6: How Did the French and Indian War Set the Stage for the American Revolution?
Unit 7: Biography Cards (there are nine American Indian, nine French, nine British biographies)
Unit 8: Primary Documents and Artifacts
French and Indian War Historic Sites in Western Pennsylvania