Around the Horn Blog

Aerial View of Maritime Park
An aerial view of all of San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park showing Hyde Street Pier and historic ships, scow schooner Alma, the Small Boat Dock, tugboat Hercules, ferryboat Eureka, tall ship Balclutha, paddle wheel tugboat Eppleton Hall, and schooner C. A. Thayer. The aerial photo also shows other areas of the park including the Visitor Center and Argonaut Hotel in the old Delmonte Cannery, Victorian Park, and the Aquatic Park Bathhouse and Cove.



About This Blog

Through Around the Horn, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park hopes to keep visitors informed on projects that might impact their voyage and enlightened by stories from our past. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey!

Masks of 1918 and Today

December 02, 2020 Posted by: Erin Conner

Did you know that the humble face mask, that uncomfortable bit of cloth that we love to hate, was invented in its current form and tested back in 1918?


San Francisco Italian Language Coverage of the 1918 Influenza Outbreak

April 28, 2020 Posted by: David Pelfrey

Is collective memory only as durable as the generation that weathered the crisis? American newspaper accounts from the 1918-19 influenza pandemic suggest that when generational events like pandemics fall out of American living memory, the lessons gained are largely forgotten. In the San Francisco Italian language news article from 1918 translated below, the parallels with the current COVID19 pandemic are jolting.


Sea Stories on the Skin: A Brief Consideration of Maritime Tattoos

July 16, 2019 Posted by: Lucien Sonder

How did we get to this point, when we now see tattoos where we never saw them before, on the arms and legs of upstanding citizens and public servants--soldiers, teachers, doctors, police…and park rangers?  We have sailors to thank.


Celebrating the 85th Anniversary of the 1934 Longshore and General Strikes

May 08, 2019 Posted by: Peter Kasin

May 9 marks the 85th anniversary of the beginning of the largest labor strike in West Coast History, when in 1934, longshoremen up and down the West Coast went on strike.


Chief of Cultural Resources Gretchen Stromberg

July 11, 2018 Posted by: Lynn Cullivan

To mark the Park’s 30th anniversary, we asked two staff members – one of our more senior crew, and one who just recently came aboard - to talk about how they came to work at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. Today’s post tells Chief of Cultural Resources Gretchen Stromberg’s story.


Curator of Maritime History Stephen Canright

July 11, 2018 Posted by: Lynn Cullivan

To mark the Park’s 30th anniversary, we asked two staff members – one of our more senior crew, and one who just recently came aboard - to talk about how they came to work at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. Today’s post tells Curator of Maritime History Stephen Canright’s story.


History and Culture: Remembering Heroism at Sea Nearly 165 Years Ago

November 27, 2017 Posted by: Lynn Cullivan

As the National Park Service’s November “Preserving History and Culture” initiative draws to a close, we would like to offer this account as a salute to an act of American heroism at sea nearly 165 years ago.


1907 Steam Tug Hercules Honored With "2016 Tugboat of the Year" Award

December 12, 2016 Posted by: Lynn Cullivan

The Steamship Historical Society of America honored San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park’s 1907 steam tug Hercules with the SSHSA’s "2016 Tugboat of the Year" award.


Last updated: December 10, 2020

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