Fire Management

Fire Education and Information


Wildfire Information and Impacts

Learn about any fire restrictions to our east and south at the Six Rivers National Forest and Smith River National Recreation Area.

Wildfires in Southern Oregon and other parts of Northern California get a lot of media attention. It is recommended that you check CA road conditions, as well as the current wildfire information before you start traveling here.

California is a very large state and during fire season news reports may make it seem like this park is experiencing wildfires but that is normally not the case. During fire season, concerned visitors wonder if wildfires are impacting us - and whether it is safe to visit. Normally even in the busiest of fire seasons, there is nothing for our staff to report apart from "It's all quiet here".

Stay Up to Date With Fire News

The following sites provide up to date information on smoke/air quality, wildfire locations, and size, plus current conditions at the redwoods - and across the nation.

Prescribed Fire In The Redwood Parks

Since time immemorial, humans have used fire to manage landscapes now within the parks' boundaries. Learn about how and why we use prescribed fire in the parks.
Prescribed fire crews walk a road and manage fire on a grassy hill.
Prescribed fire in the Bald Hills.

NPS Photo / G Litten

Photos and Videos

On Flickr we have high quality photos of recent prescribed fire operations in Redwood National and State Parks.

We also have series of prescribed fire videos made in the park.

Fire Management Planning

Fire Management Plan FONSI Press Release (2005) (Microsoft Word document, 35 KB)

Link to the 2010 FMP.

The 2010 Fire Management Plan (FMP) has guided fire management actions in the national park. Actions in the 2010 FMP include increasing the total acres of prescribed fire from about 4,400 acres to about 6,800 acres, with new prescribed fire units in the Crescent and Enderts Beach areas south of Crescent City to restore grasslands and reduce alien invasive plant species; elarging shaded fuel breaks near Orick and Hiouchi; and constructing a new break around the Howland Hills Outdoor School in Del Norte Country. To request copies of the 2010 Redwood National and State Parks fire management plan, please e-mail us.

Learn about fire operations in the National Park Service.

Last updated: February 4, 2025

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Mailing Address:

1111 Second Street
Crescent City, CA 95531


707 464-6101

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