Appendix (Turf Management Guide Section 5)

This is Chapter 1 Section 5 of the Turf Management and Operations Guide for the National Mall and Memorial Parks, a comprehensive guide and manual intended for National Park Service employees, permit holders, and others using the lawn areas of the National Mall.


5.1 Code of Federal Regulations

36 CFR 1.5 through 1.10

36 CFR 7.96 - National Capital Region

5.2 Special Events Planning Guide for the National Capital Region

View the most version version of the Special Events Planning Guide.

5.3 Sample Applications

Permit applications are available on the National Mall and Memorial Parks Permits & Rservations pages.


5.4.2 Sources

The following sources were consulted in the creation of this Guide.

  • Best Management Practices Used at Urban Parks in National and International Locations: A Background Report for the National Mall Plan. NPS (March 2007).
  • Draft Elms of the Monumental Core History and Management Plan, NPS Natural Resource Report, NPS/NCR/NRR-2009/001.
  • Evaluation of the Effects on Turf of Different Terraplas Pitch Protection Systems, Sports Turf Research Institute (July 2010).
  • Event Impact Observation Study, HOK (2011).
  • NAMA 151515 Specification Section 329219 part 3.11 (2011).
  • National Mall Trafficked Turf Systems Report for the National Park Service, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences (Fall 2010).
  • NPS NCR Requirements 36 CFR 7.96 (g)
  • Report on the National Mall Soil Compaction Evaluation (April 4, 2008).
  • Requirements for Special Events Held on Parkland, National Park Service (Version 8-6-07-A).
  • Resource Conservation Practice; Understanding and Managing Soil Compaction, Iowa State University (2009).
  • Soils of the Mall in Washington, DC, 50 Soil Science Society of America Journal No. 3 (May-June 1986).
  • Soil Compaction and Its Effects upon Urban Vegetation, Better Trees for Metropolitan Landscapes Symposium Proceedings, USA Forest Service Tech. Rep. NE-22 (1976).
  • Summer 1992 Studies by CUE Confirm Compacted Mall Soils Memo, Center for Urban Ecology (1992).
  • The Elms of the National Mall: Studies, Findings and Recommendations. Center for Urban Ecology (August 10, 1993).
  • Trial to Evaluate Turf Protection Systems, Sports Turf Institute (2010).


Last updated: March 31, 2021

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