Revised Permit Conditions (Turf Management Guide Section 2)

This is Chapter 1 Section 2 of the Turf Management and Operations Guide for the National Mall and Memorial Parks, a comprehensive guide and manual intended for National Park Service employees, permit holders, and others using the lawn areas of the National Mall and Memorial Parks.


2.1 Timeframes for Pre-event Preparation and Post-event Turf Restoration

The following table includes recommended scheduled timeframes for pre-event preparation and post-event restoration1 for events held on the newly renovated high-performance turf panels. As activities are permitted, these time periods should be scheduled before and after the permitted event. Scheduled maintenance and restoration timeframes should be posted on the permit system for all to see.
This chart documents recommended timeframes only. The Turf Manager may recommend alternate durations based upon event conditions and/or turf conditions.

The following notes apply to all timeframes and all event parameters:

Pre-event preparation:

  • Where feasible, it is recommended that the turf be mowed in two directions on the day of the event.
  • Seeding in advance will allow the seed to be worked in by foot traffic or pre germinated by protective decking allow for new seed to be in place to help with recovery.
  • Fungicide application may be needed prior to decking installation.

Post-event recovery:

  • Following events where turf covers are used, the panel must be closed for 48-hours prior to interaction with the grass by the Turf Management team. See section 4.2 of this chapter for details on turf covering.
  • Depending upon level of damage caused by event, resodding may be required.
  • Sod knitting will take a minimum of three weeks, and may take up to 60 days depending on time of year and sod thickness. During first three (3) weeks after installation, usage shall be extremely limited in order to provide the roots an opportunity to firmly knit with soil and insures that the turf will remain smooth.

1 Extraordinary circumstances, such as a hurricane or larger than expected crowds, may require additional time affecting subsequent pre-events and next events. Pre-event preparation and post-event recovery time may vary based upon the size and duration of the event, the types of materials used, weather conditions, and the general conditions of the turf, among other factors. The timeframes recommended in this table are based upon best practices. The Turf Manager may make alternate recommendations based upon event parameters and turf conditions.

Table 1: Landscape Deposit

Event Size Description

Number of Attendees

Minor Event

less than 25 attendees

Small Event

26 to 999 attendees

Large Event

5,000 to 50,000 attendees

Very Large Event

50,000 to 249,000 attendees

Extreme Event

250,000 attendees or more

Per Acre Amounts

Minor Event
less than 25 attendees

Small Event
26 to 999 attendees

Medium Event
1,000 to 4,999 attendees

Large Event
5,000 to 50,000 attendees

Very Large Event
50,000 to 249,000 attendees

Extreme Event
250,000 or more attendees

Low Risk







Medium Risk







High Risk








2.2 Level 1 Turf Areas Use Limits for Temporary Facilities

The following table includes use limits for temporary facilities on the Level 1 turf areas.

Table 2: Level 1 Turf Area Use Limits and Time Restrictions for Temporary Facilities

Note: Set up and take down crews may work up to 24 hours a day if needed to meet seasonally adjusted timeframes. All structures on turf require protective decking.

Equipment SPRING
March 15 – May 14
May 15 – Sept. 14
Sept. 15 – Nov. 14
Nov. 15 –March 14
  • Vehicles of any kind (delivery, cranes, forklifts, golf carts, trailers, exhibit trailers, etc.)

Not allowed on turf or curbs

Not allowed on turf or curbs

Not allowed on turf or curbs

Not allowed on turf or curbs

  • Temporary facilities that can be hand carried onto panels from hardscapes
  • Tents and facilities with stakes no longer than 36”1
  • Facilities such as stages, exhibits, displays, and media towers2
  • Seating, pedestrian surfacing3, bicycle rack, cardboard recycling or trash containers4

5 days inclusive of setup and take down

3 days inclusive of setup and take down

5 days inclusive of setup and take down

10 days inclusive of setup and take down

  • Back of house, trailers, bone yards, generators, portable toilets, etc.
Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs
  • Vehicle mounted equipment such as signs, stages, LED screens, media towers and light towers
Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs Not allowed on turf or curbs
  • Pick up games (red flags and ropes designate areas rotating into short rest periods and not available for use)5

Per flag system

Per flag system Per flag system Per flag system

1 No staking within the designated no-staking zone to protect irrigation. The irrigation system shall be tested before and after event to ensure functionality. Stakes longer than 36” are always prohibited because they could damage drain lines, which cannot be tested.
2 Weight cannot exceed 3,000 pounds unless materials are used to distribute the weight; in this event, the pressure to the turf cannot exceed 10 pounds per square inch.
3 Required on turf areas where full capacity is expected.
4 Trash containers/bags must be hand carried to walkways/streets and held in designated areas for pick up as per permit conditions.
5 See section 3.3 on page 32 for detailed description of the Public-Awareness Closure Program.


2.3 Allowable Temporary Facilities or Other Areas

The following table includes allowable temporary facilities on the Mall (areas other than level 1 turf areas).

Table 3: Allowable Temporary Facilities on Other Mall Areas


Walkways and Non-Turf Areas

Madison and Jefferson

Tree and Turf Panels

Gravel Tree Verges1 (Madison Jefferson)

Turf Verges2

Welcome Plaza / Smithsonian Metro

Concession Stand Areas


Yes – but no staking

Yes – but no staking




Yes – but no staking










Other temporary structures3

Per conditions

Per conditions



Per conditions

Per conditions

Per conditions

Back of house, trailers, bone yards, generators, etc.


Yes, but no boneyards






Vehicles (golf carts) as per permit conditions4






Per conditions


Cranes and delivery vehicles5








Vehicle mounted signs, stages, LED screens, media towers, light towers








Portable toilets / toilet trucks6

Designated areas only

Designated areas only


Designated areas only





Per conditions







Barriers / bike racks6






Per conditions


NPS fencing that is staked3








Security Checkpoints








1 A tree verge on Madison and Jefferson is a circular planting zone at the back of a curb, adjacent to a roadway.
2 A turf verge is a narrow turf grass planting zone at the back of a curb, adjacent to a roadway. Efforts should be made to span the verge when possible when structures are used. Event barriers shall not be secured using stakes.
3 Temporary structures beyond tents, stages, and fencing might include elements such as lighting towers, audio towers, AV towers, displays, platforms, and portable restroom facilities, among others.
4 Vehicle parking areas or corrals shall be identified in plans related to permit conditions.
5 Cranes and delivery vehicles must obey designated routes in permit conditions; cranes and delivery vehicles must remain five feet (5’) away from granite curbs and turf; curbs and turf must be protected at all times.
6 Portable restroom facilities are not permitted on the turf or tree panels and must be located in hardscape areas.
7 NPS staking will follow guidelines as outlined for Permittees and be installed under NPS oversight.


2.4 Closure and Cancellation for Events on the National Mall

The following table includes information related to closure and cancellation policy for the National Mall. Closures shall be enacted for health and safety, weather, and soil condition1 reasons. It shall be the responsibility of the Turf Manager to determine the level of saturation suitable for usage; this will vary based upon factors such as the season and recent/upcoming weather events.

Table 4: Closure and Cancellation for the National Mall

General Information: Closure and Cancellation

Soil Moisture Level / Test

Public / Permit Holder Informed2 (per 36 CFR 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.10)

Mandatory cancellation

  • For emergency, public health or safety (36 CFR 1.5)3

  • In conjunction with USPP

  • Mass notification procedures in place

Cancelling permitted athletics and pick-up ball games

  • NPS established flag system to rotate area usage and notify players when areas are too wet for use4

  • Flags will incorporate symbols per 36 CFR 1.10

No events shall be held in the event that there is visible puddling on the Mall. In the event of recent rain that has not resulted in puddling, the Turf Manager should use a soil probe to determine the moisture of the soil.5

  • Permitted athletics are prohibited from playing on wet ground (36 CFR79.6 (b)(2)

  • On-site temporary signs placed by Turf Manager

  • On-site NPS staff

  • NPS will establish a public information campaign - no play in standing water or when soil moisture is high; flag system described

1 Soil conditions shall be evaluated to ensure prevention of damage to the turf; this is particularly important in the event of extremely moist or wet soil, which is subject to greater damage.
2 USPP, in conjunction with NPS, will be responsible for citing permit holders causing damage or not adhering to permit rules.
3 36 CFR 2.32(a)(2) This regulation allows lawful orders to be issued “to maintain order and control public access and movement during…law enforcement actions, and emergency operations that involve a threat to public safety or park resources…where the control of public movement and activities is necessary to maintain order and public safety.
4 See chapter 2 section 3.10 for detailed description of the Public-Awareness Closure Program.
5 The Turf Manager may determine that impending weather conditions will result in wet conditions within the same day and may cancel events to prevent damage. Soil moisture readings greater than 20% indicate that damage will occur.

Permit Steps and Closure and Cancellation Information for Applicant and Permittee

Soil Moisture Level / Test

Public / Permit Holder Informed2 (per 36 CFR 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.10)

Application contains notification of cancellation policy

  • Review weather projections and seasonal patterns

  • Rain dates pre-determined during rainy seasons

  • Review closure and cancellation policy; there is no guarantee of rescheduling; there is no reimbursement

Operations inventory and event schedule 14 days before event

  • Weather and soil moisture warning;

  • Back-up plan for cancellation, rain dates, relocation to Tidal Basin Parking Lot, or rescheduling availability

Pre-event meeting 5 days before

  • Weather and soil moisture warning

Pre-event walk through 3 days before event

Test soil moisture

  • Initiate back up plan

Set up for temporary facilities

Soil moisture is high

  • Delay of set up; cancellation required within 2-3 days of event

Event days (public activity days)

On site monitoring

  • Rain delays

Take down of temporary faciliites

  • Postpone tear down until soil moisture levels are at an appropriate level.1

1 The amount of time necessary for soil moisture levels to reduce to an appropriate level will vary based upon weather conditions. The Turf Manager and team shall monitor conditions and inform Permittee when soil moisture levels have reached an acceptable level for take down of temporary facilities.
2 USPP, in conjunction with NPS, will be responsible for citing permit holders causing damage or not adhering to permit rules.




Last updated: February 25, 2020

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