American History, Alive in Stone...

Majestic figures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, surrounded by the beauty of the Black Hills of South Dakota, tell the story of the birth, growth, development and preservation of this country. From the history of the first inhabitants to the diversity of America today, Mount Rushmore brings visitors face to face with the rich heritage we all share. Read More

Photo of Mount Rushmore framed by ponderosa pine trees under a blue sky.
Who Are They?

Learn more about who is carved on Mount Rushmore and why Gutzon Borglum chose them.

Photo of the Black Hills with Black Hills spruce trees in the foreground.
Associated Tribal Nations

Find more information about our relationships with tribal nations who have historical, spiritual, and cultural ties to the Black Hills.

Mount Rushmore viewed through a tunnel on the nearby Iron Mountain Road.
Trip Planning Information

Have questions about visiting Mount Rushmore? Our Plan Your Visit pages are a good place to begin.

A dog sits near its owner in the area between the parking garages.

Pets are only allowed in the parking garages and the areas adjacent to them.

Image of an automatic door button at Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Get information about the accessibility of Mount Rushmore's facilities.

Vehicles entering the Mount Rushmore parking facility.

Find information about the parking facility at Mount Rushmore.

Close up photo of the eyes of Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore.
Special Use and Filming Permits

Learn more about obtaining permits for special uses, filming and photography.

Unmanned Aircraft are prohibited symbol.
Unmanned Aircraft

Launching, landing or operating unmanned or remote controlled aircraft within Mount Rushmore National Memorial is prohibited (36 CFR 1.5)

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

13000 Highway 244
Building 31, Suite 1

Keystone, SD 57751


605 574-2523
Park information. Please leave a voicemail and the park will return your inquiry as soon as possible.

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