Other Cave Tours

Mammoth Cave offers numerous cave tours throughout the year. The selection of tours changes seasonally and with staffing availability. You can read descriptions and learn more about these other cave tours before planning your trip to the park.

Tours listed below may not be available on the date of your visit. Check the current cave tour schedule for a list of tours currently offered.


Accessible Tour

Utilizing the Elevator Entrance, this tour emerges near the famous Snowball Room. Continuing through historic Cleaveland Avenue, this tour passes through areas of the cave highly decorated with historic signatures and sparkling geological formations. This tour is ideal for people who wish to see the cave and are looking for a tour with no stairs.

This is an accessible tour. This tour is designed for persons with a disability, limited physical mobility, or any other reason for a tour with no stairs. If no one in your party needs an accessible tour, please consider selecting another tour unless this is the only tour available at the time of your request. Wheelchairs, scooters and other assistive devices are allowed. Accessible restroom available.  

Participants meet at the visitor center for a caravan in their personal vehicles to drive approximately 2 miles to the Elevator Entrance. Assistive devices will need to be decontaminated upon exiting the cave to limit the spread of White Nose Syndrome.

Please note that no transportation or mobility assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers or canes are available. NPS employees will not transport or assist visitors or visitor equipment. If visitors need assistance with the Park's accessible features, they must bring a companion with them for aid.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 0.5 miles (0.8 km)
Total Stairs: No stairs
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 14
Fees: $27 Adults, $21 Youth, $13.50 Senior Pass Holder, $13.50 Access Pass Holder.


Broadway Tour

Walk a hillside trail down to Mammoth Cave's most famous entrance as you follow the path used during nearly two centuries of touring. Experience the gently lit ambiance of a large trunk passage in the world's longest cave. Discover how Mammoth Cave has intrigued countless visitors since the first human entered its darkness nearly 5,000 years ago. This tour enters and exits through the Historic Entrance, visiting the Rotunda, Broadway Avenue, Methodist Church, the saltpeter mining ruins at Booth's Amphitheatre, Giant's Coffin, and the Tuberculosis Huts along the way.

Includes part of the Self-guided Extended Historic Tour.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 1.75 miles (2.8 km)
Total Stairs: 160
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 30
Fees: $18 Adults, $13 Youth, $9 Senior Pass Holder, $9 Access Pass Holder.


Cleaveland Avenue Tour

For nearly two centuries, Cleaveland Avenue has attracted people from all over the world to see its sparkling walls of gypsum and unique tube-shaped passages. Evidence of early visitors can still be seen on the walls and ceiling as you travel Cleaveland Avenue to the Snowball Room. This tour is ideal for people looking for a unique part of Mammoth Cave and an interest in geology and history. 
This tour enters the cave by descending nearly 231 stairs and exits the cave via an elevator. In the event the elevator is not available due to unforeseen circumstances, the tour extends its time 30 minutes, retraces the route, and ascends the near 231 stairs back out of the cave.

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

Includes all of the Accessible Tour route.

Duration: 2 hours - (2½ hours if the elevator is unavailable)
Distance: 1 miles (1.6 km) - (2 miles (3.2 km) if the elevator is unavailable)
Total Stairs: 231 - (462 if the elevator is unavailable)
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Fees: $30 Adults, $24 Youth, $15 Senior Pass Holder, $15 Access Pass Holder.
Tickets available for each tour time: 34


Discovery Tour (Self-Guided)

Discovery Tour will be offered daily between 10:00 and 2:00 for the month of July. Unlimited First Come First Serve tickets, sold day of tour at the visitor center.

Tickets are required for this tour. This tour is self-paced and available for a range of hours when offered. Tickets will indicate last entry time available. Visitors should begin tour no later than 30 minutes prior to time indicated on ticket.

Many people visiting Mammoth Cave ask, “May we visit the cave without a guided tour?” The answer is yes! This self-guided tour requires a ticket and begins at the Historic Entrance. Focusing on early history and prehistory of the cave, this section of cave houses many great artifacts. This tour is ideal for people wanting to move at their own pace or those looking for a cave experience without much time commitment. This tour is the self-guided version of the guided Mammoth Passage Tour.

Includes part of the Historic Tour and all of the Mammoth Passage Tour routes.

Please Note: Advance tickets are not available.

Duration: 0.5 hours
Distance: 0.75 miles (1.2 km)
Total Stairs: 135
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: Unlimited
Fees: $12 Adults, $9 Youth, $6 Senior Pass Holder, $6 Access Pass Holder.


Domes & Dripstones Tour

This classic tour visits areas of Mammoth Cave that have been used for nearly 100 years. This tour begins in a sinkhole, passes through huge domes, amazing breakdown, and ends in the dripstone section known as Frozen Niagara. Please note that this tour ascends and descends hundreds of stairs and several steep inclines, which can be difficult for many visitors, as there are no alternative routes. Focusing on the natural formation of the cave, this tour is ideal for people interested in science and wanting to see stalactites and stalagmites.

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

This tour includes the entire Frozen Niagara Tour route and a small portion of the Grand Avenue Tour route.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 0.75 miles (1.2 km)
Total Stairs: 640 , including 280 on the initial staircase descent and an optional 96
Difficulty: Difficult
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 110
Fees: $30 Adults, $25 Youth, $15 Senior Pass Holder, $15 Access Pass Holder.


Extended Historic Tour

Enjoy this Historic Tour with a bonus side trip to one of the sites of the famous 1840s Mammoth Cave experiment to treat consumption. This tour is ideal for people who want a Historic Tour and have a little extra time to spend in the cave.

Portions of this tour are also seen on the Violet City Lantern, Star Chamber and Gothic Avenue Tours.

Duration: 2.25 hours
Distance: 2 miles (3.2 km)
Total Stairs: 540, including 155 at Mammoth Dome
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 60
Fees: $27 Adults, $21 Youth, $13.50 Senior Pass Holder, $13.50 Access Pass Holder.


Focus on Frozen Niagara Photo Tour

Want more time in the most photographed area of Mammoth Cave to get that perfect picture? If so, this is the tour for you. This tour is specifically designed to allow picture takers more amounts of time to capture images of this beautifully decorated area than they normally would during the other tours that traverse through this area. This tour occurs after the visitor center closes and no other tours will be utilizing this section of Mammoth Cave during this activity. Tripods are allowed on this activity!

This section of cave is seen in its entirety on the Domes and Dripstones, New Entrance, Introduction to Caving and Wild Cave Tours.

Duration: 1.5 hours
Distance: 0.25 miles (0.4 km)
Total Stairs: 12, plus an optional 98
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 39
Fees: $16 Adults, $12 Youth, $8 Senior Pass Holder, $8 Access Pass Holder.


Frozen Niagara Tour

The naturally decorated Frozen Niagara section remains one of the most famous at Mammoth Cave, and serves as the last stop for a variety of cave tours. While many tours require long hikes and numerous stairs to reach this point, this short tour offers a chance to visit this area. This tour is ideal for anyone with difficulty walking long distances or negotiating stairs.

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

This section of cave is seen in its entirety on the Domes and Dripstones, Grand Avenue, Introduction to Caving and Wild Cave Tours.

Duration: 1.25 hours
Distance: 0.25 miles (0.4 km)
Total Stairs: 64, plus an optional 98
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 34
Fees: $26 Adults, $22 Youth, $13 Senior Pass Holder, $13 Access Pass Holder.


Gothic Avenue Tour

Gothic Avenue was named because of its unusual rock formations resembling Gothic architecture, and was the site of some of the earliest 19th century tourism. Early visitors left behind signatures, artifacts, and monuments in this area of the cave, which also features stalactites and stalagmites. This tour focuses on 1800s tourism and uses of Mammoth Cave, and is ideal for people with a high interest in history.

Portions of this tour are also seen on the Star Chamber, Historic and Violet City Lantern Tours.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 1.7 miles (2.74 km)
Total Stairs: 170
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: Please note: Beginning October 1, 2024, this tour will have an age restriction of 6 years and up. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 40
Fees: $23 Adults, $19 Youth, $11.50 Senior Pass Holder, $11.50 Access Pass Holder.
Tickets: 40


Grand Avenue Tour

At 4 hours long, this lengthy tour explores the geologic diversity of what Mammoth Cave has to offer. Going through slot canyons, tubular passageways, tall canyons, and tunnels sparkled with gypsum. This tour also encounters hundreds of steps and ascends and descends many tall, incredibly steep hills.  Covering a wide variety of the history and geology of Mammoth Cave, this tour is ideal for those wishing for a lengthy, half-day hike inside of the cave. 

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

This tour includes the entire Frozen Niagara Tour route and all of the Domes and Dripstones Tour except for the 280 stairs descending the vertical shafts at the entrance.

Duration: 4 hours
Distance: 4 miles (6.4 km)
Total Stairs: 1521 plus an optional 98
Difficulty: Strenuous
Ages: 6 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 78
Fees: $42 Adults, $34 Youth, $21 Senior Pass Holder, $21 Access Pass Holder.


Grand Historic Tour

Experience the history of Mammoth Cave as never before! This four-hour tour will provide visitors the experience of traveling through the past as they learn about those who first discovered the cave, its first uses, early tourism, and the cave exploration that continues today. Visit some of the cave's most iconic landmarks such as Giant's Coffin, Bottomless Pit, Tuberculosis Huts, River Styx, and Mammoth Dome. It's an adventure thousands of years in the making!

Includes all of the Historic, Extended Historic, Gothic Ave., Star Chamber, River Styx and parts of the Discovery, Mammoth Passage and Violet City Tour routes. Includes a steep outdoor hillside trail to and from the cave’s natural entrance. Lanterns are used during portions of this tour.

Duration: 4 hours
Distance: 4 miles (3.2 km)
Total Stairs: 640, including 155 at Mammoth Dome
Difficulty: Difficult
Ages: 6yrs and up. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Fees: $35 Adults, $27 Youth, $10 Senior Pass Holder, $17.50 Access Pass Holder.
Tickets available for each tour time: 40

Great Onyx Lantern Tour

A beautiful cave in its own right, Great Onyx Cave houses an abundance of beautiful geologic formations that sparkle in the lantern light of this tour. Visitors on this tour can see many stalactites, stalagmites, gypsum crystals, and helictites. This cave was also the site of very important cultural history in the early days of Kentucky cave tourism. This tour is ideal for people with an interest in cave tourism history and unusual rock formations. Please note: this tour is in Great Onyx Cave, which is separate from Mammoth Cave.  

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

Please Note: This cave is toured within Mammoth Cave National Park, but is not known to connect with the Mammoth Cave System.

Duration: 2.25 hours
Distance: 1 miles (1.6 km)
Total Stairs: 82
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: 6 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 38
Fees: $31 Adults, $26 Youth, $15.50 Senior Pass Holder, $15.50 Access Pass Holder.


Historic Tour

This classic Mammoth Cave Tour visits many of the historic areas that originally made Mammoth Cave famous. Going through tunnels that humans have used for thousands of years, this tour not only explores huge rooms that gave Mammoth Cave its name, but also descends to much tighter places deep inside the cave. Please note that this tour ascends and descends hundreds of stairs and several steep inclines, which can be difficult for many visitors, as there are no alternative routes. This tour is ideal for people with an interest in history and a sense of adventure.  

Portions of this tour are also seen on the Violet City Lantern, Star Chamber and Gothic Avenue Tours. It is seen in its entirety on the River Styx Tour.

Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 2 miles (3.2 km)
Total Stairs: 540, including 155 at Mammoth Dome
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 110
Fees: $24 Adults, $18 Youth, $12 Senior Pass Holder, $12 Access Pass Holder.


Introduction to Caving Tour

Offering an off-trail experience. This tour crawls and climbs through hard-to-reach areas for 3.5 hours. Focusing on learning safe caving techniques, this tour explores parts of the cave difficult to access. Please note that due to the tight nature of some of the areas visited, chest and hip measurements must not exceed 42 inches in circumference. Lengthy amounts of time will be spent in tight crawl spaces and difficult climbs, with no alternative routes available. Please note, at 3.5 hours, there are no restroom facilities available on this tour. This tour is ideal for people who wish to perform a wide variety of challenging physical obstacles in a unique environment.  

Lace-up hiking boots that cover the ankle are required. Boots must have good tread. No slick-soled footwear is permitted. No tennis shoes allowed. You will not be allowed to participate in the tour if you are not wearing proper footwear - no exceptions. Please bring an extra pair of tennis shoes or sandals for use during boot cleaning at the end of the tour. Requires at least 2 participants.

In order to minimize the spread of White Nose Syndrome, a bat disease caused by an invasive fungus, Mammoth Cave National Park has instituted strict cleaning procedures for all off-trail crawling tours. All equipment (coveralls, helmets, knee pads and head lamps) are provided by the park. Visitors must provide their own footwear. No personal caving equipment allowed. No exceptions. Shorts and a t-shirt recommended for wear under required coveralls. 

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

All crawling tours must have a printed ticket from ticket office. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your tour to be able to get these printed.

Duration: 3.5 hours
Distance: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Total Stairs: 280+
Difficulty: Strenuous
Ages: 10 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 20
Fees: $49.00 Adults, $42.00 Youth, $24.50 Special Access


Mammoth Passage Tour

This tour is not always offered. Please call the visitor center at 270-758-2180 on the day of your visit to check its availability.

An introductory tour into the Historic Entrance, this section of cave houses many great artifacts left behind by historic and prehistoric people. Staying along broad walkways in some of the largest rooms in Mammoth Cave, this tour is ideal for those who do not like tight spaces, have small children, or anyone looking for a tour with limited steps. This tour is the guided version of the Self-Guided Discovery Tour.

Includes part of the Historic Tour and all of the Discovery Tour routes. Includes a steep outdoor hillside trail to and from the cave’s natural entrance. This tour does not see dripstone formation areas.

Duration: 1.25 hours
Distance: 0.75 miles (1.2 km)
Total Stairs: 135
Difficulty: Easy
Ages: All ages. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 70
Fees: $15 Adults, $13 Youth, $7.50 Senior Pass Holder, $7.50 Access Pass Holder


River Styx Cave Tour

Following along the Historic Tour Route, this tour focuses on the unique geologic and natural history of Mammoth Cave. Including a brief side trip to the underground water level, this tour takes an in-depth look at the millions of years of formation of Mammoth Cave. This tour is ideal for visitors with a high interest in geology. 

Please use extra caution when visiting the river level. To access this section of the cave the tour leaves modern tour trail to uneven terrain that may be wet, muddy, and/or slick. The tour route travels next to bodies of water, some of which can be very deep depending on river levels. Viewing of this area will also be conducted with electric lanterns and not the modern lighting system on the rest of the route.

This tour covers the entire Historic Tour route. Limited sections of the Star Chamber, Violet City Lantern and Mammoth Passage are also seen.

Duration: 2.5 hours
Distance: 2.5 miles (4 km)
Total Stairs: Approximately 600, including 155 at Mammoth Dome.
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: 6 year and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 40
Fees: $26 Adults, $20 Youth, $13 Senior Pass Holder, $13 Access Pass Holder.


Star Chamber Lantern Tour

An evening tour in Mammoth Cave by lantern light, this tour winds its way to historic Star Chamber. Described as more of an experience tour than a sightseeing tour, the Star Chamber Tour explores historic sections of the cave in the lighting of the earliest explorers, emerging from the cave in late evening. Focusing on early history of Mammoth Cave, this tour includes a trip into Gothic Avenue. This tour is ideal for visitors wanting a unique way to experience the cave and its history.

Portions of this tour are also seen on the Historic, River Styx and Gothic Avenue Tours. Only visitors age 16 and over may carry lanterns. To preserve the nostalgic atmosphere of the activity, there is no flashlight use permitted on this tour.

Duration: 2.5 hours
Distance: 2 miles (3.2 km)
Total Stairs: 170
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: 6 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 40
Fees: $30 Adults, $25 Youth, $15 Senior Pass Holder, $15 Access Pass Holder.


Trog Tour

An exciting off-trail crawling adventure for kids aged 8-12! This tour features a one-of-a kind way to experience the cave up-close-and-personal. Entering in the Historic Entrance, this tour leaves the main trail to a network of tight crawlways with amazing historic artifacts. Climbing over boulders, sliding down smooth rocks, and belly-crawling through tight tunnels, this tour is ideal for any child looking for a more adventurous trip inside of Mammoth Cave.  

Parents, guardians and/or chaperones must attend the first and last 30 minutes of the tour to assist children in "suiting up" at the tour's beginning and assist with White Nose Syndrome shoe cleaning protocol at the end of the tour. Sturdy, athletic style, closed toe shoes required. Please bring extra pair of tennis shoes or sandals for use during shoe cleaning at the end of the tour. The tour meets at the hotel dorms near the tennis courts. It is recommended that tickets are picked up 30 minutes before tour departure. Due to the amount of time required to assist at the beginning and end of the tour, adults do not have time to take a concurrent guided cave tour or Self Guided. Parent or guardian must be reachable for the entire Trog tour duration in case of emergency. Requires at least 2 participants.

In order to minimize the spread of White Nose Syndrome, a bat disease caused by an invasive fungus, Mammoth Cave National Park has instituted strict cleaning procedures for all off-trail crawling tours. All equipment (coveralls, helmets, knee pads and head lamps) are provided by the park. Visitors must provide their own footwear. No personal caving equipment allowed. No exceptions. Shorts and a t-shirt recommended for wear under required coveralls. 

All crawling tours must have a printed ticket from ticket office. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your tour to be able to get these printed.

Duration: 2.75 hours
Distance: 1.5 miles (2.4 km)
Total Stairs: 200
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: 8 to 12 years.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 12
Fees: $25 Youth, $12.50 Access Pass Holder.


Violet City Lantern Tour

A truly historic way to experience Mammoth Cave, this tour travels exclusively by lantern light. At three hours long, this tour winds through the history and prehistory of Mammoth Cave as you wander through huge, broad tunnels. This tour climbs and descends many incredibly steep hills on historic dirt trails as you experience the cave in the light of the earliest explorers. This tour is ideal for visitors who like to hike and are wanting a unique way to experience the cave.  

This tour requires a short bus ride back to the visitor center from the cave exit.

Portions of this tour are also seen on the Historic, River Styx and Mammoth Passage Tours. Only visitors age 16 and over may carry lanterns. Be prepared, the rugged nature of this tour possesses steep hills, low lighting, uneven terrain and no handrail or electric lighting infrastructure. To preserve the nostalgic nature of this tour, the use of flashlights is prohibited.

Duration: 3 hours
Distance: 3 miles (4.8 km)
Total Stairs: 200 and numerous hills with no handrails.
Difficulty: Difficult
Ages: 6 years and older. Youth under the age of 16 years, must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 38
Fees: $32 Adults, $27 Youth, $16 Senior Pass Holder, $16 Access Pass Holder.

Hiking boot showing ankle height.

Wild Cave Tour

Wild Cave and Introduction to Caving Requirements.

For safety purposes, boot tread MUST be a minimum of 1/4 inch in depth. And boot height MUST cover the ankle bone completely. If not, YOU WILL NOT be able to participate.

The most extreme tour offered at Mammoth Cave, this crawling tour is an all-day adventure underground. Focusing on a wide variety of topics such as the history of Mammoth Cave exploration, this tour is very physically demanding. Lengthy amounts of time will be spent crawling through extremely tight crawl spaces and climbing through difficult areas. This tour is ideal for people who wish to spend the entire day performing a wide variety of extremely challenging physical obstacles in a unique environment. 

An adult must accompany visitors under age 18. Organized youth groups must have at least two adult representatives accompanying minor children. Chest or hip measurement must not exceed 42 inches; if you are larger you may not physically pass through the crawlspaces.

Sturdy, lace-up hiking boots that cover the ankle are required. Boots with zippers will not be admitted on the tour. Boots must have good aggressive tread. No slick-soled footwear is permitted. No tennis shoes allowed. You will not be allowed to participate in the tour if you are not wearing proper footwear - no exceptions. Please bring an extra pair of tennis shoes or sandals for use during boot cleaning at the end of the tour. There will be no food service in the Snowball Room. Visitors will need to bring their own lunch or snacks. A small fannypack is provided. Requires at least 2 participants.

There will be no refund for showing up at the park with the wrong requirements.

In order to minimize the spread of White Nose Syndrome, a bat disease caused by an invasive fungus, Mammoth Cave National Park has instituted strict cleaning procedures for all off-trail crawling tours. All equipment (coveralls, helmets, knee pads and head lamps) are provided by the park. Visitors must provide their own footwear. No personal caving equipment allowed. No exceptions. Shorts and a t-shirt recommended for wear under required coveralls. 

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

All crawling tours must have a printed ticket from ticket office. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your tour to be able to get these printed.

Duration: 6 hours
Distance: 5 miles (8 km)
Total Stairs: Approximately 500
Difficulty: Strenuous
Ages: 16 years and older.
Restrooms: Yes
Tickets available for each tour time: 14
Fees: $79 Adults, N/A Youth, $39.5 Senior Pass Holder, $39.50 Access Pass Holder


Wondering Woods Tour

This tour is not currently available.

Take a leisurely bus ride with a ranger across the park landscape and learn about the communities and people that were once here. After a short bus ride, enjoy a hike in the Tranquil Valley of Wondering Woods. At the end of the hike, a short cave tour awaits you where you'll be surrounded by beautiful cave formation!

This tour requires a short bus ride to and from the visitor center to the cave entrance.

Please Note: This cave is toured within Mammoth Cave National Park, but is not known to connect with the Mammoth Cave System.

Duration: 1.5 hours
Distance: 1 miles (1.6 km)
Total Stairs: 194 includes 54 being optional
Difficulty: Moderate
Ages: All Ages
Restrooms: No
Tickets available for each tour time: 30
Fees: $26 Adults, $22 Youth, $13 Senior Pass Holder, $13 Access Pass Holder.

Last updated: August 30, 2024

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P.O. Box 7
Mammoth Cave, KY 42259-0007


270 758-2180

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