Located at Yavapai PointVillage Loop Road between the Visitor Center and Market Plaza The Museum Features:
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Perched right on the very edge of the canyon rim at Yavapai Point, Yavapai Geology Museum offers one of the best vantage points for an overview of Grand Canyon geology. Annotated displays at the base of the panoramic windows show you where to look to see each group of rocks. You can walk between rock column models of the North and South Rims, learn the names of the various rock layers, discover information about the geologic history recorded in the rocks, and visualize the carving of the modern landscape. Museum Features & HistoryOn May 24, 2007, the National Park Service re-dedicated the historic Yavapai Observation Station — originally called the Yavapai Point Trailside Museum — on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Museum ExhibitsExplain the deposition of the rock layers, the uplift of the Colorado Plateau, and the carving of the Grand Canyon. Displays include:
and interpretive panels which allow visitors to see and understand the complicated geologic story of the area. Large Topographic Relief Mapin the front room of the Yavapai Observation Station mimics the canyon view in remarkable detail. The Original Structurewhich was first dedicated in July 1928, was designed by architect Herbert C. Maier. West Facing Exposure of Yavapai Museum. Shows talus and cliff below. Canyon beyond. June 17, 1929. Naturalist Edwin McKee shows the Canyon to visitors from the parapet of Yavapai Observation Station. Circa 1930. Ranger naturalist Ralph Reburn shows Yavapai Museum visitors the geological column. September 1932.
1931 photo of park staff planting Steven Mather Memorial Tree at Yavapai Observation Station. From left to right: 1.) Woman not identified, 2.) Mrs. Edwin McKee, 3.) James Brooks, Chief Ranger, 4.) Ranger not identified, 5.) Edwin McKee, Park Naturalist, holding shovel, 6.) Donald McHenry, Jr. Naturalist, 7.) Polly Mead-Patraw, Naturalist, 8.) Carl Lehnert, Ranger, 9.) Art Brown, Ranger, 10.) Clark Carrol, Engineer, standing, 11.) Preston Patraw, Assistant Superintendent. Additional Visitor Contact Locations |