News Release
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Contact: Christy Fleming, 307-548-5406
To celebrate National Park Week and Junior Ranger day, Bighorn Canyon will be hosting a National Park Day on April 20, 2019. Special Junior Ranger booklets have been developed for the day. Junior Rangers of all ages will be asked to visit several stations throughout the park. The stations will run from 10 AM to 2 PM and have a variety of activities ranging from fishing, to geology, to art. At each station, participants will complete an activity, get a stamp in their booklet, and move to the next station. After visiting each station, the Junior Rangers will return to the Bighorn Canyon Visitor Center for their National Park Week Junior Ranger badge.
Bighorn Canyon would like to thank our partners, Sunlight Sports, Wyoming Trout Guides, the Big Horn Basin Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited, and Volunteers. These programs are not as fun without all of them.
Other activities scheduled that week include the Arbor Day Celebration, April 24, at Constitution Park from 1-2 PM and the Kane Cemetery Clean-up day, April 27, from 9 -12, Volunteers are welcome.
Last updated: April 11, 2019