News Release
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Contact: Christy Fleming, 307-548-5402
As temperatures continue to drop, the Bighorn Canyon staff continues to close facilities for the winter.Horseshoe Bend Marina is closed. Utilities, including the fish cleaning station, RV dump station, and campground restroom facilities have been winterized. The campground will be closed on October 1st to complete the Horseshoe Bend utility upgrade project. This project will add ten new utility sites, five per loop. Once completed the campground will reopen for the public. Campground fees will be discontinued for the winter. The courtesy dock will remain in the water until the lake begins to freeze or the lake drops below launch levels. The restroom near the marina remains open year-round.
The courtesy dock at Barry’s Landing will remain in the water until the lake begins to freeze. Campground fees at the Trail Creek Campground at Barry’s Landing were discontinued on October 1st.
Most lake facilities have been removed from the lake. The Devil Canyon floating restroom will remain in the water until mid-October.
The Ok-A-Beh Marina is closed for the winter. The Ok-A-Beh courtesy dock remains in the water.
The Afterbay and Grapevine Creek campgrounds near Fort Smith, Montana remain open year round and will be collecting fees. The RV dump station is closed.
The Yellowtail Dam Visitor Center near Fort Smith, Montana, is closed for the winter. The Bighorn Canyon Visitor Center near Lovell, Wyoming will continue outdoor visitor center hours 9 AM to 4 PM Wednesday through Saturday through October 10th. Starting October 13th, the Visitor Center will open to the public with fall hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and closed on Sunday and Monday.
Come and experience the season at Bighorn Canyon. All trails and historic sites are open year-round. For more information or help planning your trip, please call the Visitor Center at 307-548-5406.
Last updated: October 1, 2020