News Release

August Programs at Bighorn Canyon

Several visitors are spread out listening to volunteer Greg discuss geology with the canyon overlook view in the background.
Volunteer Greg's geology talk at Devil Canyon Overlook.

NPS, Jen Prentiss

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News Release Date: July 28, 2021

Contact: Chirsty Fleming, 307-548-5406

The following programs can be enjoyed on the South District of the park near Lovell, Wyoming:

Trail Exploration - Come and explore the trails of Bighorn Canyon with a park ranger or volunteer. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Hiking boots or good shoes are a must.

August 12 – Meet Volunteer Greg at the Devil Canyon overlook at 6 PM for a 360 degree look at theGeology of Bighorn Canyon. Have you ever wondered how Bighorn Canyon was formed or what thestories behind different rock formations are? You will learn all about the area’s fascinating geologichistory on this short walk with Volunteer Greg.

August 19 – Join Volunteer geologist Greg Jones at the State Line Trail at 6 PM to take a walk throughtime. Participants will learn what the rocks tell us about the geological history of the canyon.

August 26 – Ranger Logan will guide a hike along Mouth of the Canyon Trail at 9 AM, where hikers canlearn more about the role of water in the Bighorn Canyon.

August 27 – Join Ranger Emma at the Sullivan’s Knob trailhead at 8:30 PM as she explores the Japaneseart of Forest Bathing, but in the desert landscape of Bighorn Canyon. Forest bathing is a natural stressreducer, which involves moving through a landscape at a slow pace and using all the senses to fullyexperience the healing powers of nature. While you move slowly through Bighorn Canyon NRA, whatwill you see, smell, touch, and hear that you might usually miss? Come with an open mind, and a silenced phone. Although we don’t plan on using one, bringing a flashlight is encouraged, just in case!

August 28 – Meet Ranger Maddy and Volunteer Greg at 6 PM at Barry’s Landing to learn about thegeology of the landscape. Take a stroll down Barry’s Island trail and learn about the history of thecanyon’s walls.

Ranch Tours - There are four historic ranches at Bighorn Canyon. Each has their own unique story. Come and learnmore about those stories from our rangers and volunteers.

August 7 – Ranger Emma will be at the Lockhart Ranch at 10 AM to take visitors back in time to whenthe outspoken and pioneering cattle rancher and writer Caroline Lockhart inhabited the space. Take awalk through the ranch, and try to imagine a time when the rough landscape was home to equally roughand tough people.

August 13 – Haunted or not? You decide. Join Ranger Jen for a tour of Hillsboro Dude Ranch at 8:30PM at the Hillsboro parking lot. This tour will be approximately 3 miles of walking so bring your waterand your headlamp for this spooky late-night tour.

August 19 – Volunteers Lynn Richardson and Mike Bridgeman in partnership with the Powell ValleyCommunity Education will be giving a tour of the Lockhart Ranch. The tour leaves from Powell at 8:30AM. Please contact PVCE to register for the tour. They will be at the ranch from 10 AM - 2 PM toeducate walk-up visitors as well.

August 28 – Where in the park did crystal chandeliers, mahogany furniture, and wallpaper belong? Come find out! Meet Ranger Jen at the Hillsboro parking lot at 10 AM for a tour of Hillsboro Dude Ranch,where the East Coast wealthy came to enjoy the great outdoors and run the whitewater rapids of the Bighorn River.

Campground Programs - 
August 6 – Wildlife 340 million years old: What kind of plants and animals lived in the warm sea thatformed the limestone seen in the canyon’s walls? Volunteer Greg will answer this question at theHorseshoe Bend amphitheater at 7 PM.

August 20 – There has been a (fictional) murder at the Lockhart Ranch… Can you catch the culprit? JoinRanger Emma for an interactive Murder Mystery game at the Horseshoe Bend amphitheater at 7PM.Visitors will get the chance to take on the role of someone from the past, and learn about who livedaround Bighorn Canyon before it became a protected National Park. Join us for a fun night of blending both fact and fiction.

The following programs can be enjoyed on the North District of the park near Fort Smith, Montana:

Trail Exploration - Come and explore the trails of Bighorn Canyon with a park ranger. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen.Hiking boots or good shoes are a must.

August 1 – Meet Ranger Jonathan at the 3 Mile Access Trailhead at 9 AM. This trail meanders along theBighorn River and provides an opportunity to observe many different species of birds. Ranger Jonathanwill be guiding the 2-mile round trip walk and helping with identification.

August 19 – Looking for a nice place to take a walk? Join Ranger Lauren on a short hike at the ThreeMile fishing access. There are many stories to tell about the Bighorn Valley and its natural and culturalhistory. What better place to share them than along the banks of the Bighorn River? Bring your hikingshoes and water for this natural and cultural history walk at 9:30 AM.

August 27 – Meet Ranger Jonathan at the Beaver Pond Trailhead at 9 AM. This trail explores anarea of historic and current beaver use and has created amazing bird watching opportunities. RangerJonathan will be guiding the 1-mile round trip walk and helping with identification.

Campground Programs
August 7 – Humans have been living and hunting in the Bighorn Canyon for over 10,000 years! RangerJonathan will be presenting a program and demonstration about a prehistoric hunting tool that predatesthe bow and arrow. Visitors will also have a chance to try their skills at throwing a spear with the atlatl.The program will be at 10am, at the top of MK Hill.

August 8, 14, and 21 – Bighorn Canyon has great starry nights. Join Ranger Jonathan in a search forJupiter and Saturn. There will be a park provided telescope, but participants are encouraged to bring their telescopes and if they don’t have one, their binoculars. Star gazing will begin at 9:00 PM at the top of MK hill.

August 13 & 28 – Bears, here? Bighorn Canyon is host to more wildlife than you think, including blackbears. Join Ranger Lauren as she shares how to be safe while venturing out in bear country and tales ofher own bear encounters. Join her at the Ok-A-Beh Marina parking lot at 10:00 AM.

August 13 – Join Ranger Ellie for some morning coffee and a fire safety talk at 9:30 AM at the AfterbayCampground amphitheater.* Be on the lookout for Interpretive Park Rangers visiting boat-in only campgrounds in the Canyon. Theywill be coming out to talk about important topics such as Leave No Trace, Bears, Fire Safety, and just to say hello!

Partnering with others for Special Events

August 14 – Cowboy culture is a big part of Bighorn Canyon’s history. On August 14 from 11 to 7 Bighorn Canyon will be hosting a Cowboy Campout at the Ewing/Snell Ranch. Partners, volunteers, and park staff will be presenting programs throughout the day highlighting cowboy culture. The Shoshone National Forest Specialty Pack String team will present packing demonstrations. There will be cowboy art, poetry, and music. A schedule of events will be posted on the park’s social media pages. 

August 26 – Meet at the Billings Zoo at 11 AM and learn about the Raptors (and the Rangers) that live inBighorn Canyon NRA. During this program you will see some of the real birds of prey that live inSoutheastern Montana. Do you want to become a Park Ranger when you grow up? Already grown up? No problem. Ranger Ellie will answer questions you might have about how to make it happen.

Bighorn Canyon hopes you can join us for one or more of these programs. If you have questions aboutthe programs on the South District near Lovell, WY call the Bighorn Canyon Visitor Center at 307-548-5406. For more information about the programs on the North District near Fort Smith, MT, call theYellowtail Dam Visitor Center at 406-666-9961.


Last updated: July 29, 2021

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area South District Visitor Center
20 US Hwy 14A

Lovell, WY 82431


307 548-5406
(307) 548-5406 is the South District in Lovell, WY. (406) 666-9961 is the North District in Fort Smith, MT.

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