News Release

First Look: Proposed Chisos Mountains Lodge Replacement

Chisos Mountains Lodge
Major infrastructure improvements coming soon.

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News Release Date: April 18, 2022

Contact: Tom VandenBerg, 432-477-1107

BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK, TEXAS – To celebrate National Park Week, Big Bend National Park staff invite you to participate in a special virtual presentation on Thursday, April 21 at 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Central Time. Please join Big Bend National Park Superintendent Bob Krumenaker, and Debbie Cooper, principal from Architectural Resources Group, for a special “first look” presentation on the current status and future of the Chisos Mountains Lodge.

Virtual Presentation April 21, 6:30-8:00 PM Central 
Presentation has concluded.
Recording of the Presentation Now Available 

This virtual Zoom presentation will discuss the challenges of the current facility, rationale for replacement versus rehabilitation, and reveal for the first time a variety of site plans, floorplans, and artist renderings of the proposed replacement for the Chisos Mountains Lodge main building. Live captioning and sign language interpretation will be available.

Constructed in 1964, the main Chisos Mountains Lodge building is an important part of the park’s history and visitor infrastructure. Over many years, instability of the soils beneath the building has led to significant damage to the foundation, walls, and building systems. In addition, burgeoning Big Bend visitation has also surpassed the kitchen and dining service capabilities of the facility.  In 2019, park staff began the process to evaluate solutions for a lodge facility to serve the next generation of Big Bend visitors.

"The services provided at the Lodge are a focal point of most peoples' experience when they visit Big Bend National Park,” said Park Superintendent Bob Krumenaker. “Unfortunately, the main building is in poor condition and no longer sustainable. People who love Big Bend deserve better -- a well-built facility that fits the landscape, meeting high standards for energy and water and operational efficiency, and able to serve the increasing numbers of visitors. We're excited to share a look behind the curtain and the ideas we are working on for a much brighter future for the Chisos Basin."

This presentation also serves to notify the public of proposed changes to Lodge facilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The National Park Service invites written comments on the Chisos Lodge replacement project. Please submit comments after the presentation date via electronic mail to: Please note that to be considered, your comments must be received by May 21, 2022.

National Park Week is an annual presidentially proclaimed celebration to encourage people to discover and enjoy the places, programs, experiences, and stories of our national parks. Parks across the country will host a variety of special programs, events, and digital experiences. Entrance fees are waived on April 16 to kick off National Park Week and encourage everyone to enjoy their national parks. The first National Park Week occurred in 1991 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NPS and it has been an annual event ever since. 

Last updated: April 27, 2022

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