Nearby Attractions


Nearby National Parks

The Colorado Plateau is home to many national parks and other public lands. You can reach these national park sites within about three hours' drive from Arches National Park. Find some other places to explore during your vacation.


Other Public Lands

US Forest Service

Manti-La Sal National Forest

Bureau of Land Management

Bureau of Land Management - Utah

Utah State Parks

Dead Horse Point State Park
Goblin Valley State Park


Local Partners and Information Resources

Canyonlands Natural History Association (CNHA)
CNHA operates the bookstores in National Park Service visitor centers throughout southeast Utah. Many area maps and guidebooks may be purchased on their website.

Moab Area Travel Council
The Moab area Travel Council website provides visitor information for the town of Moab, with a list of attractions and visitor services in the area.

San Juan County Travel Council
The San Juan County Travel Council website provides visitor information for much of southeast Utah, including the towns of Blanding, Bluff, Mexican Hat and Monticello.

Utah Travel Council
The Utah Travel Council website provides visitor information for the State of Utah, including attractions, camping, lodging, restaurants, shopping and much more.


Last updated: December 16, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 907
Moab, UT 84532


435 719-2299

Contact Us