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Event ID: 9265 Book: Pitiquito-M Page Number: 93
Event: Marriage Event Date: 05/15/1779 Event Place: Pitiquito
Juan con Micaela, Nijoras, Segundas Nupcias
En este pueblo de San Diego del Pitiqui en quince días del mes de mayo del año del Señor de mil setecientos setenta y nueve, habiendo precedido las tres amonestaciones que dispone el Santo Concilio Tridentino en tres días festivos continuos; la primera la Dominica cuarta después de Resurrección; la segunda la quinta Dominica, y la tercera el día de la Asención del Señor, y no habiendo resultado impedimento alguno, Yo, Fray José Moreno, Predicador Apostolico de la regular observacion de Nuestro Padre San Francisco, Ministro por Su Majestad de dicho pueblo pregunté a Juan, Indio Nijora soltero, hijo de padres gentiles, residente desde pequeño en este pueblo, y a Macaela, India Nijora soltera, hija de padres gentiles, residente desde chiquita en este pueblo, y habido su mutuo consentimiento por palabras de presente, que hacen verdadero y legítimo los junté solemnemente en matrimonio. Fueron testigos presentes y conocidos Manuel Lactondis, Antonio Quiburi Chuvurs, Juan Antonio Aricatam, y todo el pueblo. Recibieron el mismo día las bendiciones nupciales. Para que conste lo firmo dicho dia ut supra.
Fray José Moreno, Ministro por su Majestad (rúbrica)

Juan and Micaela, Nijoras, second marriage
In this village of San Diego del Pitiqui on the 15th day of may in the year of the Lord 1779, the three banns mandated by the Holy Council of Trent having preceded on three consecutive feast days; the first on the fourth Sunday after the resurrection; the second on the fifth Sunday; and the third on the day of the ascension of the Lord, with no impediment having resulted, I, Friar José Moreno, Apostolic Preacher of the Regular Order of Our Father San Francisco, Minister for His Majesty in the said village, asked Juan, a single Nijora Indian, son of gentile parents and a resident of this village since he was a small child, and Micaela, a single Nijora Indian, daughter of gentile parents and also a resident of this village since she was a little girl, for their mutual consent, which was received by true and legitimate oath and I solemnly joined them in marriage. Present and well-known witnesses were Manuel Lactondis, Antonio Quiburi Chuvurs, Juan Antonio Aricatam, and all of the village. They received their nuptial blessing the same day, in certification of which I sign on the same day as above.
Friar José Moreno, Minister for His Majesty (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 4813 Given Name: José Matias Surname: Moreno Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 11232 Given Name: Juan Surname: Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 23954 Given Name: Juan Antonio Surname: Aricatam Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24336 Given Name: Micaela Surname: Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 25923 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Quiburi Chuvurs Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 25924 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Lactondis, (Lactonori) Relationship: Witness
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